

Read Only

LDAP users, groups and memberships are retrieved from your directory server and can only be modified via your directory server. You cannot modify LDAP users, groups or memberships via the application administration screens.

Read Only, with Local Groups

LDAP users, groups and memberships are retrieved from your directory server and can only be modified via your directory server. You cannot modify LDAP users, groups or memberships via the application administration screens. However, you can add groups to the internal directory and add LDAP users to those groups.

(info) Note for Confluence users: Users from LDAP are added to groups maintained in Confluence's internal directory the first time they log in. This is only done once per user. There is a known issue with Read Only, with Local Groups in Confluence that may apply to you. See CONF-28621 - Getting issue details... STATUS


LDAP users, groups and memberships are retrieved from your directory server. When you modify a user, group or membership via the application administration screens, the changes will be applied directly to your LDAP directory server. Ensure that the LDAP user specified for the application has modification permissions on your LDAP directory server.

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