Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

Once you have identified that an issue is due to be actioned, you will need to add it to a sprint. You can either add an issue to a future sprint, or to the sprint that is currently in progress (the active sprint).

(info) Please note:

  • This page only applies to Scrum boards.

  • Please note that you cannot move sub-tasks independently of their parents.
  • You will need to have the 'Edit Issue' permission in the project to which the issue belongs.
  • If you are moving the issue above or below other issues, you will need to have the 'Schedule Issue' permission in the project to which the issue belongs.

Adding an Issue to a Planned Sprint

A planned sprint is a sprint which has not yet started (i.e. it is not currently visible in Work mode). A planned sprint is the collection of issues sitting above the sprint footer when you view your board in Plan mode.

To add an issue to a planned sprint,

  1. Log in to JIRA.
  2. Click the Agile link's down-arrow in the top navigation bar, then select your preferred board from the resulting dropdown menu.

  3. Your board will be displayed. Click 'Plan'.
  4. Drag the issue above the sprint footer (the grey horizontal marker),
    Drag the sprint footer (the grey horizontal marker) down below the set of issues you want to add to your sprint.
    (info) Note that you can only move the sprint footer if you have the 'Administer Projects' permission in all projects included in this board.

Adding an Issue to the Active Sprint

Sometimes you may need to add an issue to the active sprint — that is, the sprint which is currently in progress (ie. the sprint which is currently visible in Work mode). 

To add an issue to the active sprint,

  1. Log in to JIRA.
  2. Click the Agile link's down-arrow in the top navigation bar, then select your preferred board from the resulting dropdown menu.

  3. Your board will be displayed. Click 'Plan'.
  4. Drag the issue onto the active sprint (the sprint at the top of the page). You can drop it into the exact position and ranking you require.

Note that adding an issue to an active sprint will be shown as a 'scope change' event on the Burndown Chart for that sprint.

Screenshot: adding an issue to the active sprint