App Access for Confluence Cloud REST APIs

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App Access rules control what information apps can read and write in Confluence Cloud. By default, installed apps can access data in any Confluence space. Confluence and organization admins can choose to block app access throughout all of Confluence or in specific spaces.

Apps use REST APIs to read and write data in Confluence spaces, and content within the space. When an API is blocked by an app access rule, the org admin can allow or block an app from accessing that content or performing that action in a selected space.

APIs that are not blocked by an app access rule allow an app to read and write to any space or content within a space, even when the Admin has decided to block app access.

Note: When an app is blocked from a space, it can’t read or write to any of the objects in the space, but it can still read and write to space-level data.

Terms used in this document




The content directly above a piece for content, such as the “parent” page in the left navigation content tree or a “parent” comment that a “child” comment has replied to.

Annonymous user

A user who is not logged in to Confluence. By default, these users have no access to spaces or content. But an admin can grant permissions to anonymous users.


A application programming interface allows an app to access Confluence and read, write, or delete information.


A file, such as an image or a document, that has been uploaded to Confluence.

Audit logs

A list of changes made to the Confluence site, including data on who made the change and when.

Creating and viewing audit logs requires the Confluence global admin permission.

Binary data

The file data contained in an attachment such as an image.

Blog post

A piece of content posted in a space’s blog.

Body text

The text and styling contained within a piece of content.

Child content

Any content contained or displayed within another piece of content.

  • For pages, this includes pages below it in the content tree, comments, and attachments.

  • For blog posts, it includes comments and attachments.

  • For attachments, it includes comments.

  • For comments, it includes attachments.

Comment, footer

Comments left at the bottom of a page.

Comment, inline

Comments left at a specific location within the page’s body.

Confluence Query Language (CQL)

A method of searching Confluence that allows multiple parameters and search strings.


A collective term for the pages, blog posts, inline comments, footer comments, attachments, and custom content inside a Confluence space.

Content state

Content can have three states:

  • Current: The live page or blog post, viewable in Confluence.

  • Draft: An autosaved or unpublished draft that is only viewable in Confluence by the user who created it or shared with collaborators.

  • Archived: A page or blog post that has been moved to the archive.

Custom content

The specialized content created and controlled by an app to add new functionality to Confluence. Examples include a macro attachment or a form.

Dynamic modules

A feature available to app developers that lets them run specific code in Confluence.


A set of users that can be granted permissions collectively.


A set of characters that Condluecne uses to identify a unique piece of content, a label, a user, or a group.

Inline tasks

See tasks.


User-generated tags used for searching and filtering content.

Long-running task

Operations that Confluence performs in the background while the user does other things. A common example is moving multiple pages from one space to another.

Macro body

The text or other content inside a macro.

For example, the Expand macro contains text that is only shown when the user clicks on it.


Actions that a user or API can have permission to take on a piece of content or a space. Examples include create, read, copy, move, delete and many others.


A piece of content in a Confluence space identified by an ID. All pages are contained inside a space. A page can contain text, styling, attachments, restrictions, and macros.


The related content “above“ a piece of content in navigation. Parents are used to organize related content.

  • For pages, the parent page is displayed above its child page in the left-navigation content tree. Child pages are indented slightly.

  • For footer comments, the parent is the comment that a comment is replying to. Child footer comments are indented slightly.

  • For inline comments, the parent is the comment that a comment it replying to. Child inline comments appear in the same pop-up as the parent.


There are three levels of permissions:

  • Global: Site-wide permissions.

  • Space: Permission to view, add, edit, and delete content in a space. Applied to users, groups, and anonymous users.

  • Page and blog post: All pages default to allow viewing and editing by users and groups with access to a space. Users can add restrictions to secure specific pages.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Information about a specific person. A user’s name, email address, profile picture and other PIII can be contained in their Confluence account.

Users can set privacy for their account to block access to PII.

Admins can also configure privacy settings on behalf of users to block access to PII.


An filtering option added to labels.

  • global: The label is available in all spaces on a Confluence site. Added by default when a user creates a label.

  • my: A prefix applied by a user (for example, creating a label called “my:new-label”) or when labeling a page a favorite (“my:favourite” is applied).

  • team: a prefix applied to team-specific labels.


Data about pages, blog post, and spaces that can be accessed by APIs. This should not include a user’s personal data or sensitive configuration data.

Privacy settings

A user’s privacy settings can restrict API access to personally identifiable information such as their name, email address, and profile picture.

Admins can set privacy settings on behalf of users to globally restrict access to this information.


Users with the delete permission can move a page or other piece of content to the trash. A space admin can go one step further and permanently delete, or purge, content from Confluence.


A relationship can exist between users, spaces, and content. The “favorite” relationship exists by default between a user and a piece of content. Users and apps can create new relationships with custom names.


A setting applied to a page or blog post to prevent users or groups from viewing it even if they have view permission for the space.


Confluene’s way or organizing content into meaningful categories, identified by an ID. Spaces can have permissions that allow or block users or groups, and a user can be an admin of a specific space.


An action item assigned to a user.

Also called inline tasks for V1 APIs.


A user of Confluence is identified by an ID. Users can have permissions to access specific spaces. Users can belong to groups.

User property

Information for a specific user that’s stored inside an app. Only the app itself can access its user properties. They are not available to other apps or other users.

Blocked when app access rule applies

These APIs are blocked when the admin turns on the app access rule. Apps using these APIs will no longer be able to access the content or perform the actions listed below.

Version 1 APIs with the DEPRECATED tag have been replaced by one or more corresponding Version 2 APIs. Some older apps may still use the V1 API while newer apps will use another, newer version.

Analytics APIs (version 1)



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Get views

Returns the total number of views for a piece of content by specifying its ID. This includes pages, blog posts, comments, attachments, and custom content.

GET Get views

Get viewers

Returns the total number of distinct viewers who have viewed a piece of content.

GET Get viewers

Ancestors API (version 2)



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Get all ancestors of page

Returns all “parent page” ancestors of a specific page in top-to-bottom order. A page’s ancestors are its parent page and the parent page’s parents. This API returns the page ID of the parents going all the way up in the content tree.

GET Get all ancestors of page

Attachment APIs (version 2)

An attachment is a file, such as an image or a document, that a user has uploaded to Confluence. Attachments are available for pages, blog posts, labels, and custom content.



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Get attachments

Returns all attachments for a piece of content.

GET Get attachments

Get attachment by id

Returns a specified attachment.

GET Get attachment by id

Delete attachment

Deletes an attachment.

DEL Delete attachment

Get attachments for blog post

Returns all attachments for a specified blog post.

GET Get attachments for blog post

Get attachments for custom content

Returns all attachments for a specified piece of custom content.

GET Get attachments for custom content

Get attachments for label

Returns all attachments of a specified label.

GET Get attachments for label

Get attachments for page

Returns all attachments for a specified page.

GET Get attachments for page

Blog post APIs (version 2)



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Get blog posts

Returns all blog posts.

GET Get blog posts

Create blog post

Creates a new blog post in a specified space.

POST Create blog post

Get blog post by id

Returns a specified blog post.

GET Get blog post by id

Update blog post

Updates a specified blog post.

PUT Update blog post

Delete blog post

Deletes a specified blog post.

DEL Delete blog post

Get blog posts for label

Returns all blog posts with a specific label.

GET Get blog posts for label

Get blog posts in space

Returns all blog posts in a specified space.

GET Get blog posts in space

Children APIs (version 2)



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Get child pages

Returns all child pages for a specified page.

GET Get child pages

Get child custom content

Returns all child custom content items for a specific piece of custom content.

Custom content is created and controlled by apps to add new functionality to Confluence. For more details, see: Custom Content

GET Get child custom content

Comment APIs (version 2)



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Get footer comments for page

Returns the first-level comments (also known as parent comments) displayed at the bottom of a specific page without returning any of the replies (child comments).

GET Get footer comments for page

Get inline comments for page

Returns the parent inline comments (comments left as a specific location on the page) of a specific page without returning any of the replies.

GET Get inline comments for page

Get footer comments for blog post

Returns the parent footer comments from a specific blog post without replies.

GET Get footer comments for blog post

Get inline comments for blog post

Returns the parent inline comments from a specific blog post without replies.

GET Get inline comments for blog post

Get footer comments

Returns all comments at the bottom of a specific page, including all parent comments and replies.

GET Get footer comments

Create footer comment

Creates a new comment at the bottom of a specified page.

POST Create footer comment

Get footer comment by id

Returns a specific comment by specifying its ID.

GET Get footer comment by id

Update footer comment

Updates the body text of a specific comment by its ID.

PUT Update footer comment

Delete footer comment

Deletes a specified comment by its ID.

DEL Delete footer comment

Get child footer comments

Returns the child comments of a specific comment by its id.

GET Get children footer comments

Get inline comments

Returns all inline comments from a specific page.

GET Get inline comments

Create inline comment

Creates a new inline comment at a specified location on a specified page.

POST Create inline comment

Get inline comment by id

Returns a specific inline comment by its ID.

GET Get inline comment by id

Update inline comment

Updates the body text of a specific inline comment by its ID.

PUT Update inline comment

Delete inline comment

Deletes a specified inline comment by its ID.

DEL Delete inline comment

Get child inline comments

Returns the child inline comments of a specific comment by its id.

GET Get children inline comments

Content APIs (Version 1)



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Get all content from Confluence


Returns all content from a Confluence instance.

Get Content

Create new content


Creates new content or publishes a previously created draft.

POST Create content

Archive pages

Initiates a task to move pages to the archive. An ID is returned to allow monitoring of the ongoing archive task.

POST Archive pages

Publish shared draft

Publishes a shared draft of a page.

PUT Publish shared draft

Publish legacy draft

Publishes a draft using the legacy draft method. To be replaced by the shared draft method.

POST Publish legacy draft

Search content by CQL

Returns a search request initiated using the Confluence Query Language (CQL).

GET Search content by CQL

Get content by ID


Returns a specific piece of content by sending its ID. This can include both the attributes of the content and its body text and attachments. It can also return child content.

GET Get content by ID

Update content


Updates a specific piece of content by changing the title, body, status, parent page, or additional properties.

PUT Update content

Delete content


Moves a piece of content such as a page, blogpost, or attachment, to the space's trash. Or, if it's already in the trash, it will purge the content, meaning that it will be deleted permanently. Comments are purged directly, without moving to the trash first.

