Getting help with Jira Service Management

How can we help you?

We have a number of help resources available. You can get your problem resolved faster by using the appropriate resource.

I don't know how to do something 

  1. Search the Atlassian Community.

  2. Raise a support request*.

Something isn't working

  1. Check the 'Jira Service Management' (previously Jira Service Desk) knowledge base at

  2. Search the Atlassian Community.

  3. Raise a support request*.

If you've identified a bug but don't need further assistance, raise a bug report (

I don't like the way something works 

Something else?

 * Tip: If you are the Jira system administrator, you have a number of additional support tools available. See Raising support requests as an administrator for details. 

About our help resources

Atlassian Support 

Our support team handles support requests that are raised in our support system. You need to log in using your Atlassian account before you can raise support requests. 

For information on our general support policies, including support availability, SLAs, bugfixes, and more, see Atlassian Support Offerings. Note, you'll find anything security-related at Security @ Atlassian.

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If you are a Jira system administrator, you have a number of additional support tools available. These include the ability to raise a support request from within your Jira applications, create zip files of key Jira application information, and more. For details, see the Administering Jira Applications documentation.

Atlassian Community 

Atlassian Community is our official application forum. Atlassian staff and Atlassian users contribute questions and answers to this site.

You may be able to find an answer immediately on the Atlassian Community, instead of having to raise a support request. This is also your best avenue for help if:

  • you are using an unsupported instance or an unsupported platform,  
  • you are trying to perform an unsupported operation, or 
  • you are developing an app for Jira Service Management.

You can also have a look at the most popular Jira Service Management answers and the most popular Jira answers.

Jira Service Management knowledge base 

If there are known issues with a version after it has been released, the problems will be documented as articles in our knowledge base

Atlassian issue tracker 

Our official issue tracker records our backlog of bugs, suggestions, and other changes. This is open for the public to see. If you log in with your Atlassian account, you will be able to create issues, comment on issues, vote on issues, watch issues, and more.

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 Before you create an issue, search the existing issues to see if a similar issue has already been created.

Last modified on Apr 27, 2021

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