Jira Automation to add linked issues' reporter and request participants to a ticket
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
The article helps us achieve the below mentioned use case:
For service project A, we have Issue A, which is linked with issues X and Y. We aim to gather the reporter and the request participants of the linked issues of X and Y and add them to issue A.
The workaround provided can be used when multiple linked issues are linked to a main issue, request participants, and reporters of the linked cases are aimed at being added to the main issue as request participants.
Please check the article below to create an automation rule in the Jira cloud,
For this automation rule, we will need the following action components.
Branch components
Lookup Issues
Create Variable
Edit Issue
Transition Issue
The structure of the automation rule will be as follows.
Trigger component : “Issue Transitioned“.
Create Variable:
Variable Name: ParentKey
Smart Value:
Add Re-fetch issue data
Branch rule / related issues
Type of related issues: Linked issues
Link types: All link types (This can be specified)
Add comment to the issue
Message that wants to be given to the child issue users.
Check “Prevent duplicates by only adding this comment once to a particular issue.“ to prevent duplicate comments.
Comment visibility: Share with the customer
- Transition Issue: Whichever status the child wants to be taken into should be selected.
Another branch component will be added
Branch rule / related issues
Type of related issues: Current issue
Lookup Issues: JQL
project = <your_project_name> AND issue in linkedIssues("{{issue.key}}")
Create Variable:
Variable name: XYZ (can be selected different name)
Smart value: {{lookupIssues.Request participants}}
What does it do: Gathering the request participants from the Lookup issues component
Create Variable:
Variable name: XYZA
Smart value: {{XYZ.split(",").distinct}}
What does it do: Splits the duplicate users from the taken list.
Create Variable:
Variable name: accountIdList
Smart value: {{XYZA.replace("[","").replace("]","").split(",").asJsonStringArray}}
What does it do: Formatting the list as a string array to use it on the edit fields component.
Create Variable:
Variable name: emptyList
Smart value: {{accountIdList.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace(" ","")}}
What does it do: Taking the account id information and re-formats for the null check.
Create Variable:
Variable name: FinalList
Smart value: {{emptyList.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace(" ","").remove("\"\",").remove(",\"\"")}}
What does it do: Removes the empty indexes from the taken list.
Edit Issue:
Advanced fields options should be used with the following
{"update": { "Request participants": [ {{#FinalList.split(",")}}{"add": {"id": {{.}}}}{{^last}},{{/}}{{/}} , {{#lookupIssues.reporter}}{"add": {"id": "{{accountId}}"}}{{^last}},{{/}}{{/}} ] } }
The outcome of the above automation rule will be gathering the request participants and reporter information from the linked tickets and adding it to the main ticket. Meanwhile, it will update the child tickets with a comment and transition them to a defined status.
Please see the automation rule for quick build up in the following.
Any further questions, please contact Atlassian Cloud support here.
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