Documentation for GreenHopper 5.6.x . Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

Would you like to share your GreenHopper hints, tips and techniques with us and with other GreenHopper users? We welcome your contributions.

On this page:

Tweeting your Hints and Tips – Tips via Twitter

Do you have hints and tips about JIRA and GreenHopper to share with the world? Even more, would you like to see your tips appear on a page in the Atlassian documentation? Just tweet with the hash tag "#JIRATips" and see your hint appear in our documentation. Then grab a badge for your blog! More in the JIRA documentation....

Contributing Documentation in Other Languages

Have you written a guide to GreenHopper in a language other than English, or translated one of our guides? Let us know, and we will link to your guide from our documentation. More....

Updating the Documentation Itself

Have you found a mistake in the documentation, or do you have a small addition that would be so easy to add yourself rather than asking us to do it? You can update the documentation page directly.

Getting Permission to Update the Documentation

Our documentation wiki contains developer-focused documentation (such as API guides, plugin and gadget development guides and guides to other frameworks) as well as product documentation (user's guides, administrator's guides and installation guides). The wiki permissions are different for each type of documentation.

  • If you want to update the Developer Network or other developer-focused wiki spaces, just sign up for a wiki username then log in and make the change.
  • If you want to update the GreenHopper product documentation, we ask you to sign the Atlassian Contributor License Agreement (ACLA) before we grant you wiki permissions to update the documentation space. Please read the ACLA to see the terms of the agreement and the documentation it covers. Then sign and submit the agreement as described on the form attached to that page.

Following our Style Guide

Please read our short guidelines for authors.

How we Manage Community Updates

Here is a quick guide to how we manage community contributions to our documentation and the copyright that applies to the documentation:
  • Monitoring by technical writers. The Atlassian technical writers monitor the updates to the documentation spaces, using RSS feeds and watching the spaces. If someone makes an update that needs some attention from us, we will make the necessary changes.
  • Wiki permissions. We use wiki permissions to determine who can edit the documentation spaces. We ask people to sign the Atlassian Contributor License Agreement (ACLA) and submit it to us. That allows us to verify that the applicant is a real person. Then we give them permission to update the documentation.
  • Copyright. The Atlassian documentation is published under a Creative Commons CC BY license. Specifically, we use a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License. This means that anyone can copy, distribute and adapt our documentation provided they acknowledge the source of the documentation. The CC BY license is shown in the footer of every page, so that anyone who contributes to our documentation knows that their contribution falls under the same copyright.

Contributing to the JIRA Documentation
Author Guidelines
Atlassian Contributor License Agreement

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