Visibility of the "Owner" field in the software project board settings

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


When you go to a board configuration of a board on a company-managed project page you sometimes don't see the owner field. There may even be cases where other users are able to see the


Jira Cloud


Here the term "Owner" means filter owner and not the board owner. Boards use filter queries to determine which issues should be part of the board.

  • If this filter is created by the user who is currently viewing the board configuration then the owner field is not shown to them as they are the owner.
  • If a user other than the creator of the filter views the board configuration then they would be able to see the owner field.


This is as per the design of boards in software projects. For any further queries on this, please contact

Last modified on Apr 30, 2024

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