Unable to clone a story in Jira Software Cloud
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
A story is unable to be cloned, and this error appears in a pop-up window in the corner of the page:
We couldn't clone <IssueID>. Check your connection and then try again.
Jira Cloud
By checking the Developer Tools > Network tab in the browser and reproducing the issue, there is an error listed in the output:
{"self":"https://sitename.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/task/XXXXX","id":"XXXXX","description":"Clone <IssueID>","status":"FAILED","message":"Preparing cloning machine","result":"Error occurred while creating issue through workflow: <FieldName> is required."...
There is a Validator set for the Create Issue transition in the Workflow, and the cloned issue is unable to set this value during the creation of the issue.
Check the Validators entry for the Create Issue transition in the Project's Workflow and confirm that there are no additional required fields.
- Note: if the Story is part of a Sprint, and the Sprint information is a required Validator in the Create Issue transition, you can check the box for Clone sprint value in order to successfully clone the original issue.
Additional information related to Workflows and Validators:
- Configure advanced issue workflows - Validators: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/configure-advanced-issue-workflows/#Advancedworkflowconfiguration-validatorsValidators
Related Feature Request:
JRACLOUD-15297 - Add Conditions, Validators, Post Functions to the Clone, Edit operations Gathering Interest