An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Examples of attachments are screenshots, photographs, other images, Word documents, presentations, PDF documents, videos and sound files. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format. You can attach files to any page or blog post, provided you have permission to do so.

When a page you are viewing contains attachments, a small paperclip icon appears next to the page byline, under the page name. Clicking the paperclip will take you to the 'Attachments' view, where you will see the full list of attachments.

A quick guide to attachments

Choose Tools > Attachments to view and attach files to a Confluence page. (See Attaching Files to a Page.) If you attach a file with the same name as an existing attachment, Confluence will create a new version of the existing attachment.

Once you have attached the relevant files, you can display attached images and multimedia content on the page. If the attachment is an Office document, use the View File macro to display the content of the document on the Confluence page. If you have an Office application installed, you will also be able to launch your Office editor from within Confluence. See Displaying Office Files in Confluence and Working with the Office Connector.

Your page can display a list of attachments – these may be the files that are attached to the page or to any page in the space. You can also display a link to an attachment. When a user clicks the link, the attachment will open, provided that the user has the software application needed to open the attachment.

You can label an attachment, and then use labels to categorise your content.

On this page:

Related pages:

Working with attachments


If you want an attachment to be displayed on more than one page, you may wish to consider creating a special page to hold such attachments. This special page could be part of an 'inclusions library'.