Two separate "Unresolved" resolutions appear in Jira issue search
When using the Issue Navigator to find issues, the Resolution Unresolved appears twice, one of them being italicized.
Check for manually created "Unresolved" resolutions
When an issue is opened in Jira, the default is that the Resolution field is empty - the term Unresolved is a system term which means the Resolution field has no value.
This problem occurs when a custom Resolution value of Unresolved is manually added under Administration > Issues > Resolutions. When the Resolution field has no value, issues appear with the system default Unresolved in italics.
Reference documentation on managing Resolutions can be found on this link. In our documentation, we suggest against creating a custom "Unresolved" resolution:
Don't create a Resolution named "Unresolved"/"None"
Any issue that has the Resolution field set is treated by Jira applications as "resolved". The Issue Navigator displays Unresolved when no resolution is set for an issue. So adding a resolution named Unresolved/None and setting it in an issue will mean that the issue is seen as resolved. This will lead to confusion and is not recommended.
Repair the use of a custom "Unresolved" resolution
Depending on your requirements, you can repair this behavior in a few ways.
Replace custom Unresolved with another resolution
- Visit
Administration > Issues > Resolutions
- Delete the "Unresolved" resolution
- Jira will request what Resolution value you'd like to migrate any issues using "Unresolved" to use instead
Next, you need to find the sources that were bringing issues into the custom "Unresolved" resolution.
- If users were selecting that from a drop-down list in a screen then no further action is needed as the value will no longer be available
- If the resolution was being set to "Unresolved" as a post-function, you'll need to edit the workflow transition to set a proper value
Clear existing use of the Unresolved resolution to reflect the system Unresolved
Workflow Method
If a duplicate resolution
status appears in the Issue Navigator
, remove it via the following steps:
- Modify the workflow to add a loop transition for "Unresolved" issues
- In the transition, add an Update Issue Field post function to set the Resolution field to None
- In the issue navigator, search for the issues with the Resolution set to the custom "Unresolved"
- You can find them using the JQL
resolution = "\"Unresolved\""
- You can find them using the JQL
- Do a bulk transition using the transition set in step 1
- If necessary, repeat the above steps for each affected status
- Revert the changes made in step 1 to clean up the workflows
- Remove the "Unresolved" resolution listed under
Administration > Issues > Resolutions
ScriptRunner Method (third-party app)
This is an alternate method to clear resolutions on tickets
- Install the ScriptRunner app
- Build a search for all issues that are using the user created "Unresolved" resolution
- You may use the JQL
resolution = "\"Unresolved\""
- You may use the JQL
- Save search as a filter
- Visit the Built-in Scripts section of ScriptRunner (directly accessed via <jirabaseurl>/plugins/servlet/scriptrunner/admin/builtin/add/com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.admin.BulkFixResolutions)
- Select the Bulk Fix Resolutions, use the saved filter, and select None as the new resolution
- Remove the "Unresolved" resolution listed under
Administration > Issues > Resolutions
Full ScriptRunner usage instructions: