RFI for Jira

About Atlassian

Vendor Name


Australian Office Location (HQ)

Level 6, 341 George St
Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

American Office Locations

1098 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA, 94103
303 Colorado Street
Suite 1600
Austin, TX 78701

European Office Locations

Singel 236
1016 AB Amsterdam

Japanese Office Locations

1407 Yokohama Landmark Tower

2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-City, Kanagawa 220-8114


Does your company, have a stable financial background and profile? 

Yes. As we are listed on the NASDAQ, we open our financial report as IR information.

Does your company have satisfied customers who can provide you with a reference? If yes, provide details.

Yes. We have lots of customer  case studies  and  voice of the customer interviews and references are often available on request.

Please provide your number of employees/consultants/developers.

3,500+ employees and growing daily!

Please give a brief overview of your company’s history.

From  About us :
  • Co-CEOs started the company in college with a $10,000 credit card
  • Founded in 2002
  • 174,000+ customers using our products

  • Global offices in 7 countries, 5000+ employees.

  • Recorded $1.6 billion in revenue in FY2020
  • Over 100 million donated in Community licenses
  • 1% donated of all profits, employee time, and equity
  • Top clients include Facebook, NASA, Netflix, Twitter, Audi, LinkedIn, Netflix, Zynga, eBay, DowJones, BMW, and Nike. See more at  atlassian.com/customers .

Atlassian Products

For detailed descriptions and overviews of all of Atlassian's software development and collaboration tools visit our website.

Plan, Track, & Support
Jira Software Plan, track, and release world-class software with the #1 software development tool used by agile teams.
Jira Service ManagementGive your customers an easy way to ask for help and your agents a fast way to resolve incidents.
Jira Core

Manage any business project including marketing campaigns, HR onboarding, approvals and legal document reviews.

OpsgenieOn-call and alert management to keep services always on.

Incidents happen. Keep your users informed and ditch the flood of support emails during downtime.

TrelloCollaborate and get more done. Trello boards enable your team to organize projects in a fun, flexible, and visual way.
Collaborate & Chat
ConfluenceSpend more time getting things done. Organize your work, create documents, and discuss everything in one place.
Code, Build, & Ship
BitbucketCollaborate on code and manage your Git repositories to build and ship software, as a team.
BambooContinuous integration, deployment, and release management.

Search, monitor, and track across SVN, Git, and Perforce repositories.


Find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review.

Manage Users


The single sign-on and identity management tool that's easy to use, administer, and integrate.

Jira Supported Platforms

About Jira Supported Platforms

See this information in documentation.

Before installing Jira, make sure you have the right software and infrastructure to run it. If a platform and version is not listed on this page, it means we don't test it, fix bugs or provide assistance for it. All platforms are shared between Jira Server and Jira Data Center, unless they're clearly marked as Data Center only.

This page is for Jira 10.4 . If you're looking for a different version, select it at the top-right.


(tick) Supported – you can use  Jira 10.4  with this platform.

(info) Limited – you can evaluate  Jira 10.4  on this platform, but you can't run a production site on it. 

(warning) Deprecated – you can use  Jira 10.4 with this platform, but we're planning to end support in an upcoming release.

Further information:


Java 8 and Java 11 end of support

Jira 10.4 has been compiled in JDK 17. This means that from now on you won’t be able to run Jira in lower Java versions (8 and 11).

JavaGood to know

Oracle JRE/JDK:

(tick) JDK 17

Eclipse Temurin:

(tick) JDK 17


As a best practice, we recommend using the latest version of Java 17. Download Java 17 for Windows or Linux

Eclipse Temurin/Eclipse Adoptium:

Our Support and Engineering teams use Eclipse Adoptium to replicate any issues raised with Eclipse Temurin. If you’re using a different distribution of Eclipse Temurin (e.g. Zulu), we’ll still provide support for our products. However, if the bug is caused by a problem in Java distribution, we’ll ask you to reach out to the Java distributor for help.

To see the compatibility between your Jira version and the version of Eclipse Adoptium (AdoptOpenJDK), check Bundled Tomcat and Java versions. In the tables, see Tested JREs.

Operating systems

Operating systemsGood to know

(tick) Microsoft Windows

(tick) Linux 

(info) macOS

(tick) Amazon Web Services ()

(tick) Microsoft Azure

Jira is a pure Java-based application and should run on any supported operating system, provided that the JDK / JRE requirements are satisfied.

