This documentation relates to an earlier version of Bamboo.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current documentation home.

If Bamboo stops responding, or is performing poorly, you should create a thread dump to help Atlassian determine the cause of the problem.

This will show the state of each thread in the JVM, including a stack trace and information about what locks that thread is holding and waiting for. 

Windows Users

To take a thread dump from Windows:

  1. Visit and click Launch
  2. Click Run for any security warnings
  3. Select Process -> Thread Dump
  4. Under Process Id, select the '...' button.
  5. From the drop-down list, select the Bamboo process. Users running Bamboo Standalone, select the 'Java (Jetty) ...' option. Users running Bamboo WAR should select their application server process.
  6. Ensure that the "Thread dump" and "Keep Remote Thread Running" is selected.
  7. Click OK to capture the thread dump.
  8. Save the output to a file, eg 'threaddump.log'
  9. If you were asked by Atlassian technical support to create the thread dump, attach the logfile to the support ticket.

    Alternatively, if you are not running Bamboo as a service, click on the console and press <CTRL>+BREAK

Linux (and Solaris and other Unixes) Users

Find the process id of the JVM and issue the command:

Use the ps command to get list of all processes.

kill -3 <pid>

Note: This will not kill your server (so long as you included the "-3" option, no space in between).
The thread dump will be printed to Bamboo's standard output.

Please note that some application servers (like tomcat) redirect stdout (to catalina.out for instance).

Thread Dump Tools

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