Jira Data Center automation
The simple way to automate and extend Jira. All power, no scripts.
Get started with Jira automation
If you've never used Jira automation before, start with this quick guide.
View guideAutomation basics
Learn about key concepts, use cases, template library, and best practices for optimizing rules.
View topicsAdminister Jira automation
Learn about versions, licenses, upgrades, and how to configure Jira automation.
Create and configure Jira automation rules
Learn how to create and configure automation rules.
Examples and use cases of Jira automation rules
Components in Jira automation
Learn about the main components: triggers, conditions, and actions.
Smart values in Jira automation
Learn about smart values that let you pull in dynamic data.
Use Jira automation rules to modify issues
Learn how to use automation rules to modify issues around Jira.
Monitor automation activity and diagnose issues
Learn how to monitor and troubleshoot automation rules, view performance insights, and use the audit log.
Troubleshoot automation rules