Optimizing Jira Incoming Email Comments: How to Truncate Older Messages and Add Only New Email Content
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
When users send emails to Jira Cloud to be added as comments on issues, the entire email thread, including previous conversations, is often included. This results in lengthy comments with redundant information. Typically, users require only the new message from the email to be added as a comment.
Jira Cloud
The default behavior of Jira Cloud's incoming email handler often results in the entire email thread being added as a comment, leading to lengthy comments filled with redundant information.
The incoming email handler is processing all text due to its basic configuration.
Log in to Incoming Email Settings:
Access your Jira Cloud admin panel.
Navigate to "System" > "Incoming Mail."
Add a New Incoming Email Handler:
Select "Add incoming mail handler."
Configure Email Handler:
Email Handler Type: Choose "Add a comment before a specified marker or separator in the email body."
Incoming Email Server: Ensure it matches the main email handler used to create issues.
- Name: Choose a name to identify the handler for easy reference.
**Set Up Split Regex:
/From: |___.|On [\s\S]*wrote:|----Orig.|On .(JIRA).|.(JIRA).*wrote:/
- This regex above pattern helps identify common markers in email threads, such as "From:", "On [date] wrote:", and other variations, allowing Jira to truncate the comment at these points.