An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Examples of attachments are screenshots, photographs, other images, Word documents, presentations, PDF documents, videos and sound files. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format.

To download a single attachment from a page:

  1. View the page.
  2. Choose Tools > Attachments.
  3. Right-click the link on the attachment name, and select Save Link As, Save Target As or a similar option provided by your browser. This will open a 'Save' dialog.
  4. Select the location into which you want to download the file and choose Save.

To download all the attachments from a page:

  1. View the page.
  2. Choose Tools > Attachments.
  3. Choose the Download All button at the end of the page to download a zipped file of all the page's attachments.


  • There is no permission that controls the downloading of attachments. See an article in our knowledge base about disabling the download of attachments.
  • Confluence does not supply an option to download all attachments from a space. See the closed feature request: CONF-5669 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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