Atlassian Administration: What is the difference between Users Page and Managed accounts Page?

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.

Which user management experience do you have?

To check, go to your organization at and select Directory. If the Users and Groups lists are found here, then you are using the centralized user management. Learn more about the centralized user management

Here is the difference between both user management experiences:



As a site administrator or organization admin, Users is found under Product site.

As an organization admin, Users is found under Directory tab.

Your exact experience will be dependent on whether your organization has the Original or Centralized org. admin experience.

Managed accounts and Users pages serve different purposes in Atlassian Administration.

Managed accounts

To reach the Managed accounts page:

  1. Go to

  2. Directory > Managed accounts

Managed accounts page lists all the accounts being managed by your Organization. When you verify a domain and claim accounts, the Atlassian accounts you claimed during this process become managed by your Organization. If you are interested to know more about managed accounts, please check  What are managed accounts? | Atlassian Support

On the Managed accounts page, you will be able to see :

  • Total number of Atlassian accounts being managed in your org

  • Number of managed accounts that are deactivated

  • Percentage of managed accounts that are using secure login [SSO or MFA]

  • Product Access of your managed accounts

  • Deactivated/Deletion Status of managed accounts

  • List of all managed accounts

  • Option to Create an export of managed accounts Export managed accounts | Atlassian Support

  • Option to select an account to de/reactivate

Managed Accounts Page

When you access any of the managed accounts, you will be taken to a page where the URL is in this format:


Where <organization_id> refers to your Atlassian Organization unique identifier, and the <atlassian_account_id> to the unique identifier of the managed Atlassian Account.

This page allows you to control the lifecycle of your managed accounts, including actions such as deletion, cancel deletion, deactivation, reactivation, change email, etc.

Additionally, it also provides an overview of other aspects of the managed Atlassian Account, giving you the opportunity to modify them.

Check if the Atlassian Account is synced via provisioning

Edit attributes such as email addresses, full name and extra details.

Administer security options for particular account such as:

View and administer recently used devices

View and control API Tokens

Check the status of Two-step verification


The Users page lists all the accounts that are "Active", "Invited", or "Suspended" for the Atlassian Sites you have under your organization.

When you go to any of the accounts from Users page, you will be taken to a page where the URL is in these formats:

  • Centralized user management:<organization_id>/users/<atlassian_account_id>
  • Non-centralized user management:<site_id>/users/<atlassian_account_id>

The accounts listed here may be managed by your organization or may be external, unmanaged accounts. It's important to note that this page only displays users who have received an invitation to the Atlassian Site.

Unlike the Managed accounts page, you can't manage the account lifecycle from the Users page. You can only manage their status on your site. On Users page, you can see:

  • Total number of Users invited  to your site(s);

  • Active users;

  • Option to Invite users to site Invite a user | Atlassian Support;

  • Option to suspend, remove a user from site;

  • Option to assign product access and group membership;

  • Option to create export of users on site level Export users from a site | Atlassian Support;

  • Accounts status on the site;

  • Last active time on site (This can be delayed up to 24 hours).

The confusion between Users and Managed Accounts pages often arises because users who have verified a domain and claimed accounts might expect that these newly added managed accounts will automatically gain Site Access. However, this is not the case.

To access Atlassian Sites, users must be explicitly invited to Atlassian Sites you own, or gain access through different methods as listed in this documentation.

Use cases for Managed accounts page and Users page

Suitable Actions

Managed accounts


Deactivate managed account


Reactivate managed account


Delete managed account


Invite users to the site


Assign product access


Assign group membership


Export accounts

(tick)(export managed accounts)

(tick) (export users on site(s))

Remove product access


Edit account attributes


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I invite an account which I don't manage?

You can invite managed as well as unmanaged accounts to your site(s)(Users page) by following steps given in Invite a user | Atlassian Support

How do I deactivate/reactivate an account that is not managed my own Org?

Since you do not manage the account, you cannot update its lifecycle. You can suspend or remove users from your Cloud site or organization on the Users page. The end user’s Atlassian account will remain active, but the user will no longer have access to your particular site/products.

If the account is managed, then the org admin who owns that account can deactivate/reactivate the Atlassian account. You may be an org admin, but not the owner(org admin) of a specific Atlassian account. There are use cases where an end user may no longer need access to a particular Cloud site, but still accesses another Atlassian Cloud product such as Bitbucket or Trello.

