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You can use SSH keys to establish a secure connection between your computer and Stash for when you are performing Git operations, however the option to clone using SSH only becomes available once you've added an SSH key to your user account in Stash. This page describes how to do that.
Your Stash administrator must have already enabled SSH access to Git repositories.
Supported key types are DSA and RSA2. RSA1 is not supported.
At the time of writing, on Mac OS X, the Git tar archive can fail on special characters when using SSH to secure connections between your computer and Stash. (The Git archive command allows you to download as a single file the files in a checkout of the Git repository.) We recommend that you use the zip format; you can set that using the following command:
git archive --format zip
You should check for existing SSH keys on your local computer. If you already have a key pair that you want to use, you can go to step 4.
Open a terminal and run the following:
cd ~/.ssh
Check to see if you have a key already:
ls id_*
If you have existing SSH keys, but you don't want to use them when connecting to Stash, you should back those up.
Do this in a terminal on your local computer , by running:
mkdir key_backup cp id_rsa* key_backup
Now generate a new SSH key.
If you don't have an existing SSH key to use, you need to generate one.
Open a terminal on your local computer and enter the following:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
Associating the key with your email address helps you to identify the key later on.
You'll see a response similar to this:
directory doesn't exist, the system creates one for you.Enter, and re-enter, a passphrase when prompted.
The whole interaction will look similar to this:
In your terminal, copy the public key file to your clipboard by entering:
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
sudo apt-get install xclip xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Note that on Linux, you may need to download and install xclip, as shown in the code snippet above.
In Stash, go to your account: