Information about Confluence, such as the version number, build number and build date, can be retrieved from the GeneralUtil object.

You can use GeneralUtils public accessors to retrieve public static variables:

  • versionNumber
  • buildDate
  • buildNumber

In Java

String versionNumber = GeneralUtil.getVersionNumber();
String buildNumber = GeneralUtil.getBuildNumber();
String buildDate = GeneralUtil.getBuildDateString(); 


Date buildDate = GeneralUtil.getBuildDate();

In Velocity


For instance, part of the Confluence footer is generated in the footer.vm file:

(Version: $generalUtil.versionNumber Build:#$generalUtil.buildNumber $generalUtil.buildDateString)

In Wiki markup

User Macros can include the Velocity markup given above. For example, create a macro called 'version' with no body and the contents:


You can use this user macro in a page like this:

Congratulation, you're running Confluence version {version}!