Unsafe repository errors when indexing or viewing a review in Fisheye/Crucible

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Fisheye/Crucible is suddenly unable to run git commands due to a check at the git level. Reviews and indexing are impacted and the following can be seen in the UI and application logs:

com.atlassian.fisheye.dvcs.handler.DvcsProcessException: Error while communicating with VCS: fatal: unsafe repository ('$FISHEYE_INST/var/cache/local_repo/clone' is owned by someone else)
    To add an exception for this directory, call:
    	git config --global --add safe.directory 


  • confirmed on Fisheye 4.8.9 and Linux but likely applies to all supported versions and platforms


  • confirm the subdirs of FISHEYE_INST and FISHEYE_INSTALLATION are all owned by the same user running the Fisheye application

    cd $FISHEYE_INST && find . ! -user <feuser>


If the user is not the same or a different user owns files and/or directories git might complain about an unsafe repo:

Even if the user running Fisheye is root on a Linux Distribution this issue can occur if there are files/dirs owned by another user.

Typically this is the result of Fisheye being first stood up using a dedicated user eg. feuser and then on subsequent start up a different user like root is used.


Ensure the same user running Fisheye/Crucible owns all the files and directories in Fisheye home and installation:

chown -R user:user $FISHEYE_INST
chown -R user:user $FISHEYE_INSTALLATION
chmod -R 755 $FISHEYE_INST

To round everything out we ensure sensible file permissions using chmod

Last modified on Apr 21, 2022

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