Microsoft Windows:

Read Anti-Virus in Jira applications. 


We perform tests on Ubuntu.


  • If you’re creating your own deployment in Azure, you can use any configuration (e.g. OS or database) that’s supported both by Jira and /Azure.

The Azure Resource Manager template as a method of deployment is no longer supported or maintained by Atlassian. You can still customize it for your own usage to deploy Data Center products on Azure though.

We recommend deploying your Data Center products on a Kubernetes cluster using our Helm charts for a more efficient and robust infrastructure and operational setup. Learn more about deploying on Kubernetes


BrowsersGood to know

Desktop browsers:

(tick) Chrome (latest stable version)

(tick) Microsoft Edge (Chromium, latest stable version)

(tick) Mozilla Firefox (latest stable version) 

(tick) Safari on macOS only (latest stable version)

Mobile browsers:

(tick) Chrome (latest stable version)

(tick) Safari on iOS only (latest stable version)

We support a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 (when browsers are maximized).


You can view Jira on a mobile device using the Jira mobile app or the mobile view (browser).



(tick)  PostgreSQL 15

(warning)  PostgreSQL 14

(warning)  PostgreSQL 13

(warning)  PostgreSQL 12

Jira is tested and bundled with the 42.7.3 JDBC driver. You can also use the latest JDBC driver for your PostgreSQL version, though we can't guarantee it will work with your version of Jira. To use a different JDBC driver:

  1. Stop your Jira instance.
  2. Remove the bundled driver from /lib/.
  3. Download the new driver and place it in /lib/.
  4. Restart your Jira instance.

Jira 8.x

Jira does not support reducing the blocksize parameter below its default value.


(tick) MySQL 8.0

  • Jira will not work on:
    • MariaDB nor PerconaDB
  • We recommend running MySQL in strict mode.
  • Supported driver:

Jira 8.x

Jira does not support reducing the innodb_page_size parameter below its default value.


(tick)  Oracle 19c

(warning)  Oracle 18c

  • Jira will not work on Oracle Database Express Editions. We recommend using the Critical Patch Update (CPU) releases.
  • Jira will not work on Oracle Advanced Compression Option (ACO).
  • JDBC Driver: For all Oracle versions, use the JDBC 19.3 (ojdbc8) driver listed here. This is the driver we’re using to test Jira with Oracle.

Jira 8.x

Jira does not support reducing the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter below its default value.

Microsoft SQL Server

(tick) SQL Server 2022

(tick) SQL Server 2019

(tick) SQL Server 2017

Jira is tested and bundled with version 9.2.1.jre8 of the Microsoft JDBC driver. You can also use the latest JDBC driver for your version of Microsoft SQL Server, though we can't guarantee it will work with your version of Jira. To use a different JDBC driver:

  1. Stop your Jira instance.
  2. Remove the bundled driver from /lib/.
  3. Download the new driver and place it in /lib/.
  4. Restart your Jira instance.

Jira will not work on Express Editions of Microsoft SQL Server.

Jira 8.x

Jira does not support reducing the blocksize parameter below its default value.

Microsoft Azure

(tick) Azure SQL

(tick) Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server - one primary node only

(info) Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server

Please be aware that the Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server is scheduled for retirement in 2025.

Amazon Aurora (Data Center only)

(tick) PostgreSQL 15

(warning) PostgreSQL 14

(warning) PostgreSQL 13

(warning) PostgreSQL 12

  • The only supported Amazon Aurora config is a PostgreSQL-compatible clustered database with one writer replicating to zero or more readers. Learn more

Clustered database

(tick) PGpool-II

    • Open-source database solution based on PostgreSQL, providing a proxy between Jira and a PostgreSQL database cluster
    • Enhances disaster recovery and ensures the fulfillment of your business continuity planning

To get an overview of all supported databases and their compatibility with Jira versions, check Jira databases compatibility matrix (Server and Data Center). The matrix complements this document and contains the latest information about added or removed support for a particular database.

Secret managers

We provide a few secrets management options, as well as to our basic and advanced encryption options and our custom SecretStore implementation. 

AWS Secrets Manager

(tick) Plaintext

(tick) Structured secret

Good to know

HashiCorp Vault 

(tick) KV V2 Secrets Engine

Good to know

  • KV Secrets Engine V2 is the only version that can be used.
  • Authenticate with tokens and Kubernetes Service Account Tokens.

  • See our guide, Configure Bitbucket with HashiCorp Vault, for full details on how to integrate HashiCorp Vault.

