App Access for Jira Cloud REST APIs


App Access rules control what information apps can read and write in Jira Cloud. By default, installed apps can access data in any Jira project. Jira and organization admins can choose to block app access throughout all of Jira or in specific projects.

Apps use REST APIs to read and write data in Jira projects, and content within the project. When an API is blocked by an app access rule, the org admin can allow or block an app from accessing that content or performing that action in a selected project.

APIs that are not blocked by an app access rule allow an app to read and write to any project or type of content accessed by that API within a project, even when the Admin has decided to block app access.

Note: When an app is blocked from a project, it can’t read or write to any of the objects in the project, but it can still read and write to project-level data.

How to find API documentation

To find API documentation:

  1. Find the API in the tables below.

  2. Copy your API’s API docs link.

  3. Go to

  4. Select the Search box.

  5. Paste the link.

  6. From the search results, select the correct API.

Blocked when app access rule applies

These APIs are blocked when the admin turns on the app access rule. Apps using these APIs will no longer be able to access the content or perform the actions listed below.

Jira Platform

These APIs are used by all Jira products.

App migration (version 2)



API docs link

Bulk update custom field value

Sets the value for a set of custom fields.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/field

Bulk update entity properties

Sets the value of entity properties by type.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/properties/{entityType}

Get workflow transition rule configurations

Returns a list of transition rule configurations for a workflow.

POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/workflow/rule/search

App migration (version 3)



API docs link

Bulk update custom field value

Sets the value for a set of custom fields.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/field

Bulk update entity properties

Sets the value of entity properties by type.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/properties/{entityType}

Get workflow transition rule configurations

Returns a list of transition rule configurations for a workflow.

POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/workflow/rule/search

App properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get app properties

Returns a list of properties for an app.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties

Delete app property

Deletes a property for an app.

DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get app property

Returns a property for an app.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set app property

Sets a property for an app.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete app property (Forge)

Deletes a property for a Forge app.

DELETE /rest/forge/1/app/properties/{propertyKey}

Set app property (Forge)

Sets a property for a Forge app.

PUT /rest/forge/1/app/properties/{propertyKey}

App properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get app properties

Returns a list of properties for an app.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties

Get app property

Returns a property for an app.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set app property

Sets a property for an app.

PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete app property

Deletes a property for an app.

DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set app property (Forge)

Sets a property for a Forge app.

PUT /rest/forge/1/app/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete app property (Forge)

Deletes a property for a Forge app.

DELETE /rest/forge/1/app/properties/{propertyKey}

Avatars (version 2)



API docs link

Get avatars

Returns the system and custom avatars for a project or issue type.

GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Load an avatar

Loads a custom avatar for a project or issue type, from the specified URL.

POST /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Get an avatar image by ID

Returns the project or issue type avatar image for an avatar image ID.

GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/avatar/{id}

Avatars (version 3)



API docs link

Get avatars

Returns the system and custom avatars for a project or issue type.

GET /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Load an avatar

Loads a custom avatar for a project or issue type, from the specified URL.

POST /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Get an avatar image by ID

Returns the project or issue type avatar image for an avatar image ID.

GET /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/avatar/{id}

Dynamic modules (version 2)



API docs link

Delete modules

Removes modules.

DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Get modules

Returns a list of modules.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Register modules

Sets modules.

POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Dynamic modules (version 3)



API docs link

Get modules

Returns a list of modules.

GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Register modules

Sets modules.

POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Delete modules

Removes modules.

DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic

Filter sharing (version 2)



API docs link

Get all the share permissions for a filter

Returns the details of the sharing permissions for a filter.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission

Add a share permission for a filter

Adds a share permission for a filter

POST /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission

Delete share permission

Deletes shared access from a filter.

DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId}

Returns a single share permission for a filter

Returns a share permission for a filter.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId}

Filter sharing (version 3)



API docs link

Get all the share permissions for a filter

Returns the details of the sharing permissions for a filter.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/permission

Add a share permission for a filter

Adds a share permission for a filter

POST /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/permission

Returns a single share permission for a filter

Returns a share permission for a filter.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId}

Delete share permission

Deletes shared access from a filter.

DELETE /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId}

Filters (version 2)



API docs link

Create a filter

Creates a filter.

POST /rest/api/2/filter

Get my filters

Returns a list of filters owned by the current user. Optionally can request favourites as well.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/my

Search for filters

Returns a list of filters, by matching ID or specific attributes.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/search

Reset columns for a filter

Resets the user's column configuration for the filter to the default.

DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns

Get columns for a filter

Returns the columns configured for a filter. Returns labels and values.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns

Set columns for a filter

Sets the columns for a filter.

PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns

Remove filter as favorite

Removes a filter as a favorite for the current user.

DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/favourite

Add filter as favorite

Favorites a filter for the current user.

PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/favourite

Change a filter owner

Changes the owner of the filter, by accountID.

PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/owner

Filters (version 3)



API docs link

Create a filter

Creates a filter.

POST /rest/api/3/filter

Get my filters

Returns a list of filters owned by the current user. Optionally can request favourites as well.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/my

Search for filters

Returns a list of filters, by matching ID or specific attributes.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/search

Get columns for a filter

Returns the columns configured for a filter. Returns labels and values.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/columns

Set columns for a filter

Sets the columns for a filter.

PUT /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/columns

Reset columns for a filter

Resets the user's column configuration for the filter to the default.

DELETE /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/columns

Add filter as favorite

Favorites a filter for the current user.

PUT /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/favourite

Remove filter as favorite

Removes a filter as a favorite for the current user.

DELETE /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/favourite

Change a filter owner

Changes the owner of the filter, by accountID.

PUT /rest/api/3/filter/{id}/owner

Issue attachments (version 2)



API docs link

Get attachment content

Returns the contents of an attachment.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/content/{id}

Get attachment thumbnail

Returns an attachment's thumbnail. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/thumbnail/{id}

Delete attachment

Removes an attachment from an issue. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}

Get attachment metadata

Returns an attachment's metadata (but not the attachment itself); for example, the attachment's ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}

Get all metadata for ZIP attachment

Returns an attachment's metadata (but not the attachment itself), whether or not it is in a ZIP archive; for example, the attachment's ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}/expand/human

Get all metadata for ZIP attachment contents

Returns the metadata of attachments inside a ZIP archive (but not the attachments or ZIP archive); for example, each attachments ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}/expand/raw

Add attachment for an issue

Adds one or more attachments to an issue.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/attachments

Issue attachments (version 3)



API docs link

Get attachment content

Returns the contents of an attachment.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/content/{id}

Get attachment thumbnail

Returns an attachment's thumbnail. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/thumbnail/{id}

Get attachment metadata

Returns an attachment's metadata (but not the attachment itself); for example, the attachment's ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/{id}

Delete attachment

Removes an attachment from an issue. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/3/attachment/{id}

Get all metadata for ZIP attachment

Returns an attachment's metadata (but not the attachment itself), whether or not it is in a ZIP archive; for example, the attachment's ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/{id}/expand/human

Get all metadata for ZIP attachment contents

Returns the metadata of attachments inside a ZIP archive (but not the attachments or ZIP archive); for example, each attachments ID and name. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/{id}/expand/raw

Add attachment for an issue

Adds one or more attachments to an issue.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/attachments

Issue comment properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get comment property keys

Returns the keys of all the properties of a comment. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties

Issue comment properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get comment property keys

Returns the keys of all the properties of a comment. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/comment/{commentId}/properties

Issue comments (version 2)



API docs link

Get comments

Returns a list of comments specified by comment IDs. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

POST /rest/api/2/comment/list

Get comments for an issue

Returns all comments for an issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Add comment to an issue

Adds a comment to an issue.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Delete comment for an issue

Deletes a comment for an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Get comment for an issue

Returns a comment for an issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Update comment for an issue

Updates a comment for an issue.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Issue comments (version 3)



API docs link

Get comments

Returns a list of comments specified by comment IDs. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

POST /rest/api/3/comment/list

Get comments for an issue

Returns all comments for an issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Add comment to an issue

Adds a comment to an issue.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Get comment for an issue

Returns a comment for an issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Update comment for an issue

Updates a comment for an issue.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Delete comment for an issue

Deletes a comment for an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id}

Issue custom fields (apps) (version 2)



API docs link

Get selectable options from an issue field

Returns the selectable options (available for the current user) for a select list issue field.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/edit

Get options for a visible issue field

Returns the list of options that can be viewed by a user for a select list issue field.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/search

Replace issue field option

Deselects an issue-field select-list option from all issues where it's used, and optionally replaces it with another option.

DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}/issue

Update multiple app-owned custom fields

Updates the values of multiple custom fields created by the app.

POST /rest/api/2/app/field/value

Update a single app-owned custom field

Updates the value of a single custom field created by the app.

PUT /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/value

Issue custom fields (apps) (version 3)



API docs link

Get selectable options from an issue field

Returns the selectable options (available for the current user) for a select list issue field.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/edit

Get options for a visible issue field

Returns the list of options that can be viewed by a user for a select list issue field.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/search

Replace issue field option

Deselects an issue-field select-list option from all issues where it's used, and optionally replaces it with another option.

DELETE /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}/issue

Update multiple app-owned custom fields

Updates the values of multiple custom fields created by the app.

POST /rest/api/3/app/field/value

Update a single app-owned custom field

Updates the value of a single custom field created by the app.

PUT /rest/api/3/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/value

Issue fields (version 2)



API docs link

Delete a custom field

Deletes a custom field. Doesn't matter whether it is in trash or not.

DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{id}

Issue fields (version 3)



API docs link

Delete a custom field

Deletes a custom field. Doesn't matter whether it is in trash or not.

DELETE /rest/api/3/field/{id}

Issue links (version 2)



API docs link

Create issue link

Creates a link between two issues and optionally add a comment to the originating (outward) issue to provide context or details about the link

POST /rest/api/2/issueLink

Delete issue link

Deletes an issue link.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issueLink/{linkId}

Get issue link

Returns an issue link.

GET /rest/api/2/issueLink/{linkId}

Issue links (version 3)



API docs link

Create issue link

Creates a link between two issues and optionally add a comment to the originating (outward) issue to provide context or details about the link

POST /rest/api/3/issueLink

Get issue link

Returns an issue link.

