This documentation relates to an earlier version of Bamboo.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

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An author is any person who checks-in code to a repository that is associated with a Bamboo plan. An author need not be a Bamboo user.

Your Author Name is your login name for the source-code repository.

If your Bamboo User Profile has not yet been associated with your Author Name, then:

  • your 'My Bamboo' screen will not contain any data about your recent builds.
  • your 'Author' information will not include a 'User Details' tab.

To associate your Author Name with your User Profile,

  1. Click the 'Profile' link in the top right corner of the screen. This will display the 'User Profile' screen.
  2. Click the 'Edit Profile' link.
  3. In the 'Source Repository Alias' field, select your Author Name from the list. If your Author Name does not appear in the list, select 'Add Alias' (the second item in the list) then type your Author Name in the 'New Alias' field. Note that your Author Name (Alias) need not be identical to your User Name.
  4. Click the 'Save' button.



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