Migrate between team-managed and company-managed projects
This page will be useful to you if:
Your team currently works in a company-managed project, and you want to migrate to team-managed projects.
Your team gave team-managed projects a try, found that it didn't suit how you work, and you want to move your work items to company-managed projects.
Create a project to receive your existing work items
You'll need to have a new Scrum or Kanban project available, so your current software project work items have a place to go to.
Create a new team-managed project to receive your existing company-managed project work items
To create a new team-managed project:
Choose Projects > Create project.
Select Software development under Project template or Jira under Products.
Learn more about the available templates and select a template.
View the detailed information on the template and choose Use template.
Choose project type: Team-managed.
Give your project a name. You can change your template by selecting Change template.
Choose who can access your project.
Select Create.
We automatically generate a project key when the project is created.
Or, create a new company-managed project to receive your existing team-managed project work items
If you want to move from a team-managed project to a company-managed project, your Jira admin will need to create a new company-managed project for you. Reach out to them for help. Learn more about creating company-managed projects.
To create a new company-managed project:
Choose Projects > Create project.
Select Software development under Project template or Jira under Products.
Learn more about the available templates and select a template.
View the detailed information on the template and choose Use template.
Choose project type: Company-managed.
Give your project a name. You can change your template by selecting Change template.
Choose who can access your project.
Select Create.
Find and move your existing work items to your new project
Now that you have an empty project waiting to receive your old project's work items, select Search > View all work items to move all your existing work items into the new project .
You need to have the relevant project permissions to move work items.
To move multiple work items in All work:
Adjust the search criteria to show the appropriate list of work items.
Select Import and bulk change work items (•••) and choose Bulk Change all <n> work items.
Select the work items you'd like to perform the bulk operation on, and select Next.
Select Move work items and select Next.
Select a destination project and work type, and select Next.
Select a value for any required fields for this move, and if available, decide whether you'd like to send email notifications. Select Next.
Review your changes and select Confirm, then Acknowledge.
Things to keep in mind if you migrate from company-managed to team-managed
Team-managed projects and company-managed projects are technically quite different. Here's a few things to consider when you migrate from a company-managed software project to a team-managed software project:
Completed, planned or active sprints: Sprints won’t move from a company-managed project to a team-managed project. Past sprints will not be displayed on the timeline. The work items that were in your company-managed project will be added to the backlog of your team-managed project.
Components: Component fields are unique to every project in Jira. If you migrate work items with completed component field information, you will lose this data.
Components field data is not recoverable, even if you bulk move these work items back to the company-managed projects they came from.
Custom fields: These must be recreated in your new team-managed project. Team-managed project fields are independent from global custom fields. When you move work items to a team-managed project, Jira retains most of your work items' global custom field values (except component and version fields). But, we don't map them to your team-managed project's fields. Your global custom field data is stored against your work items but the fields in your company-managed project are technically different from the fields in your team-managed destination, so they will appear blank. This data is not lost (except component and version fields). If you move your work items back to a company-managed project that supports the custom field, the original values stored against it reappear.
Story points estimation: This data will be lost, however you'll be able to start using story points estimation by enabling the Estimation feature in your team-managed project.
Reports: Data for your project's Velocity report won't be saved. The Velocity report will show that no points were completed in past sprints.
Report history: All reporting history is lost in this migration process. The Burnup report and Velocity report won't be migrated.
Parallel sprints: Currently, team-managed projects don’t support running parallel sprints.
Project and work item keys: Jira will automatically update the work item keys of migrated work items to reflect their new project. Any existing links to old work item keys will be automatically redirected.
Versions and releases: Any version information is lost in this migration process, even if you have the Releases and versions feature enabled in your new team-managed project.
Versions and releases field data is not recoverable, even if you bulk move these work items back to the company-managed projects they came from
Things to keep in mind if you migrate from team-managed to company-managed
Team-managed projects and company-managed projects are technically quite different. Here's a few things to consider when you migrate from a team-managed software project to a company-managed software project:
Board statuses: If you customized your team-managed board, you'll need to set up the same statuses in your company-managed project's workflow. Only Jira admins can create and modify statuses and workflows. Learn more.
Custom fields: If you use custom fields in your team-managed project, a Jira admin needs to recreate the fields and add them to screen schemes and field configurations in your company-managed project. Custom field data will need to be recreated, otherwise it will be lost.
Work types: If you added your own work types to your team-managed project, you'll need to have a Jira admin recreate these using a work type scheme that they associate to your new company-managed project. Learn more.
Project access: Access to company-managed projects is controlled by a permissions scheme. Only your Jira admin can update your company-managed project's permission scheme. Learn more.
Project and work item keys: Jira will automatically update the work item keys of migrated work items to reflect their new project. Any existing links to old keys will be automatically redirected.
Reports: Reports data won't be saved. Even though your work items will be retained, data for your project's Velocity and Burnup reports won't transfer over, and will be lost.
Story points estimation: This data will be lost. This is because the custom field that Jira uses to store estimates in company-managed projects (Story points) is different to the custom field used in team-managed projects (Story point estimate).
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