Enabling additional logging in Fisheye/Crucible
Depending on the issue, it may be required to increase the log level in Fisheye/Crucible for a particular set of classes.
If you have been asked to turn on Debug Logging, you can enable this by going to the Fisheye Admin Page > Global Settings > Server > Debug Logging. General Debug Logging does not require a restart and is usually a good place to start. This page contains the list of the available loggers and their usage that augment the general Debug Logging.
SQL logging
This may be required when some pages/actions are slow to load and more details about the queries are required.
- Add the following block of code to your
<FishEye install directory>/log4j.xml
<logger name="org.hibernate.type">
<level value="trace"/>
<logger name="org.hibernate.SQL">
<level value="DEBUG"/>
- Restart Fisheye/Crucible
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