How to generate an Application Links Configuration Summary


When diagnosing Application Link issues, support may ask to provide details on the configuration of your application link.  Below are a few methods to on how to provide this information.

Command Line Solution

  • From your workstation, fetch a list of all the application links configured in Application A

  • Open up terminal and run the following command

    curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET APPLICATION_A_BASE_URL/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink
  • Note the value of "id" for the link to Application B.
  • Fetch the configuration details for the link to Application B, inserting the correct applink ID from the prior query: 

    curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET APPLICATION_A_BASE_URL/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink/APPLICATION_B_APPLINK_ID
    curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET APPLICATION_A_BASE_URL/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink/APPLICATION_B_APPLINK_ID/authentication

    If the authentication query returns a 404, please attempt the query below as well. This is due to a recent change in our rest API

    curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET APPLICATION_A_BASE_URL/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink/APPLICATION_B_APPLINK_ID/authentication/provider
  • Repeat the instructions above for Application B, replacing the BASE_URL, ADMIN_USERNAME, and ADMIN_PASSWORD as appropriate.

    Please note that if you are using BasicAuth (not recommended) then the configured username and password will be returned in the JSON data for /authentication. Please remove the password prior to sharing this data with us.

Browser Solution

  • Install the Postman - REST Client
  • Load the plugin and GET the URL:

  • Ensure the Content Type is set to JSON, otherwise errors will occur. The screenshot below illustrates the configuration.

  • Take the APPLINK_ID of the application link in question and run the following two commands in Postman


    If the authentication query returns a 404, please attempt the query below as well. This is due to a recent change in our rest API

    curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET APPLICATION_A_BASE_URL/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink/APPLICATION_B_APPLINK_ID/authentication/provider
  • Repeat the instructions above for Application B, replacing the BASE_URL, ADMIN_USERNAME, and ADMIN_PASSWORD as appropriate.

Alternative Solution

If neither solution work, the alternative is to provide screenshots of your application link configuration. In which case, navigate to the Application Link Page on Application A and then edit Application B to provide screenshots of the following tabs

  • Application Details
  • Outgoing Authentication > Trusted Applications

  • Outgoing Authentication > OAuth

  • Outgoing Authentication > Basic Access

  • Incoming Authentication > Trusted Applications

  • Incoming Authentication > OAuth

  • Incoming Authentication > Basic Access

Last modified on Dec 21, 2016

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