If you have already installed the JIRA Connector via the Mylyn Connector Discovery in Eclipse, only the JIRA component of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse will be installed. Follow the instructions below to upgrade to the full Atlassian Connector for Eclipse, which includes FishEye, Crucible and Bamboo integration.
If you have never installed the connector, please refer to the installation guide instead. If you want to upgrade an existing installation of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse, please refer to this upgrade guide instead.
On this page:
Offline Upgrade
If you are upgrading offline, follow the instructions for installing the connector offline.
Upgrade for Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
To upgrade the JIRA connector to the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse on Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) IDE:
- Open the Eclipse software updates manager via 'Help', 'Install New Software'.
The Atlassian Connector update site will have been added automatically when you installed the JIRA connector. If it hasn't been added, you can add it manually yourself (see Installing the Eclipse Connector for the appropriate URL).
- Select the Atlassian Connector update site from the 'Work with' dropdown. The 'Atlassian Connector', 'Atlassian Integrations' and 'Dependencies' items will display as shown in the screenshot below.
- Select the required features for the connector:
- Atlassian Connector for Eclipse — Required. This is the core of the Atlassian Connector.
- Atlassian Bamboo Integration — Allows you to view and manage your Bamboo builds within your Eclipse IDE.
- Atlassian Crucible & FishEye Integration — Allows you to view and manage your Crucible code reviews within your Eclipse IDE, and to move easily to a FishEye view of your repository.
- Atlassian CVS Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under CVS.
- Atlassian Subclipse Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under SVN with Subclipse. If you select this, do not select 'Atlassian Subversive Integration'.
- Atlassian Subversive Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under SVN with Subversive. If you select this, do not select 'Atlassian Subclipse Integration'.
- Click the 'Next' button and follow the installation prompts.
- Restart Eclipse when prompted.
- The Atlassian Connector for Eclipse has now been installed. Your next step is to add your Bamboo, Crucible and JIRA task repositories in Eclipse. See Configuring the Eclipse Connector.
Upgrade for Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)
To upgrade the JIRA connector to the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse on Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) IDE:
- Open the Eclipse software updates manager via 'Help', 'Software Updates', 'Available Software'.
The Atlassian Connector update site will have been added automatically when you installed the JIRA connector. If it hasn't been added, you can add it manually yourself (see Installing the Eclipse Connector for the appropriate URL).
- The 'Atlassian Connector for Eclipse' will appear in the list of available software, as shown in the screenshot below:
- Select the required features for the connector:
- Select the required features for the connector:
- Atlassian Connector for Eclipse — Required. This is the core of the Atlassian Connector.
- Atlassian Bamboo Integration — Allows you to view and manage your Bamboo builds within your Eclipse IDE.
- Atlassian Crucible and FishEye Integration — Allows you to view and manage your Crucible code reviews within your Eclipse IDE, and to move easily to a FishEye view of your repository.
- Atlassian CVS Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under CVS.
- Atlassian Subclipse Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under SVN with Subclipse. If you select this, do not select 'Atlassian Subversive Integration'.
- Atlassian Subversive Integration — Select this integration option if you version your project under SVN with Subversive. If you select this, do not select 'Atlassian Subclipse Integration'.
- Click the 'Install' button, then click 'Finish' when asked to confirm the installation.
- Click the 'Next' button and follow the installation prompts.
- Restart Eclipse when prompted.
- The Atlassian Connector for Eclipse has now been installed. Your next step is to add your Bamboo, Crucible and JIRA task repositories in Eclipse. See Configuring the Eclipse Connector.