This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

Please note this Bamboo functionality relates only to the Maven Task and Ant Task outputs.

If your plan's build logs indicate that your Maven or Ant builds are passing but Bamboo is reporting them as failed (or vice-versa), it could be that:

  • Bamboo is not finding 'BUILD SUCCESS' in your build logs
  • Bamboo is finding 'BUILD FAILED' in your build logs when it should not be doing so. (This marker is not used in Maven.)
  • Your builds are returning a non-zero return code. (For example, the build log will indicate Build process for 'ABC Application - XYZ Build' returned with return code = 1.)

If your builds produce atypical or non-standard output, you can make Bamboo check for text other than 'BUILD SUCCESS' or 'BUILD FAILED' in your build logs. An additional system property is available to specify how far back in the logs Bamboo checks for these text markers.

System Property


Default Value


Specifies the text (or string) that Bamboo looks for in the build log to determine if the build was successful



Specifies the text (or string) that Bamboo looks for in the build log to determine if the build failed



Specifies the number of lines from the end of the builder log in which to check for the values of atlassian.bamboo.builder.successMarker or atlassian.bamboo.builder.failedMarker.


For instructions on how to configure a system property, please refer to the Configuring system properties page.

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