Environment and Infrastructure


You can use official images to deploy Jira in a Docker container or customize a Docker deployment on your own.

We support the Atlassian Docker templates and can help with Jira related problems. We don't provide support for Docker itself or problems with any Docker environment.

Containerization manager

We recommend that you use official helm charts to deploy Jira Data Center with Kubernetes or customize a Kubernetes deployment on your own with the reference to the official helm charts.

We support the Atlassian Kubernetes helm chart and can help with Jira Data Center product-related problems. We don't provide support for Kubernetes itself or problems with any Kubernetes environment.

Read our Kubernetes support disclaimer and more about what we support and what we don’t.


  • NFS mounts are supported only for Jira Data Center shared home directory. Due to Lucene’s requirements, NFS mounts won't work for Server or Data Center local home directory. Read the IndexWriter docs for more information. 
    •  The following NFS versions are supported: 4.0 and 4.1. We use them during Jira tests.
  • We only support Jira running on x86 hardware and 64-bit derivatives of x86 hardware.
  • If you are installing Jira from an archive, create a dedicated user account on the operating system to run Jira, since Jira runs as the user it is invoked under, it can potentially be abused.


  • VMware supports all of the operating systems listed under 'Operating systems'.
  • We don't provide support for VMWare itself.
  • Read Virtualizing Jira for information on how to configure VMWare.

Application server

  • We support Apache Tomcat 9.0.56. 
  • We don't support deploying multiple Atlassian applications in a single Tomcat container. 

Internet protocols (IP)

  • We support IPv4.
  • We support IPv6 with some limitations. See IPv6 in Jira.

External user directories

You can manage users in the following directories:

  • Apache Directory Server 1.0.x
  • Apache Directory Server 1.5.x
  • Apple Open Directory (Read-Only)
  • FedoraDS (Read-Only Posix Schema)
  • Generic Directory Server
  • Generic Posix/RFC2307 Directory (Read-Only)
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Novell eDirectory Server
  • OpenDS
  • Open
  • Open (Read-Only Posix Schema)
  • Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Mail servers

  • SMTP servers must be able to support the multipart content type.

General Jira Information

Does Jira support...Yes/No/Other More Information 
Defect tracking?YesJira product overview

Using Jira as an Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Jira Service Management -ITSM


Jira for Agile teams

Waterfall?YesHow to use Jira to manage Waterfall projects?
Knowledge base?YesUsing Jira for a Knowledge Base (Integration with Confluence)
Change management?YesUsing Jira for Change Management
Customer Relationship Management?OtherUsing Jira for Customer relationship management (CRM)
Helpdesk / support?Yes

Jira Service Management

Project Management?YesUsing Jira for Project Management
Requirements management?YesUsing Jira for Requirements Management
Resource / portfolio management?YesUsing Jira for Resource or Portfolio Management
System Administration?YesUsing Jira for System Administration (Jira Service Management)
Test case management?YesUsing Jira for Test Case Management
Asset management?Yes
Time tracking?YesConfiguring Time Tracking
Allowing maximum attachment sizes?YesConfiguring File Attachments 
Other applications as "trusted applications?"YesConfiguring Application Links 
Setup to whitelist certain URL's?YesConfiguring the Whitelist 
Hosting option: Behind the Firewall (BTF) / Self-hosted / ServerYes
Hosting option: SaaS / Hosted / CloudYes
Access to source code?Yes (Server only)How is Jira Server licensed?
White Label?NoEnd User Agreement section 4.6

(info) Restricted functions in Atlassian Cloud apps

Licensing and Purchasing

Licensing questionAnswerMore Information
What is the price of Jira Server?User tier basedServer pricing details
What is the price of Jira Cloud?User tier basedCloud pricing details   
Do you have unlimited license option?Yes (Server only)Server pricing details
Is there a maintenance renewal cost for Jira Server?YesHow much is it to renew my Jira maintenance?
Product demoOther
Implementation assistanceOtherBy Atlassian Experts  
Do Jira Service Management licenses count towards Jira licenses?No

(info) Jira Licensing and Pricing FAQ

Jira Projects

Does Jira support...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Tracking of defects?YesSimple Issue Tracking Project
Tracking of software projects?YesSoftware Development Project
Specified roles and permissions for users on a per project basis?YesManaging Project Role Membership
Sub-level of a project?YesDefining a Component
Organizing of projects into releases?Yes Managing Versions 
Can existing Jira projects be converted to Jira Service Management projects?YesSee Convert a project type