If the Atlassian account is not managed, then the end user is expected to manage their own Atlassian account.

I have claimed an account but don't see it under Users Page.

Claimed accounts are managed accounts and will be listed on the Managed accounts page. You will need to invite the account to site to be able to see it under the Users page

I removed user from site and they cannot access product anymore but I still see them under Managed accounts Page.

When you remove account from site, we revoke access for all products on that site from the account. The account will continue to be visible under Managed accounts as its claimed by your Organization. However, if you wish to grant access, you will need to re-invite the user Invite a user | Atlassian Support . This does not impact the account’s historic data on the site.

How do I add a user to the Managed accounts page?

When you claim an account from a verified domain, the account becomes managed account in your organization and reflects under Managed accounts page. To know the steps to verify a domain and claim its accounts, refer to the following article: Verify a domain to manage accounts | Atlassian Support

Why can’t I change the user’s email address from the Users page?

Managed accounts: Admin will see Update details button when they open account’s profile from Users page. This Option will redirect them to Managed accounts page for particular account where admins can update attributes.

Unmanaged accounts: If an account is not managed in your organization, you cannot change its attributes. You as admin can only Suggest changes from Users page for unmanaged accounts.

Following article discusses different scenarios about email change for unmanaged as well as managed accounts

Change Atlassian account email addresses | Atlassian Cloud | Atlassian Documentation

What is the difference between removing an account from site and deleting an Atlassian account?

Removing an account from site revokes product access and group membership. It forbids the account from accessing any site resources moving forward. It does not affect the account’s historic data and activities on the site. The end user can continue to access other resources(sites/products) they have access to on the Atlassian Cloud platform.

Deleting an Atlassian account will delete that particular account across the entire Atlassian Cloud platform. User will not be able to use the deleted Atlassian account to access any of the Atlassian products , sites, organization, etc as we eliminate the identity. Please check following articles to understand what is deleted and what’s not deleted

managed account : Delete a managed account | Atlassian Support
unmanaged account : Delete your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support

Why is it possible to suspend/remove an account from the Users page and deactivate an Atlassian account - what is the difference?

Admins can Suspend/Remove accounts from a site. This can be done from Users Page.

Suspend action prohibits the account from accessing any of the products in the site(s). The product access and group membership remains as configured but the account goes into a dormant state. The access for this account can be restored to make it operational again.

When an admin Removes user from a site, account no longer remains part of site and is completely removed from the site including its product access and group memberships. In order to give access to this account again, it needs to be invited back to site.

Deactivation, on the other hand, is an operation performed from Managed accounts page. This is account level action which marks the account across the Atlassian Cloud platform as inactive. Admins can only deactivate or reactivate the accounts they manage. You can read more in detail here: Deactivate a managed account | Atlassian Support

What is the difference between an export option available on managed accounts Page and Users Page - what situations calls for which export. 

Export option on Managed accounts page gives you an option to extract data of managed accounts in CSV file. Use this export if you want to check your managed users' security policies, product access inside and outside of the organization + last accessed dates. This file comprises of the following columns:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Last active (when a user was last active)

  • Status  (active or deactivated)

  • Billable (members who count towards your Atlassian Guard Standard bill)

  • Policy name (name of the authentication policy)

  • Policy type (billable or nonbillable policy)

  • SAML single sign-on (if member logs in with SAML single sign-on)

  • Two-step verification (if two-step verification is enabled for members)

  • Password requirements (password strength and expiration)

  • Idle session duration (length of time members can be inactive before we log them out)

  • BitbucketConfluence, Jira, Jira Product DiscoveryJira Service Management, OpsGenie, StatusPage, Trello (listed with the sites they use to access products)

    Export managed accounts | Atlassian Support

Export option on Users page gives you information about that user/accounts activity and entitlements on a particular site. Unmanaged users can appear here if they are a member of your site(s). Use this option if you need to know users' group memberships and product access for the particular site(s) linked to the organization. The details included in this export are as follows:

Why do I see users I invited from Users page but those users are not present in the Managed accounts page?

Any Atlassian account, managed or unmanaged can be invited to use product in a site regardless whether it is claimed in your Org or not. An external account that has access to product in your site is expected to appear on Users page since it is part of the site. This external account will not be part of Managed accounts page/export since it is not claimed in your org.

Last modified on Jul 30, 2024

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