GET /rest/api/3/issueLink/{linkId}

Delete issue link

Deletes an issue link.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issueLink/{linkId}

Issue properties (version 2)



API docs link

Update bulk set of issues by properties

Sets or updates entity property values on up to 10,000 issues.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/properties

Update bulk set of issues by issues

Sets or updates entity property values on up to 100 issues in the request.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/properties/multi

Bulk delete issue property

Deletes a property value from multiple issues. The issues to be updated can be specified by the filter criteria.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/properties/{propertyKey}

Bulk set issue property

Sets a property value on multiple issues.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/properties/{propertyKey}

Get issue property keys

Returns the URLs and keys of an issue's properties.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties

Delete issue property

Deletes an issue's property.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get issue property

Returns the key and value of an issue's property.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set issue property

Sets the value of an issue's property. Use this to store custom data against an issue.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue properties (version 3)



API docs link

Update bulk set of issues by properties

Sets or updates entity property values on up to 10,000 issues.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/properties

Update bulk set of issues by issues

Sets or updates entity property values on up to 100 issues in the request.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/properties/multi

Bulk set issue property

Sets a property value on multiple issues.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/properties/{propertyKey}

Bulk delete issue property

Deletes a property value from multiple issues. The issues to be updated can be specified by the filter criteria.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/properties/{propertyKey}

Get issue property keys

Returns the URLs and keys of an issue's properties.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties

Get issue property

Returns the key and value of an issue's property.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set issue property

Sets the value of an issue's property. Use this to store custom data against an issue.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete issue property

Deletes an issue's property.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue remote links (version 2)



API docs link

Delete remote issue link by global ID

Deletes the remote issue link from the issue using the link's global ID.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Get remote issue links

Returns the remote issue links for an issue. If a global ID for a remote issue link is provided, then the record with that global ID is returned. If no global ID is provided, all remote issue links for the issue are returned.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Create or update remote issue link

Creates or updates a remote issue link for a specific issue. If a `globalId` is given and a matching remote issue link is found, it is updated and any fields not included in the request are set to null. If no matching `globalId` is found, a new remote issue link is created.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Delete remote issue link by ID

Deletes a remote issue link from an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Get remote issue link by ID

Returns a remote issue link for an issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Update remote issue link by ID

Updates a remote issue link for an issue.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Issue remote links (version 3)



API docs link

Get remote issue links

Returns the remote issue links for an issue. If a global ID for a remote issue link is provided, then the record with that global ID is returned. If no global ID is provided, all remote issue links for the issue are returned.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Create or update remote issue link

Creates or updates a remote issue link for a specific issue. If a `globalId` is given and a matching remote issue link is found, it is updated and any fields not included in the request are set to null. If no matching `globalId` is found, a new remote issue link is created.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Delete remote issue link by global ID

Deletes the remote issue link from the issue using the link's global ID.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Get remote issue link by ID

Returns a remote issue link for an issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Update remote issue link by ID

Updates a remote issue link for an issue.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Delete remote issue link by ID

Deletes a remote issue link from an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId}

Issue search (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue suggestions

Retrieves lists of issues that match a given query string. It is used to offer auto-completion suggestions when searching for an issue matching a query string.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/picker

Check issues against JQL

Checks if one or more provided issues would be returned by one or more provided JQL queries.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/match

Search for issues using JQL (GET)

Searches for issues using JQL, using a short search term.

GET /rest/api/2/search

Search for issues using JQL (POST)

Searches for issues using JQL using a short or long search term.

POST /rest/api/2/search

Issue search (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue suggestions

Retrieves lists of issues that match a given query string. It is used to offer auto-completion suggestions when searching for an issue matching a query string.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/picker

Check issues against JQL

Checks if one or more provided issues would be returned by one or more provided JQL queries.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/match

Search for issues using JQL (GET)

Searches for issues using JQL, using a short search term.

GET /rest/api/3/search

Search for issues using JQL (POST)

Searches for issues using JQL using a short or long search term.

POST /rest/api/3/search

Issue votes (version 2)



API docs link

Delete vote

Deletes a user's vote from an issue, similar to the user clicking *Unvote* on an issue in Jira.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Get votes

Returns details about the votes on an issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Add vote

Adds the user's vote to an issue, similar to the user clicking *Vote* on an issue in Jira.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Issue votes (version 3)



API docs link

Get votes

Returns details about the votes on an issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Add vote

Adds the user's vote to an issue, similar to the user clicking *Vote* on an issue in Jira.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Delete vote

Deletes a user's vote from an issue, similar to the user clicking *Unvote* on an issue in Jira.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes

Issue watchers (version 2)



API docs link

Delete watcher

Deletes a user as a watcher of an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Get issue watchers

Returns the watchers for an issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Add watcher

Adds a user as a watcher of an issue by passing the account ID of the user.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Issue watchers (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue watchers

Returns the watchers for an issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Add watcher

Adds a user as a watcher of an issue by passing the account ID of the user.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Delete watcher

Deletes a user as a watcher of an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers

Issue worklog properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get worklog property keys

Returns the keys of all properties for a worklog.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties

Issue worklog properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get worklog property keys

Returns the keys of all properties for a worklog.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties

Issue worklogs (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue worklogs

Returns worklogs for a specific issue, either from the oldest worklog or from those started on or after a specified date and time.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog

Add worklog

Adds a worklog to an issue.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog

Delete worklog

Deletes a worklog from an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Get worklog

Returns a worklog.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Update worklog

Updates a worklog.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Get worklogs

Returns the details of worklogs from IDs, with field such as comment, updateAuthor, datestamps and timespent.

POST /rest/api/2/worklog/list

Get IDs of updated worklogs

Returns a list of details for worklogs updated since a particular time.

GET /rest/api/2/worklog/updated

Issue worklogs (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue worklogs

Returns worklogs for a specific issue, either from the oldest worklog or from those started on or after a specified date and time.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog

Add worklog

Adds a worklog to an issue.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog

Get worklog

Returns a worklog.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Update worklog

Updates a worklog.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Delete worklog

Deletes a worklog from an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id}

Get worklogs

Returns the details of worklogs from IDs, with field such as comment, updateAuthor, datestamps and timespent.

POST /rest/api/3/worklog/list

Get IDs of updated worklogs

Returns a list of details for worklogs updated since a particular time.

GET /rest/api/3/worklog/updated

Issues (version 2)



API docs link

Create issue

Creates issue or a subtask with optional transition and properties.

POST /rest/api/2/issue

Archives issues by JQL

Archives up to 100,000 issues via JQL and returns status URL.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/archive

Archives issues by ID/key

Archives up to 1000 issues using ID/key and returns the details of the issues and any errors encountered.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/archive

Create bulk issues or subtasks

Creates up to 50 issues and/or subtasks with optional transitions and properties.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/bulk

Get metadata for "create issue"

Returns metadata details of the create screen fields based on projects and issue types for the user.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta

Get create metadata issue types for project

Returns the create metadata for issue types in a project.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes

Get create field metadata for a project and issue type

Get create metadata for a particular issue type in a project.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/{issueTypeId}

Unarchive issues by ID/key

Unarchives up to 1000 issues using ID/key and returns the details of the issues and any errors encountered.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/unarchive

Delete issue

Deletes an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Get issue

Returns the details for an issue by its ID or key.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Edit issue

Edits an issue. The issue's transition and/or properties may be changed.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Assign issue

Assigns an issue to a user. Use this when the calling user does not have the *Edit Issues* permission but has the *Assign Issue* permission for the project that the issue is in.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/assignee

Get changelogs for an issue

Returns a paginated list of all changelogs for an issue sorted by descending date.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog

Get changelogs by IDs

Returns changelogs for an issue specified by a list of changelog IDs.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog/list

Get "edit issue" metadata

Returns metadata details of the edit screen fields based on an issue visible and editable to the user.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/editmeta

Send email notification for an issue

Creates and sends an email notification for an issue.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/notify

Get transitions

Returns all transitions, or a specific transition, that a user can perform on an issue, based on the current status of the issue.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions

Transition issue

Performs a transition on an issue and, if the transition has a screen, it updates the fields displayed on that transition screen.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions

Export archived issue(s)

Enables users to retrieve details of all archived issues.

PUT /rest/api/2/issues/archive/export

Issues (version 3)



API docs link

Create issue

Creates issue or a subtask with optional transition and properties.

POST /rest/api/3/issue

Archives issues by ID/key

Archives up to 1000 issues using ID/key and returns the details of the issues and any errors encountered.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/archive

Archives issues by JQL

Archives up to 100,000 issues via JQL and returns status URL.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/archive

Create bulk issues or subtasks

Creates up to 50 issues and/or subtasks with optional transitions and properties.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/bulk

Get metadata for "create issue"

Returns metadata details of the create screen fields based on projects and issue types for the user.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/createmeta

Unarchive issues by ID/key

Unarchives up to 1000 issues using ID/key and returns the details of the issues and any errors encountered.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/unarchive

Get issue

Returns the details for an issue by its ID or key.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Edit issue

Edits an issue. The issue's transition and/or properties may be changed.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Delete issue

Deletes an issue.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Assign issue

Assigns an issue to a user. Use this when the calling user does not have the *Edit Issues* permission but has the *Assign Issue* permission for the project that the issue is in.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/assignee

Get changelogs for an issue

Returns a paginated list of all changelogs for an issue sorted by descending date.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog

Get changelogs by IDs

Returns changelogs for an issue specified by a list of changelog IDs.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog/list

Get "edit issue" metadata

Returns metadata details of the edit screen fields based on an issue visible and editable to the user.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/editmeta

Send email notification for an issue

Creates and sends an email notification for an issue.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/notify

Get transitions

Returns all transitions, or a specific transition, that a user can perform on an issue, based on the current status of the issue.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions

Transition issue

Performs a transition on an issue and, if the transition has a screen, it updates the fields displayed on that transition screen.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions

Export archived issue(s)

Enables users to retrieve details of all archived issues.

PUT /rest/api/3/issues/archive/export

Get create metadata issue types for project

Returns the create metadata for issue types in a project.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes

Get create field metadata for a project and issue type

Get create metadata for a particular issue type in a project.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/createmeta/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/{issueTypeId}

Jira expressions (version 2)



API docs link

Return Jira expression results

Returns a Jira expression's resulting values.

POST /rest/api/2/expression/eval

Jira expressions (version 3)



API docs link

Return Jira expression results

Returns a Jira expression's resulting values.

POST /rest/api/3/expression/eval

JQL (version 2)



API docs link

Get field autocomplete suggestions

Returns JQL search autocomplete suggestions for the provided field.

GET /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions

Parse JQL query

Checks whether the input is valid JQL.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/parse

Sanitize JQL queries

Converts human-readable details like project keys into IDs in the provided JQL query.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/sanitize

JQL (version 3)



API docs link

Get field autocomplete suggestions

Returns JQL search autocomplete suggestions for the provided field.

GET /rest/api/3/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions

Parse JQL query

Checks whether the input is valid JQL.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/parse

Sanitize JQL queries

Converts human-readable details like project keys into IDs in the provided JQL query.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/sanitize

Labels (version 2)



API docs link

Get all labels

Returns all labels.

GET /rest/api/2/label

Labels (version 3)



API docs link

Get all labels

Returns all labels.