User Management and Security

Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Allow users to be managed in groups?YesManaging Groups
Allow users to have different roles between projects?YesManaging Project Roles
Connect to an LDAP Directory?Yes

Connecting to an LDAP Directory

Identity Manager

Allow SSL connection to Active Directory?Yes (Server only)Configuring an SSL Connection to Active Directory
Connect to multiple types of directories simultaneously?Yes (Server only)Managing Multiple Directories
Synchronize data from external directories?Yes (Server only)Synchronising Data from External Directories
Allow for nested user groups?YesManaging Nested Groups
Facilitate User Management for other Applications?YesAllowing Other Applications to Connect to JIRA for User Management
Provide visibility in who is currently accessing it?Yes (Server Only)Viewing User Sessions
Allow for company enforced password policies?Yes

Password Policy for JIRA

Allow for public signup and CAPTCHA?YesEnabling Public Signup and CAPTCHA
Allow for issue-level security?YesConfiguring Issue-level Security
Allow for permissions for a user on a per-project level?YesManaging Project Permissions
Allow for permissions to be set on a 'global' level?YesManaging Global Permissions
Allow for secure administrator sessions?YesConfiguring Secure Administrator Sessions
Setting custom password policy?Yes

Password Policy for Jira

Atlassian Access - Password policies (Cloud)

Fields and Screens

Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Allow for different types of Issues?YesDefining 'Issue Type' Field Values
Allow for different types of Priorities of Issues?YesDefining 'Priority' Field Values
Allow for different types of Resolution of Issues?YesDefining 'Resolution' Field Values
Allow for different types of Statuses of Issues?YesDefining 'Status' Field Values
Allow for Custom Fields?YesConfiguring a Custom Field?
Allow for descriptions for the Custom Fields?YesCreating Help for a Custom Field
Allow for a field to be designated as optional, required, hidden or visible?YesSpecifying Field Behaviour
Associate different fields with different Issue Types?YesAssociating Field Behaviour with Issue Types
Can Jira allow for fields to be grouped together as a Screen?YesDefining a Screen
Can Screens be associated with a workflow transition?YesAssociating a Screen with an Issue Operation


Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Allow a project to follow a custom Workflow?YesConfiguring Workflow
Allow a Workflow from one project be enabled in another project?YesActivating Workflow
Workflow for Approval processes through the Workflow?YesAdvanced Workflow Configuration
Allow different workflows based on different issue types in the same project?YesConfiguring Workflow Schemes
Notify people if a specific action has happened?YesAdding a Custom Event
Allow a workflow be shared between two different installations of Jira?YesSharing your Workflow
Download pre-configured workflows?YesSharing your Workflow - Importing from Atlassian Marketplace


Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Send an Email Notification based on an issue's operation?Yes Configuring Email Notifications 
Connect to my email server for outbound email? Yes Configuring Jira SMTP Mail Server to Send Notifications 
Send different types of notifications based on projects?Yes Creating a Notification Scheme 
Send customized emails?Yes (Server Only)Customising Email Content 
Allow for issues to be created and updated via email?Yes Creating Issues and Comments from Email 
Connect to a POP or IMAP mail server for inbound email?Yes 

Configuring Jira to Receive Email from a POP or IMAP Mail Server

Using Gmail as a Jira Mail Server

Migrating from other Issue Trackers

Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Import data from Bugzilla?Yes (Server Only)Importing Data from Bugzilla 
Import data from FogBugz for Your Server?Yes  (Server Only)Importing Data from FogBugz for Your Server 
Import data from FogBugz On Demand?Yes (Server Only)Importing Data from FogBugz On Demand 
Import data from Manits?Yes (Server Only)Importing Data from Mantis 
Import data from Pivotal Tracker?Yes  (Server Only)

Importing Data from Pivotal Tracker 

Import data from Trac?Yes  (Server Only)Importing Data from Trac 
Import data from CSV?Yes Importing Data from CSV 
Import data from JSON?Yes (Server Only)Importing Data from JSON 
Import data from RedMine?Yes (Server Only)Importing Dating from Redmine 
Import data from Asana?Yes (Server Only)Importing Data from Asana

(info) You can use evaluation version for Jira Server (free) to import your data with an importer available for Server only and then migrate your Jira Server data to Jira Cloud.

