Implement Automated Issue Inactivity Follow-ups and Closure in Jira Service Management Cloud

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This article will explain two approaches on how to build an automation rule to set three stages of reminders for inactive issues which are stuck in a particular status for a certain number of days.


Approach 1:  Using Automation schedule trigger

  • Select all the issues in a particular status that you want to process for inactivity reminders. 

  • The first condition will pick up the issues that are due for the first reminder and have been inactive for three days in that particular status.

  • The second Block will pick up the issues that have been inactive for three days since the first reminder.
{{#=}}{{now.diff(issue.first reminder date).businessDays.abs.gte(3)}}{{/}}

  • The third Block will pick up the issues that have been inactive and in the same status since three days after the second reminder.
{{#=}}{{now.diff(issue.second reminder date).businessDays.abs.gte(3)}}{{/}}


  • First reminder date and Second reminder date are date-type custom fields that need to be created and added to the project's relevant screens.
  • First reminder flag is a custom field of type single select dropdown that needs to be created with two values Yes and No. Set the default value to No.

Approach 2: Using Automation and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

You can create SLAs that start when an issue is moved to the specified status and breach after the specified number of days when you want to perform the follow-up or auto-closure.

In the below example, we describe how to create an automation rule to auto-close the ticket after three days when the agent/user changes the status to Resolved and doesn't get a reply from the customer.

Step I: Create an SLA that starts when the status is set to Resolved and breaches after three days

  1. Go to Project settings > SLAs.
  2. Click on Add SLA and in the field next to the clock icon, enter a new name for the SLA "Waiting for closure."
  3. Scroll down to the Conditions section. Under Start counting time when, choose a condition/statuses on which SLA needs to start: Entered status: Resolved or Resolution: Set

  4. Under Finish counting time when, choose the condition/statuses on which you want to stop the SLA: Entered status: Waiting for support, Closed 
  5. Under Time Goal, set the goal as the required amount of time in hours/min when you want the auto-closure to be done; say for three days, specify 72h. 
  6. Select the Calendar: 24/7 calendar or 9-5 Weekday calendar
    •  Use 24h(3-days) in Time Goal if the 9-5 weekday calendar is selected
    • Create a custom calendar to pause the SLA on weekends and holidays. 
  7. Add Issues to display (in JQL) to filter the tickets
  8. Click Save to save the SLA configuration. It will look something as below:

This SLA clock will start when the ticket is moved to Resolved status as shown below:

Step II: Create an Automation rule to auto-close this ticket when the SLA breaches

  1. Go to Project settings > Automation > Create Rule.
  2. Select the trigger as "SLA threshold breached" and choose the SLA "Waiting for closure"(created in Step I). The option breached should be selected by default under "Trigger when SLA has".
  3. Select Action as Comment on issue and change the visibility to Share with customer. You can use smart values to access issue data like reporter information in the comment.
  4. Select Action as transition issue to Closed status
  5. Publish the rule.

Notes : 

  • If you would like to send reminders before auto-closure, you can create separate SLA and automation rules similar to as described above.
  • Using this approach, you can add Holiday dates in calendar to send notifications only on business days.

Last modified on Nov 26, 2024

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