Atlassian Answers is a vibrant and thriving Q&A community.  Experts play a huge role in helping us to curate and nurture this community. So how do you become an expert? 

You become an expert by earning points (previously known as Karma):

  • 15 points when your answer is accepted
  • 10 points each time your question or answer is up voted
  • -2 points each time your question or answer is down voted. 

As your earn points, and your reputation grows you gain new powers:

  • Vote down answers - 15 points
  • Edit question topics - 100 points
  • Delete other users' content - 500 points
  • Edit other users' content - 500 points
  • Convert comments to answers and vice versa - 1,500 points
  • Accept and un-accept answers on other users' questions - 1,500 points
  • "Insta-ban" spam accounts - 1,500 points

Additionally, free Atlassian swag is available to experts at the following point levels:

  • "Karma King/Queen" T-Shirt - 1,500 points
  • Atlassian Answers Backpack - 5,000 points
  • Atlassian Answers Jacket - 10,000 points


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