Opening a ticket URL shows a different board in the Planning section unlike the relevant board

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



When a user opens a ticket URL, there is confusion among users that it is supposed to open under the relevant board, but it does not show the correct board. The users report that the relevant board of the issues doesn’t get refreshed when we choose the other board available in the project and open the link of the issue.


Jira Cloud.


Steps to reproduce:

  • Create two boards in a single Jira project.
  • Create filter queries to display issues to their respective projects.
  • Open an issue from board A
  • Switch the board to B
  • Browse issue previously opened issue by copying the ticket URL and searching it in a new browser tab ( which belong to Board A)
  • The board of the issue doesn’t get refreshed; instead, it shows board B.

Refer to the screen recording:


As per the Dev team, this is an expected behavior because of the following reasons: 

  • Boards can show issues from multiple projects but issues will belong to a Project and not to a board. 
  • So when the user opens an issue, they are now in the 'issue view' of the issue and no longer on the board.
  • Also, the planning menu will show the latest board the user has used so one can quickly get back to the board view, but they are not on that board while in issue view.
  • When you copy the link from the issue view, that will be a link to the issue in the issue view (not on a board) and the issue will be associated with a project and not the board.
  • The project will always default to the board that the project sets as its 'location' so the suggested board in the planning menu becomes the default board from the respective project and not the board the issue was opened from before the issue link was copied. 

Last modified on Apr 28, 2024

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