GET /rest/api/3/label

Permissions (version 2)



API docs link

Get my permissions

Returns all of the provided user's permissions.

GET /rest/api/2/mypermissions

Get permission grants

Returns a list of global and project permissions of the provided user.

POST /rest/api/2/permissions/check

Permissions (version 3)



API docs link

Get my permissions

Returns all of the provided user's permissions.

GET /rest/api/3/mypermissions

Get permission grants

Returns a list of global and project permissions of the provided user.

POST /rest/api/3/permissions/check

Project permission schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get project issue security levels

Returns a list of all issue security levels which the provided user can access within the provided project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/securitylevel

Project permission schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get project issue security levels

Returns a list of all issue security levels which the provided user can access within the provided project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectKeyOrId}/securitylevel

Project versions (version 2)



API docs link

Get a project version's unresolved issues count

Returns the number of issues and the number of unresolved issues for the project version.

GET /rest/api/2/version/{id}/unresolvedIssueCount

Project versions (version 3)



API docs link

Get a project version's unresolved issues count

Returns the number of issues and the number of unresolved issues for the project version.

GET /rest/api/3/version/{id}/unresolvedIssueCount

Projects (version 2)



API docs link

Delete project

Deletes a project.

DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Delete project asynchronously

Deletes a project asynchronously.

POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/delete

Projects (version 3)



API docs link

Delete project

Deletes a project.

DELETE /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Delete project asynchronously

Deletes a project asynchronously.

POST /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/delete

Screen tabs (version 2)



API docs link

Get tabs for multiple screens

Returns all tabs for the provided listed of screens.

GET /rest/api/2/screens/tabs

Screen tabs (version 3)



API docs link

Get tabs for multiple screens

Returns all tabs for the provided listed of screens.

GET /rest/api/3/screens/tabs

User search (version 2)



API docs link

Find users assignable to issues

Returns a list of users that can be assigned to a new issue, updated issue, or issue experiencing a workflow transition.

GET /rest/api/2/user/assignable/search

Find users with permissions

Returns a list of users that have the specified permissions for a project or issue.

GET /rest/api/2/user/permission/search

Find users by query

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria related to their Jira activity. For example, you can list users who are assignees, reporters, watchers, voters, or commenters on specific issues. The returned list contains user details such as name, the groups the user belongs to, their avatar, and email address.

GET /rest/api/2/user/search/query

Find users with browse permission

Returns a list of users who can browse a specific issue or any issue in a specific project. The returned list can optionally be limited to users with profile attributes that match a search term.

GET /rest/api/2/user/viewissue/search

User search (version 3)



API docs link

Find users assignable to issues

Returns a list of users that can be assigned to a new issue, updated issue, or issue experiencing a workflow transition.

GET /rest/api/3/user/assignable/search

Find users with permissions

Returns a list of users that have the specified permissions for a project or issue.

GET /rest/api/3/user/permission/search

Find users by query

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria related to their Jira activity. For example, you can list users who are assignees, reporters, watchers, voters, or commenters on specific issues. The returned list contains user details such as name, the groups the user belongs to, their avatar, and email address.

GET /rest/api/3/user/search/query

Find users with browse permission

Returns a list of users who can browse a specific issue or any issue in a specific project. The returned list can optionally be limited to users with profile attributes that match a search term.

GET /rest/api/3/user/viewissue/search

Jira Software

These APIs are only used by software projects.




API docs link

Moves issues to a board's backlog

Moves issues from an existing board to the board's backlog.

POST /rest/agile/backlog/{boardId}/issue

Moves issues to a backlog

Moves issues to the backlog.

POST /rest/agile/backlog/issue




API docs link

Get issues from a backlog

Returns all issues from the board's backlog.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/backlog

Get details for epics

Returns all epics from the board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/epic

Get issues for board

Returns all issues for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/issue

Get all sprints

Returns all sprints for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/sprint

Get the board issues for a sprint

Gets all issues that belong to a sprint.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/sprint/{sprintId}/issue

Toggle features

Turn features on or off.

PUT /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/features

Delete a board

Deletes a board.

DELETE /rest/agile/board/{boardId}

Get all boards

Get all boards that the user has permission to view

GET /rest/agile/board

Get board details

Returns a board based on ID, if the user has permission.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}

Get board configuration

Gets details of the board configuration.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/configuration

Get board issues for epic

Returns issues belonging to an epic.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/epic/{epicId}/issue

Get issues without epic for board

Returns all issues on a board that don't belong to an epic.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/epic/none/issue

Get features for board

Returns the features on a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/features

Get projects based on board

Returns all projects that are associated with a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/project

Get associated projects to board

Returns all projects that are statically associated with a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/project/full

Get keys for all board properties

Returns the keys of all properties for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/properties

Get a property of a board

Returns the value of the specified board property.

GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set a board property

Sets the value of a board's property.

PUT /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Deletes a board's property

Removes a board's property.

DELETE /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get all quick filters

Returns all quick filters for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/quickfilter

Get details of quick filter

Returns the quick filter details.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/quickfilter/{quickFilterId}

Get reports for board

Returns the reports for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/reports

Get all versions

Gets all versions for a board.

GET /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/version

Create a board

Creates a new board.

POST /rest/agile/board

Move issues to board

Moves issue from the backlog to the board.

POST /rest/agile/board/{boardId}/issue




API docs link

Add or update build data

Adds or updates data for the specified build, such as the build label, related Jira issue keys, the build status, and related commits and branches.

POST /rest/builds/bulk

Bulk delete builds by property

Bulk removes all build data that matches all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/builds/bulkByProperties

Get information for a build

Returns data for the specified build.

GET /rest/builds/pipelines/{pipelineId}/builds/{buildNumber}

Delete information for a build

Removes build data for the specified build.

DELETE /rest/builds/pipelines/{pipelineId}/builds/{buildNumber}




API docs link

Add or update deployment data

Adds or updates data related to a specific deployment which may be associated with one or more Jira issue keys and other properties in the request.

POST /rest/deployments/bulk

Bulk delete deployment information from Jira Software by property

Bulk removes deployment information that matches all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/deployments/bulkByProperties

Get deployment by key

Returns the current deployment data for the deployment that matches the specified properties.

GET /rest/deployments/pipelines/{pipelineId}/environments/{environmentId}/deployments/{deploymentSequenceNumber}

Delete deployment by key

Removes the current deployment data for the deployment that matches the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/deployments/pipelines/{pipelineId}/environments/{environmentId}/deployments/{deploymentSequenceNumber}

Get deployment check status for a deployment by key

Returns information about the progress of the specified deployment through deployment checks. A deployment may be allowed, prevented, awaiting, or invalid.

GET /rest/deployments/pipelines/{pipelineId}/environments/{environmentId}/deployments/{deploymentSequenceNumber}/gating-status

Development information



API docs link

Add or update development information for this installation, to make it available for use and display in Jira.

Adds or updates development information such as code commits, pull (code modification) requests and version branches for one or more repositories.

POST /rest/devinfo/bulk

Get development information

Returns development information for the specified repository, including recent commits, branches, and pull requests.

GET /rest/devinfo/repository/{repositoryId}

Delete development information

Removes development information for the specified repository from Jira Software, including the list of all commits, pull requests, and branches associated with it.

DELETE /rest/devinfo/repository/{repositoryId}

Delete development information by properties

Removes development information whose properties match the values of all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/devinfo/bulkByProperties

Check existence of development information matching supplied properties

Checks for existence of development information matching all of the supplied properties.

GET /rest/devinfo/existsByProperties

Delete development information

Removes development information matching the provided repository, information type (commit, branch or pull request), and entity ID.

DELETE /rest/devinfo/repository/{repositoryId}/{entityType}/{entityId}




API docs link

Get the details for an epic

Returns the epic details.

GET /rest/agile/epic/{epicIdOrKey}

Get issues for an epic

Returns all the issues for an epic.

GET /rest/agile/epic/{epicIdOrKey}/issue

Get issues without an epic

Returns all issues that do not belong to any epic.

GET /rest/agile/epic/none/issue

Reorder epics

Moves and epic before or after another epic.

PUT /rest/agile/epic/{epicIdOrKey}/rank

Partially update an epic

Updates part of the epic

POST /rest/agile/epic/{epicIdOrKey}

Move issues to an epic

Moves issues to an epic.

POST /rest/agile/epic/{epicIdOrKey}/issue

Remove issues from an epic

Removes issues from epics.

POST /rest/agile/epic/none/issue

Feature flags



API docs link

Add or update feature flag information

Adds or updates information for one or more feature flags. Feature flag data can only be accessed by certain types of apps.

POST /rest/featureflags/bulk

Bulk delete feature flag data by property

Removes information for feature flags that match all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/featureflags/bulkByProperties

Get data for a feature flag

Returns feature flag information for the specified feature flag.

GET /rest/featureflags/flag/{featureFlagId}

Delete data for a feature flag

Removes information for the specified feature flag.

DELETE /rest/featureflags/flag/{featureFlagId}




API docs link

Get details for an issue

Returns the details of an issue.

GET /rest/agile/issue/{issueIdOrKey}

Reorder issues

Moves issues before or after another issue.

PUT /rest/agile/issue/rank

Get issue estimation for board

Returns the field and the value for an estimation for a board.

GET /rest/agile/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/estimation

Estimate issue for board

Updates the estimation of the issue.

PUT /rest/agile/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/estimation



API docs link

Add or update remote link data

Adds or updates remote link data, such as the provider's URL, a list of actions that can be performed by Jira users on the remote link, and a documentation URL for the remote link.

POST /rest/remotelinks/bulk

Bulk delete remote links by property

Bulk removes remote links that match all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/remotelinks/bulkByProperties

Get remote link data

Returns data for the remote link identified by the specified remote link ID.

GET /rest/remotelinks/remotelink/{remoteLinkId}

Delete remote link

Removes the specified remote link.

DELETE /rest/remotelinks/remotelink/{remoteLinkId}

Security information



API docs link

Add security workspace IDs to this Jira site

Adds security workspace IDs to establish a relationship between them and the Jira site the app is installed on.

POST /rest/security/linkedWorkspaces/bulk

Bulk delete linked security workspaces

Bulk removes the links to the specified security workspaces.

DELETE /rest/security/linkedWorkspaces/bulk

Get linked security workspaces

Returns a list of all security workspaces linked to the Jira site.

GET /rest/security/linkedWorkspaces

Get linked security workspace by ID

Returns data for the specified security workspace, such as the last date and time it was updated in Jira.

GET /rest/security/linkedWorkspaces/{workspaceId}

Add or update vulnerability data

Adds or updates vulnerability data, such as the severity, status, date introduced, and summary URL for a vulnerability.

POST /rest/security/bulk

Bulk delete vulnerabilities by property

Bulk removes vulnerabilities matching all of the specified properties.

DELETE /rest/security/bulkByProperties

Get data for a vulnerability

Returns data for the specified vulnerability.