A space admin cannot recover purged content.

DEL Delete content

Get content history


Returns the most recent update for a piece of content.

Returns the most recent update for a piece of content.

Content APIs (Version 2)



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Convert content ids to content types

Converts a list of content ids into their associated content types.

POST Convert content ids to content types

Content - attachments APIs (version 1)



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Get attachments


Returns all attachments for a piece of content.

POST Create attachment

Create or update attachment

Add a new attachment to a piece of content or update an existing attachment with a new version.

PUT Update attachment properties

Create attachment

Adds a new attachment to a piece of content.

POST Create attachment

Update attachment properties

Update an attachment with new strings, objects, containers, or other properties.

PUT Update attachment properties

Update attachment data

Updates the data for an attachment, such as a string of text or a binary file.

POST Update attachment data

Get URI to download attachment

Returns the web address of an attachment.

GET Get URI to download attachment

Content - body APIs (version 1)



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Convert content body

Converts a specific piece of content's body text to a new format. This can be used to access stored content to display it in view or edit mode. One example use is that apps may use this API to convert custom app content to a format that works with the PDF export function.

POST Convert content body

Asynchronously convert content body

Converts a specific content's body to a new format asynchronously. Returns an async ID that can be used to retrieve the results for five minutes.

POST Asynchronously convert content body

Content - children and descendants APIs (version 1)

Child content (also known as descendants) refers to content contained in another piece of content:

  • For pages, this includes pages below it in the content tree, comments, and attachments.

  • For blog posts, it includes comments and attachments.

  • For attachments, it includes comments.

  • For comments, it includes attachments.



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Get content children


Returns a list of all child content of a specific piece of content.

GET Get attachments

Move a page to a new location relative to a target page

Moves a page to a different position in the content tree. You can specify a new parent or a new order relative to another child page.

PUT Move a page to a new location relative to a target page

Get content children by type

Returns all children of a piece of content, allowing you to specify only child pages, comments, or attachments.

GET Get content children by type

Get content descendants

Returns a list of all "child content" of a specific piece of content, including content at all levels.

GET Get content descendants

Get content descendants by type

Returns all child content of a piece of content, including content at all levels. Allows you to specify only child pages, child comments, child attachments, or child custom content.

GET Get content descendants by type

Copy page hierarchy

Copies a page and every piece of content below it in the hierarchy to a new parent page.

  • Includes options to specify whether attachments, permissions, properties, labels, custom contents, and descendants are copied.

  • Includes options to update page titles using a prefix or search-and-replace.

POST Copy page hierarchy

Copy single page

Copies a page to a new space or parent page, allow allowing the copy to replace an existing page.

POST Copy single page

Content - comments APIs (version 1)



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Get comments


Returns all comments on a piece of content.

GET Get content comments

Content - labels APIs (version 1)

Labels are user-generated tags that are helpful for searching for and filtering content.



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Get labels for content


Returns all labels for a piece of content. Labels can include the prefix (used for filtering), name, id, and a label string.

GET Get labels for content

Add labels to content

Adds labels to a piece of content without removing existing labels. Labels include the prefix, name, or any additional attributes.

POST Add labels to content

Remove label from content using query parameter

Remove a label from a piece of content by querying the name of the label.

DEL Remove label from content using query parameter

Remove label from content

Remove a label from a piece of content by specifying its ID and the label you want to remove.

DEL Remove label from content

Content - macro body APIs (version 1)

Macro bodies are the text and other content contained inside a macro. For example, the Expand macro can contain text that is only shown when the user clicks on it.



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Get macro body by macro ID

Returns the body of a macro. The macro body also includes the Returns the body of a macro. The macro body also includes the title and any additional parameters.

GET Get macro body by macro ID

Get macro body by macro ID and convert the representation synchronously

Returns the body of a macro and allows you to convert it to a specified format immediately. The macro body also includes the title and any additional parameters.

GET Get macro body by macro ID and convert the representation synchronously

Get macro body by macro ID and convert representation asynchronously

Returns the body of a macro and allows you to convert it to a specified format that is available for five minutes using a provided async ID. The macro body also includes the title and any additional parameters.

GET Get macro body by macro ID and convert representation Ansynchronously

Content - permissions APIs (version 1)



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Check content permissions

Returns the permissions that a specified user or group has on a specific piece of content.

Confluence admins can check permissions for another user or for a group of users by specifying an ID. But a typical user can only check their own permissions.

POST Check content permissions

Content - properties APIs (version 1)

Properties are data about pages, blog post, and spaces that can be accessed by APIs. This should not include a user’s personal data or sensitive configuration data.



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Get content properties


Returns all properties of a piece of content.

GET Get content properties

Create content property


Adds a new property to a piece of content.

POST Create content property

Get content property


Returns a specific property for a specific piece of content.

GET Get content property

Update content property


Updates a specific property for a specific piece of content or creates that property if it didn't already exist in the content.

PUT Update content property

Create content property for key


Adds a new property to a piece of content, specifying the content key in the path of the request URL.

POST Create content property for key

Delete content property


Deletes a specific property for a specific piece of content.

DEL Delete content property

Content - properties APIs (version 2)



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Get content properties for attachment

Returns all content properties for a specified attachment.

