What happens to Atlassian accounts when their domain is Verified and Unverified?
Verify your company’s domain to prove that you own all user accounts with that domain. Your company’s domain is everything that comes after the @ symbol in the email addresses of your users’ accounts. For example, Atlassian owns the domain atlassian.com.
When you verify a domain for your organization, you do two things:
1) verify ownership of your company’s domain and
2) claim users' accounts with that domain.
Let's say you have a Company called XYZ and want to verify a domain called xyz.com.
What happens to the Atlassian Cloud users of domain xyz.com when the above change is made?
- Users will receive an in-app notification on their Atlassian Profiles mentioning that their Account is now Managed.
NOTE: No email notification will be triggered to these users
- Users will no longer be able to delete their Accounts
- Users will no longer be able to change their Email address\
- Profile visibility options will change.
What happens to the Atlassian Cloud users when domain xyz.com is unverified?
- Users will receive an in-app notification.
- They will be able to change their emails and delete their accounts
- Profile visibility options will change.
More details on Profile Visibility options for Managed and Unmanaged users: