An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Examples of attachments are screenshots, photographs, other images, Word documents, presentations, PDF documents, videos and sound files. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format.

By default, when you delete an attachment, this will delete all versions of the attachment. To do that, you need the 'Delete Attachments' permission. See Space permissions.

If you want to delete a specific version of an attachment, you need to be a space administrator.

To delete all versions of an attachment:

  1. Go to the page that contains the attachment.
  2. Choose Tools > Attachments. A list of the page's attachments will appear.
  3. Choose Delete next to the attachment you want to delete.
  4. Choose Delete to confirm your action.

To delete a specific version of an attachment:

  1. Go to the page that contains the attachment.
  2. Choose Tools > Attachments. A list of the page's attachments will appear.
  3. Choose the arrow on the left next to the attachment you want to manage. A list of attachment versions will appear.
  4. Choose Delete next to the version you want to delete.
  5. Choose Delete to confirm your action.

Screenshot: Attachments and attachment versions

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