Note that this page only applies if you are using the
Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed;
read more).
You can schedule and assign issues with ease in GreenHopper. By dragging and dropping the cards on the Classic Planning Board, you can associate your issues with a (Fix for) Version, Component or Assignee.
To schedule or assign an issue in GreenHopper Classic,
- Log into JIRA.
Select Agile > Classic in the top navigation bar. Then select Classic Planning Board from the drop-down below the project name.
- Select your project from the project dropdown in the top navigation bar, if it is not already selected.
- Change the Planning Board mode to categorise your issues by versions, components or assignees.
- Select one or multiple issues (i.e. cards) with your mouse.
- If you are using the 'Cards' or 'Summaries' viewing mode, click the 'header' of each card (i.e. the top section of the card, containing the issue key).
- If you are using the 'List' viewing mode, click the coloured vertical bar at the far left of the row.
- To select a single card, just click the desired card.
To select multiple issues, you can do either of the following:
- Selecting multiple ungrouped cards (i.e. cards that are not adjacent to each other) — Hold down 'CTRL' on your keyboard and click to select the desired cards.
- Selecting multiple grouped cards (i.e. cards adjacent to each other) — Click a card, hold down 'SHIFT' on your keyboard and click another card above or below the first one (or two or more cards to the left or right of the first). All cards between and including the cards you clicked will be selected.
Tip: If you hold down 'SHIFT' on your keyboard and click an issue, without clicking a card first, then all issues from the top of the Planning Board down to the clicked issue will be selected.
- Drag and drop the selected card(s) to the version/component/assignee box with which you want to associate the issue(s).
- If your issue(s) have sub-tasks, you will also be promped as to whether you want to schedule/assign each of the sub-tasks along with the parent issue. Select the sub-tasks to schedule/assign and click the Update button.
- GreenHopper will schedule/assign the issues immediately, as well as update the statistics on the boxes on your Planning Board.
Tip: You can also move sub-tasks from one issue to another by dragging and dropping the sub-task card(s) to the desired issue.
- You will need the 'Edit Issues' and the 'Schedule Issues' permission issues in order to move issues to a different version on the Planning Board. Additionally, depending on the 'Scheduling Permission' setting in your GreenHopper General Configuration, you may also need the 'Resolve Issues' permission. (Note that the 'Schedule Issues' permission is always required, regardless of the Scheduling Permission setting in GreenHopper General Configuration.)
- You will need the 'Edit Issues' and the 'Assign Issues' permission in order to re-assign issues.
Screenshot: Dragging a card to a version box