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[FishEye Knowledge Base]
FishEye's administration interface allows you to configure the number of threads used for repository indexing.
FishEye uses two types of indexing operation:
To configure the number of threads FishEye uses for indexing:
Screenshot: FishEye multi-threading configuration
Changing the number of threads always involves a trade-off in performance; you should generally change these settings in increments of one, then observe the performance impact. A safe range is from 1-3 threads on both settings. Using more than three threads on either setting is not recommended; the more threads, the busier the server will become when indexing. There is certainly no benefit in having more threads than you have repositories. Adding a lot of threads may impact overall system performance.
By default, FishEye uses one thread each for the two indexing types.
Note that decreasing the number of indexing threads does not have an effect until any current scanning ends. To force this effect immediately, perhaps because of a performance issue, a FishEye restart is needed.
For more information on managing FishEye's performance, see the FishEye Tuning page.