The Tasklist macro allows you to create and update a list of tasks on the wiki page. Users viewing the page can modify the tasks without having to edit the page, provided they have the required permissions to modify the page.

You may also be interested in the lightweight task list that you can add directly onto your page, via the editor insert menu. This method also allows you to notify users that tasks have been assigned to them. See Managing Tasks in Confluence.

Using the Tasklist macro

To add the Tasklist macro to a page:

  1. In the Confluence editor, choose Insert > Other Macros.
  2. Find and select the required macro.

Speeding up macro entry with autocomplete:

Type { and the beginning of the macro name, to see a list of suggested macros. Details are in Using Autocomplete.

To edit an existing macro: Click the macro placeholder and choose Edit. A macro dialog window will open, where you can edit the parameters of the macro.


Parameters are options that you can set to control the content or format of the macro output.





'Task List'

The name of the task list. This is displayed as the title above the list of tasks.

Width of List


The width of the task list.

Enable Locking


When selected, you can lock individual tasks so that they cannot be changed. See instructions below on editing the task list.

Prompt on Delete


When selected, the user must confirm the deletion of a task in the list.

Editing the task list while viewing a page

While viewing a page, you can change the tasks in a task list as follows:



Adding a task

Type the task description in the box under the list title, and click Add.

Completing/uncompleting a task

Click the check box next to a task to mark the task as complete. The task name will become a lighter color and the progress bar will be updated. Clear the check box to mark the task as uncompleted. You can also click Uncheck all to mark all tasks as uncompleted.

Editing a task

Move your cursor over the task and click the edit icon (pencil) that appears to the right of the task. The task name will become editable and the edit icon will be replaced with a save icon. Make your change and press the 'Enter' key to save or click the save icon.

Deleting a task

Move your cursor over the task and click the delete icon (trash can) that appears to the right of the task.

Viewing details of a task

Click the arrow icon to the left of the task name. The task details will open in an expanded view.

Locking a task

Provided that the Enable Locking parameter has been selected, you can click the lock icon to prevent the task from being edited, deleted, or otherwise changed.

Changing the priority

When the task details are visible, click the appropriate option — High, Medium or Low.

Assigning the task

When the task details are visible, change the assignee of the task by typing in or searching for a username.

Screenshot: Task List showing task details

Sorting the tasks

There are two ways to sort the tasks in the list:

  • Using the Sort by list.
  • Using drag and drop.

Select one of the sort options from the 'Sort by' list:





This is the default option.


Sort the list in order of the priority you have allocated to each task.

Date Created

Sort the list in order of the dates upon which the tasks were created.


Move all completed tasks to the bottom or top of the list.


Sort the list in order of the task names.


Sort the list in order of the usernames assigned to the tasks.

Once you have selected a sort option, use the icon beside the Sort by box to reverse the sort order.

Dragging and dropping a task into a new position:

Drag a task up or down the list using the 'drag me' handle to the right of the task name. Make sure the task is positioned to the left of the existing tasks. A space will open and you will be able to drop the task into its new position.

Viewing the progress on tasks completed

The bar at the top of the task list displays two different colours, indicating the percentage of tasks completed.

Screenshot: Progress Bar on Task List

  • It is not possible to add a due date to the task list. If you interested in this improvement request, you can comment on or vote for this issue: CONF-7371 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • The Tasklist macro does not notify users that a task has been assigned to them. But you can do that using the lightweight task list accessible from the editor tool bar. See Managing Tasks in Confluence.
  • No labels