GET /rest/security/vulnerability/{vulnerabilityId}

Delete data for a vulnerability

Removes data for the specified vulnerability.

DELETE /rest/security/vulnerability/{vulnerabilityId}




API docs link

Get issues for a sprint

Returns details of all issues in a sprint.

GET /rest/agile/sprint/{sprintId}/issue

Move issues to a sprint

Moves issues to a sprint.

POST /rest/agile/sprint/{sprintId}/issue

Delete a sprint

Deletes a sprint.

DELETE /rest/agile/sprint/{sprintId}

Get details for a sprint

Returns the details of a sprint.

GET /rest/agile/sprint/{sprintId}

Create a sprint

Creates a future sprint.

POST /rest/agile/sprint

Swap a sprint position

Swaps the position of a sprint with another sprint.

POST /rest/agile/sprint/{sprintId}/swap

Get keys for a properties

Returns the keys of all properties for a sprint.

GET /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}/properties

Get a property of a sprint

Returns the value of the specified sprint property.

GET /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set a sprint's property

Sets the value of a sprint's property.

PUT /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete a sprint's property

Deletes a property from the sprint.

DELETE /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Jira Service Management

These APIs are only used by service management projects.




API docs link

Remove organization from service desk

Removes an organization by ID from a service desk.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/organization

Get organizations associated with service desk

Returns the details of all the organizations associated with a service desk.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/organization

Add organization to service desk

Adds an organization by ID to a service desk.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/organization




API docs link

Unsubscribe from a request

Unsubscribes the current user from a request.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/notification

Remove participants from a request

Removes one or more participants from a request.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/participant

Delete feedback for request

Deletes feedback associated with a request.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{requestIdOrKey}/feedback

Get my requests

Returns all customer requests for the current user.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request

Get a request by ID or key

Returns the details of a customer request by ID of Key

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}

Get approvals for request

Returns all the details of the approvals for a request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/approval

Get details of approval

Returns the details of a specific approval.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/approval/{approvalId}

Get attachments for a request

Returns details of all attachments on a customer request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment

Get attachment

Returns the contents of an attachment.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment/{attachmentId}

Get attachment thumbnail

Returns the thumbnail of the attachment.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment/{attachmentId}/thumbnail

Get comments on request

Returns all the comments on a request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Get a comment

Returns all the details about a specific comment.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{commentId}

Get attachments on comment

Returns all the attachments associated with a comment.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{commentId}/attachment

Get my subscription status for a request

Returns the notification subscription status of the current user for a request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/notification

Get list of request participants

Returns a list of all the participants of a request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/participant

Get SLA details for request

Returns all the SLA details on a request, such as start time, breach time, and the SLA goals.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/sla

Get SLA details

Returns the details for a specific SLA on a customer request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/sla/{slaMetricId}

Get request status and history

Returns a list of all the existing and current statuses a request has been in.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/status

Get transitions

Returns a list of the workflow processes that move a request through statuses (transitions) that the user can perform on a request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/transition

Get feedback for request

Returns a feedback of a request, including rating and comments.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{requestIdOrKey}/feedback

Create a request

Creates a customer request in a service desk.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request

Answer approval

Approves or declines an approval on a request.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/approval/{approvalId}

Create an attachment

Creates an attachment (and an optional comment) as a temporary file attached to a request.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/attachment

Create a comment on request

Creates a public or private comment on an existing request.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/comment

Add participants to a request

Adds one or more participants to a request.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/participant

Make a transition

Makes a transition for a given request, with an optional comment.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/transition

Add feedback to request

Adds feedback to a request.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{requestIdOrKey}/feedback

Subscribe to a request

Subscribes the current user to a request.

PUT /rest/servicedeskapi/request/{issueIdOrKey}/notification

Request type



API docs link

Get all request types

Returns all request types in a Jira Service Management instance.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype

Delete a request type

Deletes a customer request type from a service desk, and removes it from all customer requests.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}

Service desk



API docs link

Get details of queue

Returns the details of a specific queue, with details such the queue name, JQL, fields, issueCount.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue/{queueId}

Get issues in a queue

Returns the details of the customer requests in a given queue. Lists only the fields the queue is confirued to show.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue/{queueId}/issue

Get request types from a service desk

Returns the details of all the request types from a service desk, such as name, description, help desk, IDs etc.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype

Get request type by ID

Returns the details of a request type. Includes details such as name, description, IDs, icons.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}

Get fields for request type

Returns the fields for a service desk's request type. Examples include fieldID, name, requires, visibility etc.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/field

Create a request type

Adds a customer request types to a service desk.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype

Remove customers from service desk

Removes one or more customers to a service desk, based on accountIds.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/customer

Get service desk by ID

Returns details for a service desk, such as Project name, Key, ID.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}

Get list of customers for a service desk

Gets a list of all the details of customers for a service desk, such as ID, name, key, email, timezone etc.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/customer

Get queues in a service desk

Returns the details of the queues in a service desk, with details such as the queue name, JQL, fields, issueCount.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue

Get keys of all properties by request type

Returns the keys for all the properties based on a type of request.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/property

Get groups of request types

Returns the service desk's request type groups.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttypegroup

Attach a temporary file to service desk

Adds one or more temporary attachments to a service desk.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/attachTemporaryFile

Add customers to service desk

Adds one or more customers to a service desk, based on account IDs.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/customer


These APIs are used by Jira Forms.

Forms on issue

NameDescriptionAPI docs link
Get formGets the specified form on an issue, including any answers that have been provided.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}
Save form answersSaves form answers on an issue.PUT 


Delete formDeletes a form from an issue.DEL 


Get form attachments metadataGets information about all attachments for a form on an issue.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/attachment
Get external form dataGets external data used in the questions and answers for a form on an issue. External data can include the values of Jira fields or information retrieved from external data connections.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/externaldata
Change visibility to externalChanges the visibility of a form on an issue so that it can be viewed in the portal by customers.PUT /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/action/external
Change visibility to internalChanges the visibility of a form on an issue so that it cannot be viewed in the portal by customers.PUT /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/action/internal
Get form indexGets a list of forms on an issue, and basic information for each form.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form
Add formAdds a form template to an issue.POST /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form
Get form PDFGets a form, including answers, in PDF format on an issue.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/format/pdf
Get form XLSXGets a form, including answers, in XLSX format on an issue.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/format/xlsx
Submit formChanges the status of a form to submitted. Depending on how the form is configured, this may change the form to the locked state.PUT /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/action/submit
Reopen formChanges the status of a submitted form for an issue to open so that it can be edited. Locked forms can only be reopened by a project admin.PUT /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/action/reopen
Copy formsCopies forms from one issue to another.POST /issue/{sourceIssueIdOrKey}/form/copy/{targetIssueIdOrKey}
Get form simplified answersGets a flat list of answers for a form on an issue, with multi-value answers formatted as a comma-separated string, for ease of use in scripting.GET /issue/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/format/answers

Forms export

NameDescriptionAPI docs link
Start exportStarts the export of form data associated with a specified form and project, including the requested Jira fields. You can optionally limit the export to only those issues that match a specified JQL query. POST 


Get export statusReturns whether the specified export has completed, failed, or is still in progress.GET /export/{exportId}
Download export resultDownloads exported form data and saves it to the specified local file.GET /export/{exportId}/{filename}

Forms on Customer Request

NameDescriptionAPI docs link
Get form simplified answersGets a flat list of answers for a form on a customer request, with multi-value answers formatted as a comma-separated string, for ease of use in scripting.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/format/answers
Get form attachments metadataGets information about all attachments for a form on a request.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/attachment
Get formGets the specified form on a request, including any answers that have been provided.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}
Save form answersSaves form answers on a request.PUT /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}
Get form indexGets a list of forms on a request, and basic information for each form.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form
Get form PDFGets a form, including answers, in PDF format on an issue.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/format/pdf
Get form XLSXGets a form, including answers, in XLSX format on an issue.GET 


Submit formChanges the status of a form on a request to submitted. Depending on how the form is configured, this may change the form to the locked state.PUT /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/action/submit
Get external form dataGets external data used in the questions and answers for a form on a request. External data can include the values of Jira fields or information retrieved from external data connections.GET /request/{issueIdOrKey}/form/{formId}/externaldata

Not blocked when an app access rule applies

These APIs are not blocked when the admin turns on an app access rule. This means that apps can still use these APIs to access Jira projects and content even when the admin has decided to block app access.

Jira Platform

These APIs are used by all Jira products.

Announcement banner (version 2)



API docs link

Get announcement banner configuration

Returns the current announcement banner configuration.

GET /rest/api/2/announcementBanner

Update announcement banner configuration

Updates the current announcement banner configuration.

PUT /rest/api/2/announcementBanner

Announcement banner (version 3)



API docs link

Get announcement banner configuration

Returns the current announcement banner configuration.

GET /rest/api/3/announcementBanner

Update announcement banner configuration

Updates the current announcement banner configuration.

PUT /rest/api/3/announcementBanner

Application roles (version 2)



API docs link

Get all application roles

Returns a list of application roles.

GET /rest/api/2/applicationrole

Get application role

Returns an application role

GET /rest/api/2/applicationrole/{key}

Get audit records

Returns a list of audit records.

GET /rest/api/2/auditing/record

Application roles (version 3)



API docs link

Get all application roles

Returns a list of application roles.

GET /rest/api/3/applicationrole

Get application role

Returns an application role

GET /rest/api/3/applicationrole/{key}

Get audit records

Returns a list of audit records.

GET /rest/api/3/auditing/record

Avatars (version 2)



API docs link

Get system avatars by type

Returns a list of system avatar details by owner type (where owner types are issue type, project, or user). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/avatar/{type}/system

Delete an avatar

Deletes an avatar for a project or issue type.

DELETE /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{owningObjectId}/avatar/{id}

Get avatar image by type

Returns the default project or issue type avatar image.

GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}

Get an avatar image by owner

Returns the avatar image for a project or issue type.

GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Avatars (version 3)



API docs link

Get system avatars by type

Returns a list of system avatar details by owner type (where owner types are issue type, project, or user). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/avatar/{type}/system

Delete an avatar

Deletes an avatar for a project or issue type.

DELETE /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{owningObjectId}/avatar/{id}

Get avatar image by type

Returns the default project or issue type avatar image.

GET /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}

Get an avatar image by owner

Returns the avatar image for a project or issue type.

GET /rest/api/3/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/owner/{entityId}

Dashboards (version 2)



API docs link

Get all of a user's dashboards

Returns a list of all dashboards owned by or shared with the user. This option can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard

Create a new dashboard

Creates a new dashboard.

POST /rest/api/2/dashboard

Bulk edit dashboards

Apply identical changes across multiple dashboards.

PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/bulk/edit

Get all available dashboard gadgets

List all available gadgets that can be added to all dashboards.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/gadgets

Get all dashboards by attribute

Returns a list of dashboards that match a specific attribute (for example, name).

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/search

Get all gadgets from a dashboard

Returns a list of gadgets on a dashboard.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget

Add dashboard gadget

Adds a gadget to a dashboard.

POST /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget

Remove dashboard gadget

Removes a dashboard from a dashboard.

DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId}

Update dashboard gadget

Changes the title, position, or color of a gadget on a dashboard.

PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId}

Get dashboard item property keys

Returns the keys of all the properties of a dashboard item. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties

Delete dashboard item property

Deletes a dashboard item property. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get dashboard item property

Returns the key and value of a dashboard item property.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set dashboard item property

Sets the value of a dashboard item property (used in apps to store custom data against a dashboard item).

PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete dashboard

Deletes a dashboard owned by the user.

DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id}

Get dashboard

Returns a dashboard. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id}

Update dashboard

Updates a dashboard owned by the user. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id}

Copy dashboard

Copies a dashboard owned by the user.

POST /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id}/copy

Dashboards (version 3)



API docs link

Get all of a user's dashboards

Returns a list of all dashboards owned by or shared with the user. This option can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard

Create a new dashboard

Creates a new dashboard.

POST /rest/api/3/dashboard

Bulk edit dashboards

Apply identical changes across multiple dashboards.

PUT /rest/api/3/dashboard/bulk/edit

Get all available dashboard gadgets

List all available gadgets that can be added to all dashboards.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/gadgets

Get all dashboards by attribute

Returns a list of dashboards that match a specific attribute (for example, name).

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/search

Get all gadgets from a dashboard

Returns a list of gadgets on a dashboard.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget

Add dashboard gadget

Adds a gadget to a dashboard.

POST /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget

Update dashboard gadget

Changes the title, position, or color of a gadget on a dashboard.

PUT /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId}

Remove dashboard gadget

Removes a dashboard from a dashboard.

DELETE /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId}

Get dashboard item property keys

Returns the keys of all the properties of a dashboard item. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties

Get dashboard item property

Returns the key and value of a dashboard item property.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set dashboard item property

Sets the value of a dashboard item property (used in apps to store custom data against a dashboard item).

PUT /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete dashboard item property

Deletes a dashboard item property. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get dashboard

Returns a dashboard. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/dashboard/{id}

Update dashboard

Updates a dashboard owned by the user. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

PUT /rest/api/3/dashboard/{id}

Delete dashboard

Deletes a dashboard owned by the user.

DELETE /rest/api/3/dashboard/{id}

Copy dashboard

Copies a dashboard owned by the user.

POST /rest/api/3/dashboard/{id}/copy

Filter sharing (version 2)



API docs link

Get the default share scope

Returns the default sharing settings for new filters and dashboards for a user.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/defaultShareScope

Set the default share scope

Sets the default sharing for new filters and dashboards for a user.

PUT /rest/api/2/filter/defaultShareScope

Filter sharing (version 3)



API docs link

Get the default share scope

Returns the default sharing settings for new filters and dashboards for a user.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/defaultShareScope

Set the default share scope

Sets the default sharing for new filters and dashboards for a user.

PUT /rest/api/3/filter/defaultShareScope

Filters (version 2)



API docs link

Get my favorite filter

Returns the visible favourite filters of the current user.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/favourite

Delete a filter

Deletes a filter, by ID.

DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}

Get filter details

Returns all the details of a filter, including name, description, owner, JQL etc.

GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}

Update a filter

Updates a filter, changing details such as name, description, JQL, or sharing permissions.

PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}

Filters (version 3)



API docs link

Get my favorite filter

Returns the visible favourite filters of the current user.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/favourite

Get filter details

Returns all the details of a filter, including name, description, owner, JQL etc.

GET /rest/api/3/filter/{id}

Update a filter

Updates a filter, changing details such as name, description, JQL, or sharing permissions.

PUT /rest/api/3/filter/{id}

Delete a filter

Deletes a filter, by ID.

DELETE /rest/api/3/filter/{id}

Group and user picker (version 2)



API docs link

Find users and groups.

Finds a list of users and groups.

GET /rest/api/2/groupuserpicker

Group and user picker (version 3)



API docs link

Find users and groups.

Finds a list of users and groups.

GET /rest/api/3/groupuserpicker

Groups (version 2)



API docs link

Delete group

Deletes a group.

DELETE /rest/api/2/group

Get group


Returns all users in a group.

GET /rest/api/2/group

Create group

Creates a group.

POST /rest/api/2/group

Get groups

Gets a list of paginated groups.

GET /rest/api/2/group/bulk

Get users from a group

Gets a paginated list of users in a group.

GET /rest/api/2/group/member

Remove user from group

Removes a user from a group.

DELETE /rest/api/2/group/user

Add user to group

Adds a user to a group.

POST /rest/api/2/group/user

List groups

Lists sorted groups with matching queries. Returns empty if no match.

GET /rest/api/2/groups/picker

Groups (version 3)



API docs link

Get group


Returns all users in a group.

GET /rest/api/3/group

Create group

Creates a group.

POST /rest/api/3/group

Delete group

Deletes a group.

DELETE /rest/api/3/group

Get groups

Gets a list of paginated groups.

GET /rest/api/3/group/bulk

Get users from a group

Gets a paginated list of users in a group.

GET /rest/api/3/group/member

Add user to group

Adds a user to a group.

POST /rest/api/3/group/user

Remove user from group

Removes a user from a group.

DELETE /rest/api/3/group/user

List groups

Lists sorted groups with matching queries. Returns empty if no match.

GET /rest/api/3/groups/picker

Issue attachments (version 2)



API docs link

Get Jira attachment settings

Returns the current Jira attachment settings (as in, whether attachments are enabled and the maximum attachment size allowed). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/attachment/meta

Issue attachments (version 3)



API docs link

Get attachment strings

Returns the current Jira attachment settings (as in, whether attachments are enabled and the maximum attachment size allowed). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/attachment/meta

Issue attachment properties (version 2)



API docs link

Delete comment property

Deletes a comment property.

DELETE /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get comment property

Returns the value of a comment property. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set comment property

Sets or updates the value of a comment's property. Can be used to store custom data against a comment.

PUT /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue attachment properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get comment property

Returns the value of a comment property. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set comment property

Sets or updates the value of a comment's property. Can be used to store custom data against a comment.

PUT /rest/api/3/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete comment property

Deletes a comment property.

DELETE /rest/api/3/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue custom field configuration (apps) (version 2)



API docs link

Get configurations of app-owned custom fields

Returns a paginated list of configurations for a custom field created by the app.

GET /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration

Update configurations of app-owned custom fields

Updates the configuration for contexts of custom fields created by the app.

PUT /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration

Issue custom field configuration (apps) (version 3)



API docs link

Get configurations of app-owned custom fields

Returns a paginated list of configurations for a custom field created by the app.

GET /rest/api/3/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration

Update configurations of app-owned custom fields

Updates the configuration for contexts of custom fields created by the app.

PUT /rest/api/3/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration

Issue custom field contexts (version 2)



API docs link

Get custom field contexts

Returns a list of a custom field's contexts.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context

Create custom field context

Creates a custom field context or a global context.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context

Get custom field context defaults

Returns a list of default values for a custom field.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue

Set custom field context default

Sets default values for custom field contexts.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue

Get issue types for custom field contexts

Returns a list of issue types used by each context of a custom field.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/issuetypemapping

Get issue and project types for each custom field context

Returns a list of issue types or project types used by each context of a custom field.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/mapping

Get project mappings for custom field context

Returns a list of projects mapped to each context of a custom field.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/projectmapping

Delete custom field context

Deletes a custom field's context.

DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}

Update custom field context

Updates a custom field's context.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}

Add issue types to context

Adds issue types to a custom field context.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype

Remove issue types from context

Removes issue types from a custom field context.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype/remove

Assign custom field context to a project

Assigns a custom field context to a project.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project

Remove custom field context from project

Removes a custom field context from a project.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project/remove

Issue custom field contexts (version 3)



API docs link

Get custom field contexts

Returns a list of a custom field's contexts.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context

Create custom field context

Creates a custom field context or a global context.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context

Get custom field context defaults

Returns a list of default values for a custom field.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue

Set custom field context default

Sets default values for custom field contexts.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue

Get issue types for custom field contexts

Returns a list of issue types used by each context of a custom field.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/issuetypemapping

Get issue and project types for each custom field context

Returns a list of issue types or project types used by each context of a custom field.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/mapping

Get project mappings for custom field context

Returns a list of projects mapped to each context of a custom field.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/projectmapping

Update custom field context

Updates a custom field's context.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}

Delete custom field context

Deletes a custom field's context.

DELETE /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}

Add issue types to context

Adds issue types to a custom field context.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype

Remove issue types from context

Removes issue types from a custom field context.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype/remove

Assign custom field context to a project

Assigns a custom field context to a project.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project

Remove custom field context from project

Removes a custom field context from a project.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project/remove

Issue custom field options (version 2)



API docs link

Get an app-owned custom field selection option

Returns an option from a selection list of a custom field owned by the app. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/customFieldOption/{id}

Get custom field context options

Returns a list of all options for a custom field context.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Create new custom field context options

Adds new options to a custom field context.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Update custom field context options

Updates the options of a custom field context.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Reorder custom field context options

Changes the order of custom field context options.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/move

Delete custom field context option

Deletes a custom field context option.

DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/{optionId}

Issue custom field options (version 3)



API docs link

Get an app-owned custom field selection option

Returns an option from a selection list of a custom field owned by the app. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/customFieldOption/{id}

Get custom field context options

Returns a list of all options for a custom field context.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Update custom field context options

Updates the options of a custom field context.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Create new custom field context options

Adds new options to a custom field context.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option

Reorder custom field context options

Changes the order of custom field context options.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/move

Delete custom field context option

Deletes a custom field context option.

DELETE /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/{optionId}

Issue custom field options (apps) (version 2)



API docs link

Get all options for a issue field

Returns a list of all the options of a select list in an issue field

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option

Create issue field option

Creates an option for a select list issue field.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option

Delete issue field option (added by app)

Deletes an option from a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Get options for issue field

Returns the options from a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Update select list issue field option (added by app)

Updates or creates an option for a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Issue custom field options (apps) (version 3)



API docs link

Get all options for a issue field

Returns a list of all the options of a select list in an issue field

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option

Create issue field option

Creates an option for a select list issue field.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option

Get options for issue field

Returns the options from a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Update select list issue field option (added by app)

Updates or creates an option for a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Delete issue field option (added by app)

Deletes an option from a select list issue field, but only for fields added by Connect apps.

DELETE /rest/api/3/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}

Issue field configurations (version 2)



API docs link

Get all field configurations

Returns a list of field configurations. Only field configurations used in company-managed (classic) projects are returned.

GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration

Create a field configuration

Creates a field configuration with the default field properties, with all the fields being optional. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration

Delete a field configuration

Deletes a field configuration. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

DELETE /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}

Update a field configuration

Updates a field configuration. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}

Get field configuration items

Returns a list of all the fields for a configuration, such as id, description, isHidden, isRequired. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields

Update field configuration items

Updates fields in a field configuration, using provided values to override the existing values. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields

Get all field configuration schemes

Returns a list of field configuration schemes, including fields like id, name, and description. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme

Create a field configuration scheme

Create a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme

Get field configuration issue type items

Returns a list of field configuration issue type items. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/mapping

Get field configuration schemes for projects

Returns a list of field configuration schemes and for each, a list of the projects that use it. Can only be used in company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/project

Assign a field configuration scheme to a project

Assigns a field configuration scheme to a project. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/project

Delete a field configuration scheme

Deletes a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

DELETE /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}

Update a field configuration scheme

Updates a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}

Assign issue types to field configurations

Assigns issue types to field configurations on field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping

Remove issue types from a field configuration scheme

Removes issue types from the field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping/delete

Issue field configurations (version 3)



API docs link

Get all field configurations

Returns a list of field configurations. Only field configurations used in company-managed (classic) projects are returned.

GET /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration

Create a field configuration

Creates a field configuration with the default field properties, with all the fields being optional. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration

Update a field configuration

Updates a field configuration. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration/{id}

Delete a field configuration

Deletes a field configuration. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

DELETE /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration/{id}

Get field configuration items

Returns a list of all the fields for a configuration, such as id, description, isHidden, isRequired. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields

Update field configuration items

Updates fields in a field configuration, using provided values to override the existing values. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/3/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields

Get all field configuration schemes

Returns a list of field configuration schemes, including fields like id, name, and description. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme

Create a field configuration scheme

Create a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme

Get field configuration issue type items

Returns a list of field configuration issue type items. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/mapping

Get field configuration schemes for projects

Returns a list of field configuration schemes and for each, a list of the projects that use it. Can only be used in company managed (classic) projects.

GET /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/project

Assign a field configuration scheme to a project

Assigns a field configuration scheme to a project. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/project

Update a field configuration scheme

Updates a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}

Delete a field configuration scheme

Deletes a field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

DELETE /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}

Assign issue types to field configurations

Assigns issue types to field configurations on field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

PUT /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping

Remove issue types from a field configuration scheme

Removes issue types from the field configuration scheme. Can only be used with company managed (classic) projects.

POST /rest/api/3/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping/delete

Issue fields (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue fields

Returns all of an issue's system fields and custom fields. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/field

Create custom field

Creates a custom field.

POST /rest/api/2/field

Get project fields

Returns a list of fields for Classic Jira projects.

GET /rest/api/2/field/search

Get project fields in trash

Returns a list of project fields in the trash.

GET /rest/api/2/field/search/trashed

Update custom field

Updates a custom field.

PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}

Get field contexts


Returns a lit of all contexts in which a field is used.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/contexts

Restore a custom field from trash

Restores a custom field from trash.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{id}/restore

Move a custom field to trash

Moves a custom field to trash.

POST /rest/api/2/field/{id}/trash

Issue fields (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue fields

Returns all of an issue's system fields and custom fields. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/field

Create custom field

Creates a custom field.

POST /rest/api/3/field

Get project fields

Returns a list of fields for Classic Jira projects.

GET /rest/api/3/field/search

Get project fields in trash

Returns a list of project fields in the trash.

GET /rest/api/3/field/search/trashed

Update custom field

Updates a custom field.

PUT /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}

Get field contexts


Returns a lit of all contexts in which a field is used.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/contexts

Restore a custom field from trash

Restores a custom field from trash.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{id}/restore

Move a custom field to trash

Moves a custom field to trash.

POST /rest/api/3/field/{id}/trash

Issue link types (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue link types

Returns a list of all issue link types.

GET /rest/api/2/issueLinkType

Create issue link type

Creates an issue link type, which is used to provide descriptions explaining the reasons why issues are linked.

POST /rest/api/2/issueLinkType

Delete issue link type

Deletes an issue link type.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Get issue link types

Returns an issue link type.

GET /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Update issue link type

Updates an issue link type.

PUT /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Issue link types (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue link types

Returns a list of all issue link types.

GET /rest/api/3/issueLinkType

Create issue link type

Creates an issue link type, which is used to provide descriptions explaining the reasons why issues are linked.

POST /rest/api/3/issueLinkType

Get issue link types

Returns an issue link type.

GET /rest/api/3/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Update issue link type

Updates an issue link type.

PUT /rest/api/3/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Delete issue link type

Deletes an issue link type.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId}

Issue navigator settings (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue navigator default columns

Returns the default columns of the issue navigator.

GET /rest/api/2/settings/columns

Set issue navigator default columns

Sets the default columns of the issue navigator.

PUT /rest/api/2/settings/columns

Issue navigator settings (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue navigator default columns

Returns the default columns of the issue navigator.

GET /rest/api/3/settings/columns

Set issue navigator default columns

Sets the default columns of the issue navigator.

PUT /rest/api/3/settings/columns

Issue notification schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get notification schemes paginated

Returns a paginated list of notifications schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/notificationscheme

Crate notification scheme

Creates a notification scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/notificationscheme

Get projects by notification scheme paginated

Returns a paginated list of projects that have the provided notification scheme assigned.

GET /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/project

Get notification scheme

Returns a notification scheme and its details.

GET /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{id}

Update notification scheme

Updates a notification scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{id}

Add notifications to notification scheme

Adds notifications to a notification scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{id}/notification

Delete notification scheme

Deletes a notification scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{notificationSchemeId}

Remove notification from notification scheme

Removes a notification from a notification scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{notificationSchemeId}/notification/{notificationId}

Issue notification schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get notification schemes paginated

Returns a paginated list of notifications schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/notificationscheme

Crate notification scheme

Creates a notification scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/notificationscheme

Get projects by notification scheme paginated

Returns a paginated list of projects that have the provided notification scheme assigned.

GET /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/project

Get notification scheme

Returns a notification scheme and its details.

GET /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/{id}

Update notification scheme

Updates a notification scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/{id}

Add notifications to notification scheme

Adds notifications to a notification scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/{id}/notification

Delete notification scheme

Deletes a notification scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/{notificationSchemeId}

Remove notification from notification scheme

Removes a notification from a notification scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/notificationscheme/{notificationSchemeId}/notification/{notificationId}

Issue priorities (version 2)



API docs link

Get priorities

Returns a list of all issue priorities.

GET /rest/api/2/priority

Create priority

Creates an issue priority.

POST /rest/api/2/priority

Set default priority

Sets a default issue priority.

PUT /rest/api/2/priority/default

Move priorities

Changes the order of issue priorities.

PUT /rest/api/2/priority/move

Search priorities

Returns a list of priorities based on the provided priority IDs, project IDs, and whether the field configuration is default.

GET /rest/api/2/priority/search

Delete priority

Deletes an issue priority.

DELETE /rest/api/2/priority/{id}

Get priority

Returns an issue priority.

GET /rest/api/2/priority/{id}

Update priority

Updates an issue priority.

PUT /rest/api/2/priority/{id}

Issue priorities (version 3)



API docs link

Get priorities


Returns a list of all issue priorities.

GET /rest/api/3/priority

Create priority

Creates an issue priority.

POST /rest/api/3/priority

Set default priority

Sets a default issue priority.

PUT /rest/api/3/priority/default

Move priorities

Changes the order of issue priorities.

PUT /rest/api/3/priority/move

Search priorities

Returns a list of priorities based on the provided priority IDs, project IDs, and whether the field configuration is default.

GET /rest/api/3/priority/search

Get priority

Returns an issue priority.

GET /rest/api/3/priority/{id}

Update priority

Updates an issue priority.

PUT /rest/api/3/priority/{id}

Delete priority


Deletes an issue priority.

DELETE /rest/api/3/priority/{id}

Issue resolutions (version 2)



API docs link

Get resolutions

Returns a list of all issue resolution values.

GET /rest/api/2/resolution

Create resolution

Creates an issue resolution.

POST /rest/api/2/resolution

Set default resolution

Sets a default issue resolution.

PUT /rest/api/2/resolution/default

Move resolutions

Changes the order of issue resolutions.

PUT /rest/api/2/resolution/move

Search resolutions

Returns a list of resolution values based on the provided IDs and on whether the resolutions are default ones.

GET /rest/api/2/resolution/search

Delete resolution

Deletes an issue resolution value.

DELETE /rest/api/2/resolution/{id}

Get resolution

Returns an issue resolution value.

GET /rest/api/2/resolution/{id}

Update resolution

Updates an issue resolution value.

PUT /rest/api/2/resolution/{id}

Issue resolutions (version 3)



API docs link

Get resolutions


Returns a list of all issue resolution values.

GET /rest/api/3/resolution

Create resolution

Creates an issue resolution.

POST /rest/api/3/resolution

Set default resolution

Sets a default issue resolution.

PUT /rest/api/3/resolution/default

Move resolutions

Changes the order of issue resolutions.

PUT /rest/api/3/resolution/move

Search resolutions

Returns a list of resolution values based on the provided IDs and on whether the resolutions are default ones.

GET /rest/api/3/resolution/search

Get resolution

Returns an issue resolution value.

GET /rest/api/3/resolution/{id}

Update resolution

Updates an issue resolution value.

PUT /rest/api/3/resolution/{id}

Delete resolution

Deletes an issue resolution value.

DELETE /rest/api/3/resolution/{id}

Issue security level (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue security level members

Returns issue security level members.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{issueSecuritySchemeId}/members

Get an issue security level

Returns the details of an issue security level that is part of an issue security scheme, including its name, description, and whether it is the default security level within that scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/securitylevel/{id}

Issue security level (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue security level members

Returns issue security level members.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{issueSecuritySchemeId}/members

Get an issue security level

Returns the details of an issue security level that is part of an issue security scheme, including its name, description, and whether it is the default security level within that scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/securitylevel/{id}

Issue security schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue security schemes

Returns all issue security schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes

Create issue security scheme

Creates a security scheme with security scheme levels and levels' members.

POST /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes

Get issue security levels

Returns a paginated list of issue security levels.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/level

Set default issue security levels

Sets default issue security levels for schemes.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/level/default

Get issue security level members

Returns a paginated list of issue security level members.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/level/member

Get projects using issue security schemes

Returns a paginated mapping of projects that are using security schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/project

Associate security scheme to project

Associates an issue security scheme with a project and if provided, remaps security levels of issues to the new levels,

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/project

Search issue security schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue security schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/search

Get issue security schemes

Returns an issue security scheme along with its security levels.

GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{id}

Update issue security scheme

Updates the issue security scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{id}

Delete issue security scheme

Deletes an issue security scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}

Add issue security levels

Adds levels and levels' members to the issue security scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level

Remove issue security level

Deletes an issue security level.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}

Update issue security level

Updates the issue security level.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}

Add issue security level members

Adds members to the issue security level.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}/member

Remove member from issue security level

Removes an issue security level member from an issue security scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}/member/{memberId}

Issue security schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue security schemes

Returns all issue security schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes

Create issue security scheme

Creates a security scheme with security scheme levels and levels' members.

POST /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes

Get issue security levels

Returns a paginated list of issue security levels.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/level

Set default issue security levels

Sets default issue security levels for schemes.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/level/default

Get issue security level members

Returns a paginated list of issue security level members.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/level/member

Get projects using issue security schemes

Returns a paginated mapping of projects that are using security schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/project

Associate security scheme to project

Associates an issue security scheme with a project and if provided, remaps security levels of issues to the new levels,

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/project

Search issue security schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue security schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/search

Get issue security schemes

Returns an issue security scheme along with its security levels.

GET /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{id}

Update issue security scheme

Updates the issue security scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{id}

Delete issue security scheme

Deletes an issue security scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}

Add issue security levels

Adds levels and levels' members to the issue security scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level

Update issue security level

Updates the issue security level.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}

Remove issue security level

Deletes an issue security level.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}

Add issue security level members

Adds members to the issue security level.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}/member

Remove member from issue security level

Removes an issue security level member from an issue security scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuesecurityschemes/{schemeId}/level/{levelId}/member/{memberId}

Issue properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue type property keys

Returns all the property keys of the issue type.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties

Delete issue type property

Deletes the issue type property.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get issue type property keys

Returns the key and value of the issue type property.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set issue type property

Creates or updates the value of the issue type property.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue type property keys

Returns all the property keys of the issue type.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties

Get issue type property keys

Returns the key and value of the issue type property.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set issue type property

Creates or updates the value of the issue type property.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete issue type property

Deletes the issue type property.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue type schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get all issue type schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue-type schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme

Create issue type scheme

Creates an issue type scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme

Get issue type scheme items

Returns a paginated list of issue type scheme items.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/mapping

Get issue type schemes for projects

Returns a paginated list of issue-type schemes and, for each issue-type scheme, a list of the projects that use it.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/project

Assign issue type scheme to project

Assign issue type scheme to project

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/project

Delete issue type scheme

Deletes an issue type scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}

Update issue type scheme

Updates an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}

Add issue types to issue type scheme

Adds issue types to an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype

Change order of issue types

Changes the order of issue types in an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/move

Remove issue type from issue type scheme

Removes an issue type from an issue type scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/{issueTypeId}

Issue type schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get all issue type schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue-type schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme

Create issue type scheme

Creates an issue type scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme

Get issue type scheme items

Returns a paginated list of issue type scheme items.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/mapping

Get issue type schemes for projects

Returns a paginated list of issue-type schemes and, for each issue-type scheme, a list of the projects that use it.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/project

Assign issue type scheme to project

Assign issue type scheme to project

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/project

Update issue type scheme

Updates an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}

Delete issue type scheme

Deletes an issue type scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}

Add issue types to issue type scheme

Adds issue types to an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype

Change order of issue types

Changes the order of issue types in an issue type scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/move

Remove issue type from issue type scheme

Removes an issue type from an issue type scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/{issueTypeId}

Issue type screen schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue type screen schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue type screen schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme

Create issue type screen scheme

Creates an issue type screen scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme

Get issue type screen scheme items

Returns a paginated list of issue type screen scheme items.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/mapping

Get issue type screen schemes for projects

Returns a pagination list of issue-type screen schemes and, for each issue-type screen scheme, a list of the projects that use it.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/project

Assign issue type screen scheme to project

Assigns an issue type screen scheme to a project.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/project

Delete issue type screen scheme

Deletes an issue type screen scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}

Update issue type screen scheme

Updates an issue type screen scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}

Append mappings to issue type screen scheme

Appends issue type to screen scheme mappings to an issue type screen scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping

Update issue type screen scheme default screen scheme

Updates the default screen scheme of an issue-type screen scheme. The default screen scheme is used for all unmapped issue types.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/default

Remove mappings from issue type screen scheme

Removes issue type to screen scheme mappings from an issue type screen scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/remove

Get issue type screen scheme projects

Returns a paginated list of projects associated with an issue type screen scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/project

Issue type screen schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue type screen schemes

Returns a paginated list of issue type screen schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme

Create issue type screen scheme

Creates an issue type screen scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme

Get issue type screen scheme items

Returns a paginated list of issue type screen scheme items.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/mapping

Get issue type screen schemes for projects

Returns a pagination list of issue-type screen schemes and, for each issue-type screen scheme, a list of the projects that use it.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/project

Assign issue type screen scheme to project

Assigns an issue type screen scheme to a project.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/project

Update issue type screen scheme

Updates an issue type screen scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}

Delete issue type screen scheme

Deletes an issue type screen scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}

Append mappings to issue type screen scheme

Appends issue type to screen scheme mappings to an issue type screen scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping

Update issue type screen scheme default screen scheme

Updates the default screen scheme of an issue-type screen scheme. The default screen scheme is used for all unmapped issue types.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/default

Remove mappings from issue type screen scheme

Removes issue type to screen scheme mappings from an issue type screen scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/remove

Get issue type screen scheme projects

Returns a paginated list of projects associated with an issue type screen scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/project

Issue types (version 2)



API docs link

Get all issue types for user

Returns all issue types by user.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype

Create issue type

Creates an issue type and adds it to the default issue type scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/issuetype

Get issue types for project

Returns issue types for a project.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/project

Delete issue type

Deletes the issue type. If the issue type is in use, uses are updated with the alternative issue type (`alternativeIssueTypeId`).

DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}

Get issue types for project

Returns an issue type for a project.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}

Update issue type

Updates the issue type.

PUT /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}

Get alternative issue types

Returns a list of issue types that can be used to replace the issue type.

GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}/alternatives

Load issue type avatar

Loads an avatar for the issue type.

POST /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}/avatar2

Issue types (version 3)



API docs link

Get all issue types for user

Returns all issue types by user.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype

Create issue type

Creates an issue type and adds it to the default issue type scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/issuetype

Get issue types for project

Returns issue types for a project.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype/project

Get issue types for project

Returns an issue type for a project.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype/{id}

Update issue type

Updates the issue type.

PUT /rest/api/3/issuetype/{id}

Delete issue type

Deletes the issue type. If the issue type is in use, uses are updated with the alternative issue type (`alternativeIssueTypeId`).

DELETE /rest/api/3/issuetype/{id}

Get alternative issue types

Returns a list of issue types that can be used to replace the issue type.

GET /rest/api/3/issuetype/{id}/alternatives

Load issue type avatar

Loads an avatar for the issue type.

POST /rest/api/3/issuetype/{id}/avatar2

Issue watchers (version 2)



API docs link

Get bulk watched issues

Returns the details of the watched status of issues from a list. If an issue ID is invalid, the returned watched status will be `false`.

POST /rest/api/2/issue/watching

Issue watchers (version 3)



API docs link

Get bulk watched issues

Returns the details of the watched status of issues from a list. If an issue ID is invalid, the returned watched status will be `false`.

POST /rest/api/3/issue/watching

Issue worklog properties (version 2)



API docs link

Delete worklog property

Deletes a worklog property.

DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get worklog property keys

Returns the value of a worklog property.

GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set worklog property

Sets the value of a worklog property. Use this operation to store custom data against the worklog.

PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue worklog properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get worklog property keys

Returns the value of a worklog property.

GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set worklog property

Sets the value of a worklog property. Use this operation to store custom data against the worklog.

PUT /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete worklog property

Deletes a worklog property.

DELETE /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey}

Issue worklogs (version 2)



API docs link

Get IDs of deleted worklogs

Returns a list of IDs and delete timestamps for worklogs deleted after a date and time.

GET /rest/api/2/worklog/deleted

Issue worklogs (version 3)



API docs link

Get IDs of deleted worklogs

Returns a list of IDs and delete timestamps for worklogs deleted after a date and time.

GET /rest/api/3/worklog/deleted

Issues (version 2)



API docs link

Get issue events

Returns all issue events.

GET /rest/api/2/events

Issues (version 3)



API docs link

Get issue events

Returns all issue events.

GET /rest/api/3/events

Jira expressions (version 2)



API docs link

Validates Jira expressions

Checks the validity of a Jira expression.

POST /rest/api/2/expression/analyse

Jira expressions (version 3)



API docs link

Validates Jira expressions

Checks the validity of a Jira expression.

POST /rest/api/3/expression/analyse

Jira settings (version 2)



API docs link

Get application property

Returns all editable application properties.

GET /rest/api/2/application-properties

Get advanced settings

Returns all application properties that are accessible from the Advanced Settings page.

GET /rest/api/2/application-properties/advanced-settings

Set application property

Updates the value of an application property.

PUT /rest/api/2/application-properties/{id}

Get global settings

Returns the Jira instance's global settings; these settings determine whether optional features (like subtasks and time tracking) are enabled. If time time tracking is enabled, this operation also returns the time tracking configuration.

GET /rest/api/2/configuration

Jira settings (version 3)



API docs link

Get application property

Returns all editable application properties.

GET /rest/api/3/application-properties

Get advanced settings

Returns all application properties that are accessible from the Advanced Settings page.

GET /rest/api/3/application-properties/advanced-settings

Set application property

Updates the value of an application property.

PUT /rest/api/3/application-properties/{id}

Get global settings

Returns the Jira instance's global settings; these settings determine whether optional features (like subtasks and time tracking) are enabled. If time time tracking is enabled, this operation also returns the time tracking configuration.

GET /rest/api/3/configuration

JQL (version 2)



API docs link

Get field reference data (GET)

Returns reference data for JQL searches. Users can filter visible field details by project or collapse non-unique fields by field type.

GET /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata

Get field reference data (POST)

Returns reference data for JQL searches. Users can filter the custom fields returned by the project.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata

Convert user identifiers to account IDs in JQL queries

Converts the user names and user keys in the provided JQL query to account IDs.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/pdcleaner

JQL (version 3)



API docs link

Get field reference data (GET)

Returns reference data for JQL searches. Users can filter visible field details by project or collapse non-unique fields by field type.