Backup and Archiving

Can Jira...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Hide a project that is no longer relevant, while retaining historical records?YesArchiving a Project - Hiding a Project
Split a large instance into several Jira instances, with particular projects in each?YesSplitting a Jira Instance
Restore a single project from a backup file into a Jira instance?YesRestoring a Project from Backup
Restore an entire Jira instance from a backup into a new empty Jira instance?YesRestoring Data

Agile functionality in Jira

Does Jira support...Yes/No/Other Further Information 
Access to Boards to plan, work and report on Agile work?Yes Using a Board 
Scrum Methodology?Yes Creating a Board
Kanban Methodology?YesCreating a Board
Board to reflect multiple Jira Projects for a Program or Portfolio view?YesConfiguring Filters
Estimation in Story Points?YesEstimating an Issue
Estimation in time?YesSetting the Estimation Statistic
Multiple sprints at once?YesWorking with Sprints
Drag and drop prioritization for Sprint Planning and Backlog Grooming?YesUsing Plan Mode
Drag and drop linking to Epics?YesAdding an Issue to an Epic
Drag and drop linking to Releases?YesAdding an Issue to a Version
Customizing columns for a Work in Progress Board?YesConfiguring Columns
Setting maximums for columns for a Work in Progress Board?YesSetting Column Constraints
Swimlanes in a Work in Progress Board?YesConfiguring Swimlanes
Columns in a Work in Progress Board to associate with a workflow status?YesMapping Columns to Jira Statuses
Columns in a Work in Progress Board to associate with a resolution status?YesTransitioning an Issue
Burndown reports for Scrum boards?YesViewing the Burndown Chart
Release reports for Scrum boards?YesViewing the Version Report
Sprint Reports for Scrum boards?YesViewing the Sprint Report
Epic Reports for Scrum boards?YesViewing the Epic Report
Cumulative flow reports for Scurm or Kanban boards?YesViewing the Cumulative Flow Chart
Control charts for Scrum or Kanban boards?YesViewing the Control Chart

Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management is a plugin and extends the functionality of Jira.  For custom workflows, issue types, issue search, etc. see Jira sections above.

Does Jira Service Management support...Yes/No/OtherMore Information
Agent based pricing? (who is an agent?)

No - for 1.0
Yes - for 2.0

New pricing model for Jira Service Management 2.0 FAQ
Free Service Management customers? (who is a customer?)No - for 1.0
Yes - for 2.0
New pricing model for Jira Service Management 2.0 FAQ 
Anonymous users?NoService Management customers, although free (no license necessary), must have an account with login credentials.
All deployment options (Server, Cloud, Data Center)?Server and Cloud onlyWe are working on Data Center compatibility at the moment.
Asset management?YesFree ebook: Jira Service Management’s guide to asset management
Email a request into a Service Management?YesReceiving requests by email
Easy to use customer facing site for submitting Service Management issues?YesConfiguring the customer portal
Customization of the Customer Portal?YesBest practices for designing the Customer Portal

Multiple support portals with a single license?

YesSetting up multiple portals
Restricting Customer Portal access to select group of customers?YesOpening up or restricting access to your service project
Customers viewing tickets across an organization?No
Automation of workflow transitions, assignment, and notificationsYesAutomating your service project
Custom SLAs?YesSLAs
Custom agent queues?YesMake queues for your service project teams
Does Jira Service Management support self-service, ticket deflection, and knowledge base?OtherProviding self-help resources for your customers with a knowledge base
Public REST API?No
Adding participants to requests?YesAdding people to participate in requests
Integration with schedules/calendars to route tickets to available agents?No

Jira Integration with Source Control System

QuestionYes/No/OtherMore Information
Can Jira integrate with StashYesIntegrating Jira with Stash
Can Jira integrate with BitbucketYesIntegrating Jira with Bitbucket
Can Jira integrate with GithubYesIntegrating Jira with Githhub
Can Jira integrate with GitYesIntegrating Jira with Git
Can Jira integrate with Fisheye?Yes Integrating Jira with Fisheye 
Can Jira integrate with CVS and ViewCVS?Yes Integrating Jira with CVS and ViewCVS 
Can Jira integrate with Subversion?Yes Integrating Jira with Subversion 
Can Jira integrate with Perfoce?Yes Integrating Jira with Perforce

Jira Integration with a build management system

QuestionYes/No/OtherMore Information
Can Jira integrate with Bamboo?YesIntegrating Jira with Bamboo
Can Jira integrate with Jenkins?YesIntegrating Jira with Jenkins

Last modified on Feb 27, 2025

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