An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Examples of attachments are screenshots, photographs, other images, Word documents, presentations, PDF documents, videos and sound files. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format.

You can view attachment details in the following places:

  • The list of attachments in a space. This will show all files attached to all pages in the space. See below.
  • The list of attachments for a specific page. See below.
  • A list of attachments created by a macro and displayed on a page. See Displaying a List of Attachments.

Viewing attachments in a space

To view the attachments associated with a space:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Content Tools on the sidebar. 
  2. Choose Attachments. You will see a list of all the attachments in the space, along with their details and the pages they are attached to.
    To see only files of a particular type:
    • Type the last part of the file name in the Filter By File Extension box. For example, enter 'gif' to see only image files of the GIF format.
    • Choose Filter.
  3. To see only files that have a particular label or labels:
    • Type the label or labels in the Filter by Label box. If you enter more than one label, separate the labels with commas or spaces. Confluence will show only attachments that have all the labels specified. (The match is an AND, not an OR.)
    • Choose Filter.

If your space uses the Documentation theme:

  1. Choose Browse > Space Operations.
  2. Choose Attachments from the left menu.

Screenshot: List of attachments for a space

Viewing attachments on a page

When a page you are viewing contains attachments, a small paperclip icon appears next to the page byline, under the page name. Clicking the paperclip will take you to the 'Attachments' view, where you will see the full list of attachments.

To view the attachments associated with a page:

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Choose Tools > Attachments. You will see a list of the attachments in the page along with their details.
  3. To see all versions of an attachment, choose the arrow on the left of the attachment name.

The list of attachments includes options for viewing the files, and other actions, provided the user has the relevant permissions. If you have specified the 'Allow Upload' parameter, users will be able to upload attachments directly from the list too. Users can also delete attachments or edit attachment properties and labels. If an attachment is an Office or PDF file, you will see the appropriate options for Office Connector files.

Screenshot: List of attachments for a page

Attachment details

Note that the page view shows a different subset of fields from the space view.

  • Name is the name of the attached file.
  • Size tells you how much space the attachment takes up. You can sort by size by clicking the column title.
  • Creator is the person who attached the file. Clicking on the link takes you to the person's' user profile.
  • Creation Date is the date the file was attached. You can sort by date by clicking the column title.
  • Labels are keywords, or tags, that you can enter to categorise the attachments. See how to add labels.
  • Last Mod. Date (in the space view) is the date the file was last modified.
  • Attached To (in the space view) tells you which page contains the attachment.
  • Comment (in the page view) is a short description of the attachment.
  • The Properties link (in the page view) lets you edit the attachment details. See how to edit attachment properties.
  • The Delete link (in the page view) lets you delete the attachment, or a specific version of the attachment.
  • The Edit in Office link (in the page view) appears next to Office files only, and lets you edit that attachment.
  • The Attach File option lets you add another attachment or another version of an existing attachment. See how to upload attachments.
  • No labels