Using scope filters


The search and filtering controls in the plan view allow you to quickly narrow the plan content and timeline to selected items, releases, and teams. 

Filter nameDescription


Allows you to change the hierarchy level shown in the scope.
ProjectFilter by projects that work items originated from.
ReleasesFilter by the releases that work items were assigned to.
TeamsFilter by the teams that work items were assigned to.
Contains textFilter by work item title text. Parents of matched items will also be displayed.

Filter by Jira application issue status. Open issues can be displayed, or both open and closed issues.

  1. Go to More > Status and open Open and completed issues.
  2. Choose whether you want to see open and completed issues or only open issues.
Completion date

When it is not set, it will show the completed issues since the beginning of the active sprint. If there aren't active sprints on the linked data sources, no completed issues will show up unless we explicitly set this filter.

  1. Go to More > Completion date and open Open and completed issues.
  2. Filter the completed issues by time range.
Schedule range
  1. It filters the backlog and scheduling view to only show issues that are scheduled within the selected time period as well as baseline ones. This option also lets you filter by unestimated items.
  2. Go to More > Completion date and open Schedule range:
  3. Select the schedule's range you want to filter by.
ThemesFilter the timeline by theme.


For the projects, releases and date range, the filter considers values chosen by the user as well as values calculated by the algorithm.


If you manually assign issue A to team Foo and the algorithm automatically assigned issue B to team Foo; filtering by team Foo would return issues A and B.

Last modified on Oct 8, 2017

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