GET Get content properties for attachment

Create content property for attachment

Creates a new content property for a specified attachment.

POST Create content property for attachment

Get content property for attachment by id

Returns a specific content property by its ID for a specific attachment.

GET Get content property for attachment by id

Update content property for attachment by id

Updates a specific content property by its ID for a specific attachment.

PUT Update content property for attachment by id

Delete content property for attachment by id

Deletes a specific content property by its ID for a specific attachment.

DEL Delete content property for attachment by id

Get content properties for blog post

Returns all content properties for a specified blog post.

GET Get content properties for blog post

Create content property for blog post

Creates a new content property for a specified blog post.

POST Create content property for blog post

Get content property for blog post by id

Returns a specific content property by its ID for a specific blog post.

GET Get content property for blog post by id

Update content property for blog post by id

Updates a specific content property by its ID for a specific blog post.

PUT Update content property for blog post by id

Delete content property for blogpost by id

Deletes a specific content property by its ID for a specific blog post.

DEL Delete content property for blogpost by id

Get content properties for custom content

Returns all content properties for a specified piece of custom content.

GET Get content properties for custom content

Create content property for custom content

Creates a new content property for a specified piece of custom content.

POST Create content property for custom content

Get content property for custom content by id

Returns a specific content property by its ID for a specific piece of custom content.

GET Get content property for custom content by id

Update content property for custom content by id

Updates a specific content property by its ID for a specific piece of custom content.

PUT Update content property for custom content by id

Delete content property for custom content by id

Deletes a specific content property by its ID for a specific piece of custom content.

DEL Delete content property for custom content by id

Get content properties for page

Returns all content properties for a specified page.

GET Get content properties for page

Create content property for page

Creates a new content property for a specified page.

POST Create content property for page

Get content property for page by id

Returns a specific content property by its ID for a specific page.

GET Get content property for page by id

Update content property for page by id

Updates a specific content property by its ID for a specific page.

PUT Update content property for page by id

Delete content property for page by id

Deletes a specific content property by its ID for a specific page.

DEL Delete content property for page by id

Get content properties for comment

Returns all content properties for a specified comment.

GET Get content properties for comment

Create content property for comment

Creates a new content property for a specified comment.

POST Create content property for comment

Get content property for comment by id

Returns a specific content property by its ID for a specific comment.

GET Get content property for comment by id

Update content property for comment by id

Updates a specific content property by its ID for a specific comment.

PUT Update content property for comment by id

Delete content property for comment by id

Deletes a specific content property by its ID for a specific comment.

DEL Delete content property for comment by id

Content - restrictions APIs (version 1)

By default, pages and blog posts are open for viewing, editing, and deletion by any user or group that has those permissions for that specific space. Restrictions are rules applied to pages or blog posts that block view, edit, or delete access even for users who have access to a space.



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Get restrictions for content

Returns the restrictions on a specific piece of content.

GET Get restrictions

Update restrictions

Updates restrictions for a piece of content by removing the current restrictions and replacing them with the ones specified in the request.

PUT Update restrictions

Add restrictions for content

Adds new restrictions to a specific piece of content without replacing the current restrictions.

POST Add restrictions

Delete restrictions for content

Removes all read and update restrictions from a specific piece of content.

DEL Delete restrictions

Get restrictions by operation

Returns restrictions on a piece of content with the results organized by operation (read and update).

GET Get restrictions by operation

Get restrictions for operation

Returns the restrictions on a specific piece of content for a specific operation (read or update).

GET Get restrictions for operation

Get content restriction status for group


Returns the restriction on a specified piece of content for a specified group. Note that this request relates to the permissions of the content itself, but not inherited permissions from spaces, accounts, or product access.

GET Get content restriction status for group

Add group to content restriction


Adds or updates permission for a specific group to a piece of content.

PUT Add group to content restriction

Remove group from content restriction


Deletes a group from a content restriction.

PUT Add group to content restriction

Get content restriction status for group

Returns whether a specific group has permissions on a specific piece of content. Note that this request relates to the permissions of the content itself, but not inherited permissions from spaces, accounts, or product access.

GET Get content restriction status for group

Add group to content restriction

Adds a group to a restriction (read or update) for a specific piece of content.

PUT Add group to content restriction

Remove group from content restriction

Removes a restriction (read or update) for a group from a specific piece of content.

DEL Remove group from content restriction

Get content restriction status for user

Returns whether or not a content restriction applies to a specific user on a specific piece of content. Note that this request relates to the permissions of the content itself, but not inherited permissions from spaces, accounts, or product access.

GET Get content restriction status for user

Add user to content restriction

Grants read or update permission to a user for a specific piece of content.

PUT Add user to content restriction

Remove user from content restriction

Removes a user's read or update restriction from a specific piece of content.

DEL Remove user from content restriction

Content - states APIs (version 1)

Content can have three states:

  • Current: The live page or blog post, viewable in Confluence.

  • Draft: An autosaved or unpublished draft that is only viewable in Confluence by the user who created it or shared with collaborators.

  • Archived: A page or blog post that has been moved to the archive.



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Get content state

Returns the current state of a specific piece of content or a specific draft of that content.

GET Get content state

Set the content state of content and publish a new version of the content.

