Invalid state errors when editing/viewing issues in Jira server

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The JIRA application fails to save or display edited issues, and the following error is logged in logs:

com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertyImplementationException: SQL Exception while executing the following:
SELECT ID, ENTITY_NAME, ENTITY_ID, PROPERTY_KEY, propertytype FROM Jira_schema.propertyentry WHERE ENTITY_NAME=? AND ENTITY_ID=? AND PROPERTY_KEY, propertytype FROM Jira_schema.propertyentry
WHERE ENTITY_NAME=? AND ENTITY_ID=? AND PROPERTY_KEY=? (Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.)


The problem is caused due to database connections being closed. Generally, this happens when:

  • The server times out the connections due to inactivity
  • The database server is restarted.

Corrupted database tables can cause this as well.


Enable connection checking by adding a validation query which the JIRA application will use when communicating with its database. For more details on how to set the validation query, see:

Last modified on Sep 25, 2019

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