Create, edit and delete statuses in next-gen projects

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Customize your team-managed project's statuses. Learn how to add and rename your issue's statuses, change their category, and more.

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Issue statuses report at-a-glance the state of the work described on an issue. You can customize the statuses your team uses on your team-managed project issues.

Issue statuses relate to your issue type’s workflows and you can edit them in the workflow editor. Read more about workflows in team-managed projects.

You must have the administrator role in your project to do the things described on this page. Learn more about team-managed project roles.

In team-managed software projects, you can create, edit, or delete issue statuses in two ways:

Add or create a status in your issue type’s workflow

To create a new status:

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Project settings > Issue types.

  2. From the sidebar, select the issue type you want to edit.

  3. Select Edit workflow.

  4. Using the toolbar at the top of the editor, select a status category for the status you want to create.

  5. Give your status a name.

  6. Select Add.

Your new status appears on the workflow. By default, new statuses allow issues in any other status to move into them. The Any status label represents this kind of "global" transition.

Read more about creating, editing, and deleting issue transitions.

You can add up to 100 statuses across all of your project's workflows, and up to 50 statuses in any one workflow.

When you’re done making edits to your issue type’s workflow, select Update workflow and confirm which issue type the workflow will apply to. 

By default, new statuses aren’t assigned to a column, and are therefore not visible on the board.

If you've added a status that's new to the workflow, you'll have the chance to assign it to a board column in the workflow editor. Otherwise, you can manage columns and statuses by going to Project settings Board Columns and statuses.

Edit a status’s name or category in your issue type’s workflow

To edit a status:

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Project settings > Issue types.

  2. From the sidebar, select the issue type you want to edit.

  3. Select Edit workflow.

  4. Select the status in your workflow diagram. The status details panel appears.

In the status details panel, you can edit the status’s name and category:

  • To edit its name, click the status’s name in the details panel.

  • To edit its category, select the Category dropdown in the details panel.

Statuses can be shared between issue types. If you change the name or category of these shared statuses, Jira also updates their names and categories in all your project’s workflows that use the status.

If you want to change the name or category of a status only for the workflow you’re editing:

  1. Click the This status is shared across multiple workflows warning text in the details panel.

  2. Click the link to Change status for these issues only.

  3. Give your status a new name.

  4. Select Change.

Jira makes a copy of the status, including its transitions and rules, for the workflow you’re currently editing. Read more about creating, editing, and deleting workflow transitions

When you’re done making edits to your issue type’s workflow, select Update workflow and confirm which issue type the workflow will apply to.

Delete a status in your issue type’s workflow

To delete a status:

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Project settings > Issue types.

  2. From the sidebar, select the issue type you want to edit.

  3. Select Edit workflow.

  4. Select the status in your workflow diagram. The status details panel appears.

  5. At the bottom of the details panel, select Delete status.

Deleting a status also deletes any transitions – and their rules! – associated with the status. 

Statuses can be shared between workflows. Deleting a status in the workflow editor only removes the status from the workflow you're currently editing.

Pro tip: You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z (on Mac: Cmd+Z) to undo any changes while editing your workflow. This comes in handy if you accidentally delete a status and don't want to recreate all of its transitions.

When you’re done making edits to your issue type’s workflow, select Update workflow and confirm which issue type the workflow will apply to.

Jira warns you about any issues that are in statuses you’re deleting and ask you to move them to a valid status.

Last modified on Mar 1, 2024

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