Sets the current state of a specific piece of content and creates a new version of the content with the new state.

PUT Set the content state of a content and publishes a new version of the content

Removes the content state of content and publish a new version.

Removes the current state of a specific piece of content and creates a new version of the content with the new state.

DEL Removes the content state of a content and publishes a new version

Get available content states for content.

Returns all available states that a specific piece of content can currently be set to.

GET Gets available content states for content

Bulk set content state of content

Begin a process of setting the content state of draft or published versions of multiple pieces of content.

PUT Bulk set content state of many contents

Get Custom Content States

Returns all custom content states created by a specific user.

GET Get Custom Content States

Bulk remove content states from content

Begin a process of removing the content state of draft or published versions of multiple pieces of content.

POST Bulk remove content states from content

Get update on long running task for setting of content state

Returns the current status of a running bulk action to change content states.

GET Get update on long running task for setting of content state

Get content in space with a given content state

Returns pages in a space with a specific content state.

GET Get content in space with given content state

Content - versions (version 1)



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Get content versions


Returns all versions for a specific piece of content in descending order, including specified attributes and the text body of each version.

GET Get content versions

Restore content version

Sets an older version of a piece of content to be the current version by creating a new version with the content from the older version.

POST Restore content version

Get content version


Returns a specific version of a specific piece of content.

GET Get content version

Delete content version

Deletes an old version of a specific piece of content.

DEL Delete content version

Content - watches APIs (version 1)



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Get watches for page

Returns a list of watches for a page.

GET Get watches for page

Get content watch status

Returns whether or not a specific user or the current user is watching a specific piece of content.

GET Get content watch status

Add content watcher

Adds either a specified user or the current user as a watcher to a specific piece of content.

POST Add content watcher

Remove content watcher

Removes either a specified user or the current user as a watcher from a specific piece of content.

DEL Remove content watcher

Custom content APIs (version 2)

Custom content is the specialized content created and controlled by an app to add new functionality to Confluence. Examples include a macro attachment or a form.



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Get custom content by type in blog post

Returns all custom content of a specific type from a blog post.

GET Get custom content by type in blog post

Get custom content by type

Returns all custom content of a specific type, filtering by custom content ID or space ID.

GET Get custom content by type

Create custom content

Creates a new piece of custom content in a specific space, page, blogpost, or another piece of custom content.

POST Create custom content

Get custom content by id

Returns a specific piece of custom content by its ID.

GET Get custom content by id

Update custom content

Updates a specific piece of custom content by its ID.

PUT Update custom content

Delete custom content

Deletes a piece of custom content by its ID.

DEL Delete custom content

Get custom content by type in page

Returns all custom content for a specified type on a specified page.

GET Get custom content by type in page

Get custom content by type in space

Returns all custom content for a specified type on a specified space.

GET Get custom content by type in page

Experimental APIs (version 1)



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Delete page tree

Moves a page and all of its descendants (pages underneath it in the leftside navigation tree) to the space’s trash.

DEL Delete page tree

Inline task APIs (version 1)

Tasks are action items that can be assigned to a user.



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Get inline tasks based on search parameters


Returns inline tasks based on a search query that can include pages, assignees, creators, user who completed the task, dates, and current status.

GET Get inline tasks based on search parameters

Get inline task based on global ID


Returns an inline task based on its task ID.

GET Get inline task based on global ID

Update inline task given global ID

Changes the status of a specific task.

PUT Update inline task given global ID

Label APIs (version 1)

Labels are user-generated tags used for searching and filtering content.



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Get label information

Returns information about a label and all content associated with the label.

GET Get label information

Label APIs (version 2)



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Get labels for attachment

Returns all labels applied to a specified attachment.

GET Get labels for attachment

Get labels for blog post

Returns all labels applied to a specified blog post.

GET Get labels for blog post

Get labels for custom content

Returns all labels applied to a specified piece of custom content.

GET Get labels for custom content

Get labels for page

Returns all labels applied to a specified page.

GET Get labels for page

Get labels for space

Returns all labels for a specified space

GET Get labels for space

Get labels for space content

Returns all labels applied to content in a space

GET Get labels for space content

Like APIs (version 2)



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Get like count for blog post

Returns a count of all likes on a blog post.

GET Get like count for blog post

Get account IDs of likes for blog post

Returns the account ID of all users who liked a blog post.

GET Get account IDs of likes for blog post

Get like count for page

Returns a count of all likes on a page.

GET Get like count for page

Get account IDs of likes for page

Returns the account ID of all users who liked a page.

GET Get account IDs of likes for page

Get like count for footer comment

Returns a count of all likes on a footer comment.

GET Get like count for footer comment

Get account IDs of likes for footer comment

Returns the account ID of all users who liked a footer comment.

GET Get account IDs of likes for footer comment

Get like count for inline comment

Returns a count of all likes on an inline comment.

GET Get like count for inline comment

Get account IDs of likes for inline comment

Returns the account ID of all users who liked an inline comment.

GET Get account IDs of likes for inline comment

Operation APIs (version 2)

Operations are actions that a user or API is permitted to take on a specific piece of content or space. Examples include, but are not limited to, create, read, update, delete, copy, export, and purge.



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Get permitted operations for attachment

Returns all permitted operations on a specified attachment.

