The instructions on this page describe how to configure Basic HTTP authentication for an application link. You can configure outgoing authentication (authentication of requests sent from this application to a linked application) and/or incoming authentication (authentication of requests coming from a linked application into this application).

Basic HTTP authentication allows your application to provide user credentials to a remote application and vice versa. Once authenticated, one application can access specified functions on the other application on behalf of that user. For example, if you supply the credentials of a JIRA administrator on your JIRA server to a remote application, the remote application will be able to access all functions on your JIRA server that the JIRA administrator can access.

This method of authentication relies on the connection between your application and the remote application being secure. We recommend that you use OAuth authentication for your application link instead, if possible.

On this page:

  • The instructions assume that both of the applications that you are linking have the Application Links plugin installed. If the remote application that you are linking to supports Basic HTTP authentication, but does not have the Application Links plugin installed, you will need to configure Basic HTTP authentication from within the remote application (see the relevant administrator's documentation for the application) in addition to configuring the outgoing/incoming authentication for the application link (as described below).

Configuring outgoing basic http authentication will allow your application to trust a remote application (i.e. allow the remote application to access specified functions in your application).

Configure basic http authentication for an outgoing link:

  1. Log in as a system administrator and go to the administration page. Click Application Links in the administration menu. The 'Configure Application Links' page will appear, showing the application links that have been set up.
  2. Click the 'Edit' link next to the application link that you want to configure authentication for.
  3. Click the 'Outgoing Authentication' tab. The outgoing authentication page will be displayed.
  4. Click the 'Basic Access' tab.
  5. Click the 'Configure' button and enter the credentials (username and password) that the remote application will use to log into your application .
  6. Click the 'Apply' button to save your changes.

Configuring incoming basic http authentication will allow the remote application that you are linking to, to trust your application (i.e. allow your application to access specified functions on the remote application).

Configure basic http authentication for an incoming link:

  1. Log in as a system administrator and go to the administration page. Click Application Links in the administration menu. The 'Configure Application Links' page will appear, showing the application links that have been set up.
  2. Click Edit next to the application link that you want to configure authentication for.
  3. Click the Incoming Authentication tab, then the Basic Access tab.
  4. Click Configure and enter the credentials (username and password) that the your application will use to log in to the remote application.
  5. Click Apply.

Configuring OAuth authentication for an application link
Configuring Trusted Applications authentication for an application link

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