Unable to transition issues due to misconfigured User Property custom field


Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



There are a number of reasons which can cause issue transitions to fail. This article covers a specific scenario where a misconfigured User Property type custom field can cause transitions to fail. The bug that allows for the scenario to occur is tracked here: 
JRACLOUD-81459 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The issue presents itself whereby the transition fails to complete and the issue reverts to its previous status or in the case where a transition screen is in use, the screen will return a HTTP 500 error during the transition. The transition request viewing in the browser's Network development tool will show a HTTP 500 error during the transition:

Request URL: https://your-site.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/EXAMPLE-123/transitions
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 500

If the site is using User Property Fields and the field is associated with the issue type or field configuration, reviewing the default value used can either assist in fixing misconfigured default value or rule out the cause for the failing transition.

One method to identify if your site is using the User Property Field is to retrieve Get fields Jira Cloud REST API endpoint and searching for fields with the com.atlassian.jira.toolkit:userproperty value within the field Schema element.


In this particular scenario, the issue is caused by a misconfigured User Property Field (<255 characters) custom field. This field allows various Jira user properties to be pulled automatically into it based on a given User Picker field. This is configured in the custom field default value configuration for the field using the format:

<fieldname>:<user property name>

If the default field name value is configured to be the same as the User Property Field name, the field will be unable to pull the user data resulting in an error. During transitions as the field attempts to populate the value, an error is returned causing for the transition itself to fail.


Adjusting the field name value in the default property and saving the change should resolve the issue. If the User Picker field has the same field name as the User Property Field (<255 characters) field, changing the User Picker field name and updating the default value should also resolve the issue where the transition fails due to this error.

Last modified on Jul 29, 2023

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