GET Get permitted operations for attachment

Get permitted operations for blog post

Returns all permitted operations on a specified blog post.

GET Get permitted operations for blog post

Get permitted operations for custom content

Returns all permitted operations on a specified piece of custom content.

GET Get permitted operations for custom content

Get permitted operations for page

Returns all permitted operations on a specified page.

GET Get permitted operations for page

Get permitted operations for footer comment

Returns all permitted operations on a specified footer comment.

GET Get permitted operations for footer comment

Get permitted operations for inline comment

Returns all permitted operations on a specified inline comment.

GET Get permitted operations for inline comment

Page APIs (version 2)



API docs link

Get pages for label

Returns all pages that have a specified label applied.

GET Get pages for label

Get pages

Returns all pages. Can be filtered by page IDs, spaces, current status, page title, and page body format.

GET Get pages

Create page

Creates a new page in a specified space.

POST Create page

Get page by id

Returns a specific page by its ID.

GET Get page by id

Update page

Updates a page.

PUT Update page

Delete page

Deletes a page.

DEL Delete page

Get pages in space

Returns all pages for a specified space.

GET Get pages in space

Relationship APIs (version 1)

A relationship can exist between users, spaces, and content. The “favorite” relationship exists by default between a user and a piece of content. Users and apps can create new relationships with custom names.



API docs link

Find target entities related to a source entity

Returns all entities (users, content, or spaces) with a specific relationship to a specified source entity using search parameters.

GET Find target entities related to a source entity

Find relationship from source to target

Returns whether or not a specific type of relationship exists between two entities (users, content, or spaces).

GET Find relationship from source to target

Create relationship

Creates a relationship between two entities (users, content, or spaces).

PUT Create relationship

Delete relationship

Removes a relationship between two entities (users, content, or spaces).

DEL Delete relationship

Find source entities related to a target entity

Returns all entities (users, content, or spaces) with a specific relationship to a specified target entity using search parameters.

GET Find source entities related to a target entity

Search API (version 1)



API docs link

Search for content with CQL

Searches for content using the Confluence Query Language (CQL).

GET Search content

Space APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Get spaces


Returns all spaces and information about spaces on a site in ascending alphabetical order by space key.

GET Get spaces

Get content for space


Returns all content in a space grouped by content type, then ordered by Content ID in ascending order.

GET Get content for space

Get content by type for space


Returns all content of a specified type (page, blogpost, and custom content).

GET Get content by type for space

Delete space

Deletes a space as part of a long-running task and returns a unique identifier to monitor the task.

DEL Delete space

Get space


Returns all information about a space, but none of the content. Include’s the space’s ID, name, description, and permissions, among other information.

GET Get space

Task APIs (version 2)

Tasks are action items that can be assigned to a user.

Note: Version 1 APIs are listed above as Inilne task APIs.



API docs link

Get tasks

Returns all tasks. Filtering is available by type of body format, current status, task ID, space ID, page ID, blog post ID, and various users who have interacted with the task (assignee, creator, etc.).

GET Get tasks

Get task by id

Returns a specified task by its ID.

GET Get task by id

Update task

Updates a specified task by its ID.

PUT Update task

Version APIs (version 2)



API docs link

Get attachment versions

Returns the version information for a specific attachment.

GET Get attachment versions

Get version details for attachment version

Returns version details for a specified attachment and specified version.

GET Get version details for attachment version

Get blog post versions

Returns the version information for a specific blog post.

GET Get blog post versions

Get version details for blog post version

Returns version details for a specified blog post and specified version.

GET Get version details for blog post version

Get page versions

Returns the version information for a specific page.

GET Get page versions

Get version details for page version

Returns version details for a specified page and specified version.

GET Get version details for page version

Get custom content versions

Returns the version information for a specific piece of custom content.

GET Get custom content versions

Get version details for custom content version

Returns version details for a specified piece of custom content and specified version.

GET Get version details for custom content version

Get footer comment versions

Returns the version information for a specific footer comment.

GET Get footer comment versions

Get version details for footer comment version

Returns version details for a specified footer comment and specified version.

GET Get version details for footer comment version

Get inline comment versions

Returns the version information for a specific inline comment.

GET Get inline comment versions

Get version details for inline comment version

Returns version details for a specified inline comment and specified version.

GET Get version details for inline comment version

Not blocked when an app access rule applies

These APIs are not blocked when the admin turns on an app access rule. This means that apps can still use these APIs to access Confluence spaces and content even when the admin has decided to block app access.

V1 APIs with the DEPRECATED tag have been replaced by one or more corresponding V2 APIs. Some older apps may still use the V1 API while newer apps will use another, newer version.

Copying custom macros

It will still be possible to copy a custom macro or copy the content from a custom macro once the app that has introduced the macro is added to a data security policy with an app access rule. However, the content within the macro will still be governed by the rules of the original space and page. The app will no longer have access to this content.

Users needing access to the content will need to go to the macro in its original location and copy the content separately.

Audit APIs (version 1)

A list of changes made to the Confluence site, including data on who made the change and when. This can include a user’s name, email address, and other personally identifiable information (PII).

Creating and viewing audit logs requires the Confluence global admin permission.



API docs link

Get audit records by date

Returns all audit log records or records from a date range.

