Sprints not showing up on the Scrum board

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


Check if your sprint is started or not, and confirm the JQL filters on your board compared with issues included in that sprint. These factors are the most important to determine whether a sprint appears on a board or not.

What determines if a sprint appears on a board?

For a Sprint to appear on a specific Scrum board, the Sprint must fit either one of these qualifications.

The Sprint was created from that board (the board is the origin board)

The Sprint contains issues that match the board's filter

  • The Sprint will always show in the origin board, regardless if it has started or not and regardless of what issue(s) it contains.
  • To determine the origin board of a given sprint, you can query the API endpoint:

  • If the sprint has not yet been started, it is appearing because at least one issue that matches the board's JQL filter and is not in a status mapped to the rightmost "Done" column on that board.
  • If the sprint has been started but not completed, issues in the "Done" column will also cause the sprint to appear on the board. 

Keep in mind that once a sprint has been completed, it will no longer appear on the Active Sprints or Backlog section. It will still appear in the Sprint Reports section.

Why is my sprint not appearing on the board where I want to see it?

Based on the qualifications above, we can determine why a sprint fails to appear where it is expected to.

The sprint is not started, and the board is not the origin board of the sprint

If the board is not the origin board and there are no issues in the sprint which match the JQL filter on the board, the sprint won't appear there. Keep in mind, if an issue does match the board JQL and is in the sprint, it may be in a status which is mapped to the rightmost "Done" column of the board. Issues in this state won't cause an non-started sprint to appear on this board, so you can change their status or the board column mapping if necessary.

The sprint has already been completed

Sprints that are complete won't appear in Active Sprints or Backlog view for a Jira board. The only place you'll see completed sprints listed is within the Sprint Reports section.

Demonstration of sprints displaying on various boards

Let's assume that a project exists with key TEST. This project contains a board called SCRUM, and we use this board to create a sprint called Sprint for testing. The sprint is not yet started, and no issues have been added to the Sprint. Since SCRUM is the origin board, the Sprint appears on that board.

Let's copy the SCRUM board and name the copy COPYSCRUM. COPYSCRUM shares the same filter and column configuration as that of SCRUM, but the Sprint is not appearing, because COPYSCRUM is not the origin board of the sprint. Since there are no issues in the sprint, even though SCRUM and COPYSCRUM have the same filter, no issues in the board filter match this sprint.

No issues created yet:

Backlog ViewSprint for testing(no sprints)
Active Sprints view(no sprints)(no sprints)

Let's add a new issue to the sprint which meets the board filter requirement (the JQL filter is simply "project = TEST"). Now, the Sprint will show in the board COPYSCRUM, since this issue can be found by the board filter, and since this issue is in a status which is not mapped to the rightmost "Done" column of the board.

After creating issue TEST-1:

Backlog ViewSprint for testingSprint for testing
Active Sprints view(no sprints)(no sprints)

If the issue is transitioned to the status Closed, the Sprint will disappear again from the board COPYSCRUM. That's because the Closed status is mapped to the rightmost column on this board.

Once a user starts the sprint, it will appear on the Active Sprints view for both of our boards until the sprint is completed.

With TEST-1 in the status "To Do" and the sprint started:

Backlog ViewSprint for testingSprint for testing
Active Sprints viewSprint for testingSprint for testing

Last modified on Nov 8, 2024

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