How to remove Application link using a REST endpoint

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This article instructs how to remove an Application Link using a REST endpoint. The use case is when configuring a test or staging server with scripting, disabling the AppLink with a script is easier than removing it manually.


The below examples require an authenticated session, and also for websudo (secure sessions) to be disabled. Given this is for a test server this should be acceptable, and can be done as per Configuring secure administrator sessions.

  1. Identify the Application Link(s) to be removed by performing a GET on <BASE_URL>/rest/applinks/1.0/listApplicationlinks. This will provide something such as the below:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <list xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="linkAndAuthProviderEntity">
            <link href="" rel="self"/>
  2. Retrieve the id from the above query, for example using XPath this is /list/list/application/id.
  3. Use that to enter into the URL <BASE_URL>/rest/applinks/2.0/applicationlink/<id>, and send a DELETE to that URL. If we use the example above this is
  4. This will delete the Application Link.

This can be automated with something similar to the below Shell script, replacing admin:sphere with the username and password.

curl -u admin:sphere | xmllint --xpath '/list/list/application/id/text()' - > id.txt
curl -u admin:sphere -X DELETE ''$(cat id.txt)

A successful result will be output something similar to the below. This does not delete the application link in the linked instance (in this example, Confluence).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><status><status-code>200</status-code><message>Deleted application with id '3e3c8fef-6f20-34c5-9e1f-624f0eacd943'</message></status>

Last modified on Apr 7, 2016

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