GET Get audit records

Create audit record

Adds a record to the audit log.

POST Create audit record

Export audit records to a file

Creates a comma-separated value (CSV) or compressed (ZIP) file with all audit log records.

GET Export audit records

Get retention period for audit log records

Returns the length of time between creation and deletion of records in the audit log.

GET Get retention period

Set retention period for audit log records

Changes the length of record retention from creation to deletion, up to maximum of one year.

PUT Set retention period

Get audit records for a time period

Returns a set of records from the audit log starting from a time in the past to the current date. Results can be also be filtered by the record index, specific strings, and the total number of records returned.

GET Get audit records for time period

Content - body API (version 1)



API docs link

Get asynchronously converted content body from the id or the current status of the task.

Returns the results of a content body conversion for a specific async ID.

GET Get asynchronously converted content body from the id or the current status of the task

Content - states (version 1)



API docs link

Get space suggested content states

Returns the content states that are suggested in a specific space.

GET Get space suggested content states

Get content state settings for space

Returns whether a content states are allowed in a space, if customer or space content states are restricted, and a list of the space's allowed content states.

GET Get content state settings for space

Content – watches (version 1)

Watch APIs can return PII such as a user’s name and profile picture. A user’s privacy settings can block the return of PII.

Accessing data on a specific user requires the Confluence global administrator permission.



API docs link

Get watches for space

Returns a list of watches for all pages in a space.

GET Get watches for space

Get space watchers

Returns a list of watchers of a space.

GET Get space watchers

Get label watch status

Returns whether or not a specified user or the current user is watching a specific label.

GET Get label watch status

Add label watcher

Adds either a specified user or the current user as a watcher to a specific label.

POST Add label watcher

Remove label watcher

Removes either a specified user or the current user as a watcher from a specific label.

DEL Remove label watcher

Get space watch status

Returns whether or not a specific user or the current user is watching a space.

GET Get space watch status

Add space watcher

Adds either a specified user or the current user as a watcher of a space.

POST Add space watcher

Remove space watch

Removes either a specified user or the current user as a watcher of a space.

DEL Remove space watch

Dynamic module APIs (version 1)

Dynamic modules allow an app to run specific code in Confluence.



API docs link

Get modules

Returns all modules registered dynamically. (Used for Connect apps only.)

GET Get modules

Register modules

Registers a list of modules.

POST Register modules

Remove modules

Removes all modules or a specified list of modules from registration.

DEL Remove modules

Experimental APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Get space labels

Returns a list of labels associated with a space.

GET Get Space Labels

Add labels to a space

Adds a label to a space.

POST Add labels to a space

Remove label from a space

Deletes a label from a space.

DEL Remove label from a space

Group APIs (version 1)

Group APIs can return PII such as a user’s name, email address, and profile picture. A user’s privacy settings can block the return of PII and an admin can set privacy policies for all users.



API docs link

Get groups

Returns all user groups in ascending alphabetical order.

GET Get groups

Create new user group

Creates a new user group.

POST Create new user group

Delete user group


Deletes a user group by specifying its name.

DEL Delete user group

Get group


Returns information about a specific user group by its name.

GET Get group

Get group

Returns information about a specific user group by its ID.

GET Get group

Delete user group

Deletes a user group by specifying its ID.

DEL Delete user group

Get group


Returns a user group by specifying its name.

GET Get group

Get group members


Returns the members of a group.

GET Get group members

Get group members


Returns the members of a group.

GET Get group members

Search groups by partial query

Returns the members of a group filtered by a search string.

GET Search groups by partial query

Add member to group by group ID

Adds a user to a group by specifying the group ID and user account ID.

POST Add member to group by groupId

Remove member from group using group ID

Removes a user from a group by specifying the group ID and user account ID.

DEL Remove member from group using group id

Get group members

Returns the members of a group by specifying the group ID.

GET Get group members

Add member to group


Adds a user to a group by specifying the group name and the account ID.

POST Add member to group

Remove member from group


Removes a user from a group by specifying the group name and the account ID.

DEL Remove member from group

Labels APIs (version 2)



API docs link

Get labels

Returns all labels

GET Get labels

Long-running task APIs (version 1)

Long-running tasks are operations that Confluence performs in the background while the user does other things. A common example is moving multiple pages from one space to another.



API docs link

Get long-running tasks

Returns information about all active long-running tasks initiated by other APIs.

GET Get long-running tasks

Get a specific long-running task

Returns information about a specified long-running task initiated by another API.

GET Get long-running task

Operation API (version 2)

Operations are actions that a user or API is permitted to take on a specific piece of content or space. Examples for spaces include, but are not limited to, creating a space, moving a space, or archiving a space.



API docs link

Get permitted operations for space

Returns all permitted operations for a specified space.

GET Get permitted operations for space

Search API (version 1)



API docs link

Search users with CQL

Searches for users using the Confluence Query Language (CQL).

GET Search users

Settings APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Get look and feel settings

Returns the current settings values from the "Look and Feel" settings page for a specific space.

GET Get look and feel settings

Select look and feel settings

Sets the "Look and Feel" settings for a space to either the default, custom settings, or the current theme's settings.

