The Confluence applications stores temporary files in the Confluence temporary directory. The location of the directory is located  in: <confluence_home>/temp.

There are a few methods that can help you determine which component of Confluence generated the file:

  • Open the file: allows you to view the contents of the file
  • Examine the file name and extension: Usually, the file name has a string prefix
    • eg - generated from the attachments plugin where users choose to 'download all attachments'
    • chartxxxxxxx.png - generated from the Charts macro plugin which generates the chart images to be displayed on the page.
    • jiraissuesxxxxx.html - generated from the Jira Issues Macro when the plugin gets issues content from JIRA.
  • Examine the creation time (timestamp) of similarly named files : This allows you to determine if the file is generated periodically, in which case this infers the file was created by a scheduled task. If the timestamps for the files are random, then the files are most likely generated at runtime (that is, during page rendering or by user actions).


Please refer to this article for the procedure change the schedule of the cleanup of the temporary directory.

To remove files manually from the command line one could issue a command (applicable to *nix) similar to:

find <confluence_home>/temp -name 'download*' -mmin +60 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

as well as place the command in a cron job.