Error "Field '' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown" on Jira Align Connector


This error is a variation of the most common error that the connector generates.

Field 'xxx' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown 

The difference here is that the fault is not with Jira permissions but with the JA Connector settings.
It usually affects Stories and not other work items.

If you are seeing the error above (where 'xxx' is the customfield id), instead of a blank value in between the ', please refer to the article Error "Field 'xxx' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown" on Jira Align Connector


Jira Align Cloud


The error can be seen on the audit log of Stories, or on the Admin > Jira Settings > Manage Projects > View Logs



This is usually caused by a problem with the 
Jira Settings > Jira Setup: Story Creation Requires Team
configuration, where it is set as YES, but no team is configured on the Organization field. So the connector tries to send the Team value, but there is nothing to be sent, which results in the empty value on the JSON.

Like, in the example above, the connector is trying to send the following value for Team:

            "value": ""

The Organization Field can be found on Jira Settings > Jira Setup: Organization, where when clicking on the configure that appears on the field, you can edit the details for each project.



Another possible cause, but rarer, is the lack of configuration of the Jira Settings > Jira Setup: Story Points.


The possible solution is to turn OFF the configuration Story Creation Requires Team, or if it is needed, configure the Teams under the Organization field.

Last modified on Feb 23, 2024

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