PUT Select look and feel settings

Update look and feel settings

Updates specific "Look and Feel" settings for a site or space by either updating current custom settings or creating new custom settings.

POST Update look and feel settings

Reset look and feel settings

Sets the "Look and Feel" settings for a space or site to the default settings.

DEL Reset look and feel settings

Set look and feel settings for a space


Sets the "Look and Feel" settings for a space or site to use either custom settings or the default settings.

PUT Set look and feel settings

Get system info

Returns system information for the Confluence Cloud tenant.

GET Get system info

Space APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Create space

Creates a new space by specifying the space key, name, description, permissions, and additional options.

POST Create space

Create private space

Creates a new space that is only visible to the creator. This is the same as using the Create Space API with permissions set to only the current user.

POST Create private space

Update space

Updates the name, description, home page, type, status, or additional properties of a space.

PUT Update space

Space APIs (version 2)



API docs link

Get spaces

Returns all space permissions for a specified space.

GET Get spaces

Get space by id

Returns information about a specified space by its ID.

GET Get space by id

Space – permissions APIs (version 1)

Space permissions APIs require the user to have the space admin permission to run.



API docs link

Add new permission to space

Adds a new permission to space for a user or a group.

POST Add new permission to space

Add new custom content permission to space

Adds new custom content permissions to a space.

POST Add new custom content permission to space

Remove a space permission

Removes a space permission from a user or group.

DEL Remove a space permission

Space – permissions API (version 2)



API docs link

Get space permissions

Returns all space permissions for a specified space.

GET Get space permissions

Space – properties (version 1)



API docs link

Get space properties


Returns all properties for a specific space.

GET Get space properties

Create space property


Create a new space property.

POST Create space property

Get space property


Returns a specific property for a specific space.

GET Get space property

Update space property


Updates the value of a space's property.

PUT Update space property

Create space property for key


Creates a new space property by passing the property key in the path parameters of the URL instead of in the request body.

POST Create space property for key

Delete space property


Deletes a space property.

DEL Delete space property

Space - properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get space properties in space

Returns all properties set for a specified space.

GET Get space properties in space

Create space property in space

Creates a new space property.

POST Create space property in space

Get space property by id

Returns a specified space property by its ID.

GET Get space property by id

Update space property by id

Updates a specified space property by its ID.

PUT Update space property by id

Delete space property by id

Deletes a space property by its ID.

DEL Delete space property by id

Space – settings (version 1)



API docs link

Get space settings

Returns the routeOverrideEnabled setting for a space.

GET Get space settings

Update space settings

Updates the routeOverrideEnabled setting for a space.

PUT Update space settings

Template APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Update content template

Updates a content template, including the name, type, body, description, labels, space (if it's a space template), and additional properties.

PUT Update content template

Create content template

Creates a new content template by specifying the name, type, body, description, labels, space (if it's a space template), and additional properties.

POST Create content template

Get blueprint templates

Returns all templates provided by blueprints.

GET Get blueprint templates

Get content templates

Returns all content templates for a site or space.

GET Get content templates

Get content template

Returns a specified content template by the template's ID.

Template Get content template

Remove template

Deletes a template and, if applicable, replaces modified blueprint templates with the original default template.

DEL Remove template

Themes APIs (version 1)



API docs link

Get themes

Returns all admin-driven themes for a site or space, not including the default theme.

GET Get themes

Get global theme

Returns the current globally assigned admin-driven themes for a site.

GET Get global theme

Get theme

Returns information about a specific admin-driven theme that has been added to the site.

GET Get theme

Get space theme

Returns the current theme, if any, for a space.

GET Get space theme

Set space theme

Sets an admin-driven theme for a space (other than the default space).

PUT Set space theme

Reset space theme

Sets a space's admin-driven theme to the globally set theme.

DEL Reset space theme

User APIs (version 1)

User APIs may contain PII. The return of PII can be controlled by the user’s privacy settings.



API docs link

Get user

Returns all information about a specified user.

GET Get user

Get anonymous user

Returns information about the profile picture and display name for anonymous users of a site.

GET Get anonymous user

Get current user

Returns all information about the currently logged-in user.

GET Get current user

Get group memberships for user

Returns the group memberships of a specific user.

GET Get group memberships for user

Get multiple users using ids

Returns all information from multiple users.

GET Get multiple users using ids

Get user email address

Returns a user's email address.

GET Get user email address

Get user email addresses in bulk

Returns multiple users' email addresses.

GET Get user email addresses in batch

User APIs (version 2)



API docs link

Check site access for a list of emails

Accepts a list of email addresses and returns those that don't have site access.

POST Check site access for a list of emails

Invite a list of emails to the site

Accepts a list of email addresses and sends site invitations to them.

POST Invite a list of emails to the site

User – properties APIs (version 1)

User properties are information for a specific user that’s stored inside an app. Only the app itself can access its user properties. They are not available to other apps or other users.



API docs link

Get user properties

Returns all properties of a specific user as a list of property keys.

GET Get user properties

Get user property

Returns the property from a specific key for a user.

GET Get user property

Update user property

Updates a specified property value for a user.

PUT Update user property

Create user property by key

Creates a new property for a user using a key.

POST Create user property by key

Delete user property

Deletes a property from a user.

DEL Delete user property

Last modified on Apr 2, 2024

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