XML backup import fails with GenericEntityException in Jira Data Center

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When importing a JIRA XML backup to a JIRA instance with PostgreSQL in the backend, a GenericEntityException is thrown.  This is caused by the following SQL exception:

Error importing data: java.lang.Exception: com.atlassian.jira.exception.DataAccessException: org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:Action][id,31274][body...
SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.jiraaction (ID, issueid, AUTHOR, actiontype, actionlevel, rolelevel, actionbody, CREATED, UPDATEAUTHOR, UPDATED, actionnum) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00)


The import process to PostgreSQL is trying to interpret plain-text comments as UTF-8 characters and will end up with the above errors because of the NULL values in the data.

If you are importing the backup from or to a different database, please refer to Switching databases.


The best way to confirm this is to unzip the JIRA XML backup and examine the entities.xml file by one of two ways:

  • Using vim:
    1. vim -b entities.xml
    2. type :sy off to turn off colouring of output.
    3. type /^Vx00 to search for the NULL character.
      ^V means Control + V, which tells vim you're about to type something you want it to interpret literally. x00 is the character sequence for the NULL character.
  • The other way you can find the NULL is with grep
grep -nE '\x00' entities.xml | cat -v

Once you find and confirm there are NULLl values in the *entities.xml* file you can run the below command to fix it:

perl -pi -e 's/\x00//g' entities.xml

This strips the NULL character from the data. Once the file is fixed, re-archive it to it's original zip file and import it into JIRA which should work fine.

Resolution 2

After unzip the JIRA XML backup, you can use the Atlassian XML Cleaner

  1. Download atlassian-xml-cleaner-0.1.jar from this document.
  2. Open a command prompt and locate the XML or ZIP backup file on your computer, ensuring that it is extracted if it's within a ZIP file. In this example, we will use entities.xml.
  3. Run the application with the below:

    $ java -jar atlassian-xml-cleaner-0.1.jar entities.xml > entities-clean.xml

    This will create a copy of entities.xml as entities-clean.xml with the invalid characters removed. 

  4. Copy the entities-clean.xml and activeobjects.xml files into another directory, rename it back to entities.xml and create a new ZIP file to be imported.
  5. Import the new ZIP file, ensuring that it contains both XML files.

Last modified on Mar 26, 2024

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