As of June 1, 2015, the IDE Connector documentation will no longer be maintained by Atlassian. See for more information. We will also be making this documentation available for our open source community here:

The Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA provides an auto-upgrade option and a manual upgrade option. Both options are described below.

Allowing the Auto-Upgrade

If the auto-upgrade feature is enabled (refer to the Configuration Guide), the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA will inform you when a new version is available, by displaying a flashing icon on your IDEA status bar.

Screenshot: IDEA showing update available for IDE Plugin

To allow the auto-upgrade:

  1. Click the flashing icon.

  2. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to install the new version. You can also choose to reject the upgrade.

    If you choose to reject the upgrade, you will not be notified again about the availability of this particular new version. You will be notified about the next version we release.
    If you later change your mind and decide to upgrade after all, you can always trigger the upgrade manually, as described below.

  3. Click the 'Yes' button to install the latest version.

  4. When the latest version has been successfully installed, you will see a confirmation window:

  5. Click the 'Yes' button to restart IDEA.

Triggering the Upgrade Manually

You can check for new versions of the plugin and start the upgrade manually at any time, from the plugin's configuration panel.

To trigger a manual upgrade:

  1. Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialog, go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian' icon.

  2. The plugin configuration panel will open. Click the 'General' tab.

  3. Select one of the following radio buttons:
    • 'Stable only' — checks for released versions of the plugin only.
    • 'Stable + snapshot' — checks development as well as released versions.

  4. Click the 'Check now' button. The plugin will check for the latest version.
    • If you already have the latest version, you will see something like this:

    • If there is a later version available, a dialog box will tell you the latest version number and ask you if you want to install it:

  5. Click the 'Yes' button to install the latest version.

  6. When the latest version has been successfully installed, you will see a confirmation window:

  7. Click the 'Yes' button to close IDEA.

  8. Restart IDEA.

Installing the IntelliJ Connector
Configuring the IntelliJ Connector

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