Documentation for JIRA Service Desk 1.2.
Documentation for [JIRA Service Desk Cloud] and [other versions of JIRA Service Desk] is available too.


Each user of JIRA Service Desk must have a license to use JIRA; this includes customers who use the Customer Portal to submit requests. You can read more about why licensing is set up this way on our blog.

Types of JIRA Service Desk users

There are three main ways users interact with JIRA Service Desk:

  • Service desk managers use the service desk interface in JIRA to customize and manage a service desk for a given project. Service desk managers are users with administrative rights in the JIRA project, which allows them to configure the service desk, use the report tools in the service desk, create SLAs for measuring progress, and connect a Confluence knowledge base to the service desk. 
  • Service team members use the service desk interface in JIRA to view their queues, reports generated by the service desk manager, and the SLA metrics they're working against. When service desk team members work on a customer request, they update and log information on the request using the standard JIRA issue view. This gives them access to all the JIRA features for managing issues. 
  • Customers use a clean, simple Customer Portal to log their requests; they aren't required to see the service desk tools used by the service desk managers or team members. As their request is being worked on, they receive emails on the status changes and public comments made by the service desk team. They can also use the Customer Portal to see a list of all their requests (current or completed).

Requests seen by customers versus service team members

The following screenshots show the different views customers and the service team members see when they open a request. 

Customers see the Customer Portal.

Service team members see the standard JIRA issue view.

JIRA Service Desk project roles and permissions

Based on the three types of users, JIRA Service Desk creates two additional default JIRA project roles, Service Desk Team and Service Desk Customers. These two roles mirror the way service team members and customers interact with JIRA Service Desk, and the Administrators role mirrors that of the service desk managers.  

JIRA Service Desk also provides a standard permission scheme (JIRA Service Desk Permission scheme for [project]) that automatically gives your JIRA Service Desk users the correct permissions for the project role you assign them. For example, giving users the Service Desk Team role will allow them read-only access to JIRA Service Desk, as well as allow them to work on issues in JIRA. 

Setting up users

With the standard permission scheme and project roles in place, adding users to a JIRA Service Desk project just involves creating the users in JIRA and assigning them to the project role you want them to have. To do this, use the following information:

  1. Create the users in JIRA.
  2. In your service desk, go to the People tab, and assign a project role to your users or make sure that the groups which they belong to are associated with the project role.
    Screenshot: Setting up project roles for your service desk

In order for customers to submit requests through the Customer Portal, they must log in with their JIRA credentials (either through JIRA or the Customer Portal). Customers can also update their name, email address, password, timezone, and avatar from the Customer Portal. This information will be updated in the JIRA user directory automatically.

Note: Updating avatars does not work in Internet Explorer 8.

Using custom permission schemes

The standard JIRA Service Desk permission scheme has pre-configured all the JIRA permissions to support the way most service desk teams are set up. If you choose not to use the standard permission scheme, make sure your users have the right JIRA permissions for their role in your service desk team as described in the following table. 

You can switch back to the standard one at any time by using the migration option on the People tab.

New to JIRA permissions?


Service desk managers

Because service desks are built upon JIRA projects, you must have JIRA project administration permissions in order to set up and administer a service desk. The project administration permission allows you to manage service desk functionality like creating new request types, setting up new queues, creating SLAs, and generating reports.

As an administrator, you must also have all the permissions required for your service desk team members and customers in order to see all the functionality they'll be using.

Service desk team members

If you use a custom permission scheme, make sure your service desk agents have the right permissions for their role in the service desk team. The following JIRA permissions are recommended for service desk agents:

  • Create Issues (This permission gives users the ability to create issues in a Customer Portal)
  • Browse Projects (This permission gives users read-only access to the QueuesReportsSLA, and Customer Portal tabs in JIRA, as well as access to the project's Customer Portal)
  • Schedule Issues
  • Add Comments
  • Create Attachment

Service desk customers

If you use a custom permission scheme, make sure your service desk customers have the right permissions. Using the Service Desk Customer - Portal Access security type is recommended. This allows you to give customers access to the Customer Portal only (not JIRA).

These are the recommended JIRA permissions for service desk customers:

  • Create Issues (This permission gives users the ability to create issues in a Customer Portal)
  • Browse Projects (This permission gives users access to the project in the Customer Portal)
  • Add Comments (if you want customers to be able to add comments after they have submitted a request)
  • Create Attachments (if you want customers to be able to add an attachment when they create a request or add an attachment to the request after it's been submitted)
  • Assign Issue (if you want to use the Assignee field to automatically channel issues to certain team members)

In addition, if the service desk project uses an issue security scheme, make sure that it is configured so that service desk users can view issues. Otherwise, customers might be able to create issues but not view them after they've been created.

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