GET /rest/api/3/jql/autocompletedata

Get field reference data (POST)

Returns reference data for JQL searches. Users can filter the custom fields returned by the project.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/autocompletedata

Convert user identifiers to account IDs in JQL queries

Converts the user names and user keys in the provided JQL query to account IDs.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/pdcleaner

JQL functions (apps) (version 2)



API docs link

Get precomputations for a custom JQL function

Returns the list of precomputations (mappings of custom JQL functions to native JQL) for a custom JQL function.

GET /rest/api/2/jql/function/computation

Update precomputations for a custom JQL function

Updates precomputations (mappings of custom JQL functions to native JQL) for a custom JQL function.

POST /rest/api/2/jql/function/computation

JQL functions (apps) (version 3)



API docs link

Get precomputations for a custom JQL function

Returns the list of precomputations (mappings of custom JQL functions to native JQL) for a custom JQL function.

GET /rest/api/3/jql/function/computation

Update precomputations for a custom JQL function

Updates precomputations (mappings of custom JQL functions to native JQL) for a custom JQL function.

POST /rest/api/3/jql/function/computation

License metrics (version 2)



API docs link

Get license

Returns the license details of a Jira instance.

GET /rest/api/2/instance/license

Get approximate license count

Returns the approximate number of user accounts across all Jira licenses.

GET /rest/api/2/license/approximateLicenseCount

Get approximate application license count

Returns the approximate number of user accounts for a single Jira license.

GET /rest/api/2/license/approximateLicenseCount/product/{applicationKey}

License metrics (version 3)



API docs link

Get license

Returns the license details of a Jira instance.

GET /rest/api/3/instance/license

Get approximate license count

Returns the approximate number of user accounts across all Jira licenses.

GET /rest/api/3/license/approximateLicenseCount

Get approximate application license count

Returns the approximate number of user accounts for a single Jira license.

GET /rest/api/3/license/approximateLicenseCount/product/{applicationKey}

Myself (version 2)



API docs link

Delete preference

Deletes the value of a user's preference setting.

DELETE /rest/api/2/mypreferences

Get preference

Get the value of a user's preference setting.

GET /rest/api/2/mypreferences

Set preference

Set the value of a user's preference setting.

PUT /rest/api/2/mypreferences

Delete locale


Removes a user’s locale.

DELETE /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale

Get locale

Returns the user's locale.

GET /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale

Set locale


Sets a user’s locale.

PUT /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale

Get current user

Returns the details of the current user.

GET /rest/api/2/myself

Myself (version 3)



API docs link

Get preference

Get the value of a user's preference setting.

GET /rest/api/3/mypreferences

Set preference

Set the value of a user's preference setting.

PUT /rest/api/3/mypreferences

Delete preference

Deletes the value of a user's preference setting.

DELETE /rest/api/3/mypreferences

Get locale

Returns the user's locale.

GET /rest/api/3/mypreferences/locale

Set locale


Sets a user’s locale.

PUT /rest/api/3/mypreferences/locale

Delete locale


Removes a user’s locale.

DELETE /rest/api/3/mypreferences/locale

Get current user

Returns the details of the current user.

GET /rest/api/3/myself

Permission schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get all permission schemes

Returns all permission schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme

Create permission scheme

Creates a new permission scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/permissionscheme

Delete permission scheme

Delete a permission scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Get permission scheme

Returns a permission scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Update permission scheme

Updates a permission scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Get permission scheme grants

Returns all permission grants for a permission scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission

Create permission grant

Creates a permission grant in a permission scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission

Delete permission scheme grant

Deletes a permission scheme grant.

DELETE /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId}

Get permission scheme grant

Returns a permission scheme grant.

GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId}

Permission schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get all permission schemes

Returns all permission schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme

Create permission scheme

Creates a new permission scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/permissionscheme

Get permission scheme

Returns a permission scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Update permission scheme

Updates a permission scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Delete permission scheme

Delete a permission scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}

Get permission scheme grants

Returns all permission grants for a permission scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission

Create permission grant

Creates a permission grant in a permission scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission

Get permission scheme grant

Returns a permission scheme grant.

GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId}

Delete permission scheme grant

Deletes a permission scheme grant.

DELETE /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId}

Permissions (version 2)



API docs link

Get all permissions

Returns a list of all global and project permissions.

GET /rest/api/2/permissions

Get permitted projects

Returns all projects where the user has permissions.

POST /rest/api/2/permissions/project

Permissions (version 3)



API docs link

Get all permissions

Returns a list of all global and project permissions.

GET /rest/api/3/permissions

Get permitted projects

Returns all projects where the user has permissions.

POST /rest/api/3/permissions/project

Project avatars (version 2)



API docs link

Set project avatar

Sets the avatar for a project.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar

Delete project avatar

Deletes a project's avatar.

DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar/{id}

Load project avatar

Loads a project's avatar from the indicated location.

POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar2

Get all project avatars

Returns all project avatars.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatars

Project avatars (version 3)



API docs link

Set project avatar

Sets the avatar for a project.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar

Delete project avatar

Deletes a project's avatar.

DELETE /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar/{id}

Load project avatar

Loads a project's avatar from the indicated location.

POST /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar2

Get all project avatars

Returns all project avatars.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatars

Project categories (version 2)



API docs link

Get all project categories

Returns all project categories.

GET /rest/api/2/projectCategory

Create project category

Creates a project category.

POST /rest/api/2/projectCategory

Delete project category

Deletes a project category.

DELETE /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id}

Get project category by ID

Returns a project category.

GET /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id}

Update project category

Updates a project category.

PUT /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id}

Project categories (version 3)



API docs link

Get all project categories

Returns all project categories.

GET /rest/api/3/projectCategory

Create project category

Creates a project category.

POST /rest/api/3/projectCategory

Get project category by ID

Returns a project category.

GET /rest/api/3/projectCategory/{id}

Update project category

Updates a project category.

PUT /rest/api/3/projectCategory/{id}

Delete project category

Deletes a project category.

DELETE /rest/api/3/projectCategory/{id}

Project components (version 2)



API docs link

Create project component

Creates a project component (not a Compass component). Components can be used to provide containers for issues within a project. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

POST /rest/api/2/component

Delete project component

Deletes a project omponent. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/2/component/{id}

Get project component

Returns a project component. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/component/{id}

Update project component

Updates a project component (not a Compass component). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

PUT /rest/api/2/component/{id}

Get component issues count

Returns the issue counts assigned to the component. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/2/component/{id}/relatedIssueCounts

Get project components paginated

Returns a paginated list of all components in the provided project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/component

Get project components

Returns a list of all components in the provided project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/components

Project components (version 3)



API docs link

Create project component

Creates a project component (not a Compass component). Components can be used to provide containers for issues within a project. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

POST /rest/api/3/component

Get project component

Returns a project component. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/component/{id}

Update project component

Updates a project component (not a Compass component). This operation can be accessed anonymously.

PUT /rest/api/3/component/{id}

Delete project component

Deletes a project omponent. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

DELETE /rest/api/3/component/{id}

Get component issues count

Returns the issue counts assigned to the component. This operation can be accessed anonymously.

GET /rest/api/3/component/{id}/relatedIssueCounts

Get project components paginated

Returns a paginated list of all components in the provided project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/component

Get project components

Returns a list of all components in the provided project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/components

Project email (version 2)



API docs link

Get project's sender email

Returns the project's sender email address.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/email

Set project's sender email

Sets the project's sender email address.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/email

Project email (version 3)



API docs link

Get project's sender email

Returns the project's sender email address.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectId}/email

Set project's sender email

Sets the project's sender email address.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectId}/email

Project features (version 2)



API docs link

Get project features

Returns a list of a project's features.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features

Set project feature state

Sets the state of a project feature.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features/{featureKey}

Project features (version 3)



API docs link

Get project features

Returns a list of a project's features.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features

Set project feature state

Sets the state of a project feature.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features/{featureKey}

Project key and name validation (version 3)



API docs link

Validate project key

Checks if the provided project key is valid and not in use.

GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/key

Get project key

Returns a valid project key.

GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/validProjectKey

Get project name

Returns a valid project name.

GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/validProjectName

Project key and name validation (version 3)



API docs link

Validate project key

Checks if the provided project key is valid and not in use.

GET /rest/api/3/projectvalidate/key

Get project key

Returns a valid project key.

GET /rest/api/3/projectvalidate/validProjectKey

Get project name

Returns a valid project name.

GET /rest/api/3/projectvalidate/validProjectName

Project permission schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get project issue security scheme

Returns the issue security scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/issuesecuritylevelscheme

Get assigned permission scheme

Returns the permission scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme

Assign permission scheme

Assigns a permission scheme to a project.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme

Project permission schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get project issue security scheme

Returns the issue security scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectKeyOrId}/issuesecuritylevelscheme

Get assigned permission scheme

Returns the permission scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme

Assign permission scheme

Assigns a permission scheme to a project.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme

Project properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get project property keys

Returns all project property keys for the provided project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties

Delete project property

Deletes the provided property from a project.

DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Get project property

Returns the value of the provided project property.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set project property

Sets the value of the provided project property.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Project properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get project property keys

Returns all project property keys for the provided project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties

Get project property

Returns the value of the provided project property.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Set project property

Sets the value of the provided project property.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete project property

Deletes the provided property from a project.

DELETE /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey}

Project role actors (version 2)



API docs link

Delete actors from project role

Deletes actors from a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Add actors to project role

Adds actors to a project role.

POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Set actors for project role

Sets the actors for a project role, replacing all existing actors.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Delete default actors from project role

Deletes a user or a group of users as default actors from a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors

Get default actors for project role

Returns a list of the default actors for the provided project role.

GET /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors

Add default actors to project role

Adds a user or a group of users as default actors to a project role.

POST /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors

Project role actors (version 3)



API docs link

Set actors for project role

Sets the actors for a project role, replacing all existing actors.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Add actors to project role

Adds actors to a project role.

POST /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Delete actors from project role

Deletes actors from a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Get default actors for project role

Returns a list of the default actors for the provided project role.

GET /rest/api/3/role/{id}/actors

Add default actors to project role

Adds a user or a group of users as default actors to a project role.

POST /rest/api/3/role/{id}/actors

Delete default actors from project role

Deletes a user or a group of users as default actors from a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/3/role/{id}/actors

Project roles (version 2)



API docs link

Get project roles for project

Returns a list of project roles for the provided project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role

Get project role for project

Returns the details of a project role and a list of actors asociated with that role.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Get all project roles

Returns a list of all project roles along with their details and default actors.

GET /rest/api/2/role

Create project role

Creates a project role without assigning any actors to it.

POST /rest/api/2/role

Delete project role

Deletes a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/2/role/{id}

Get project role by ID

Returns the details of a project role and a list of the default actors associated with that role based on the provided role ID.

GET /rest/api/2/role/{id}

Update project role name or description

Updates either the name or the description of a project role.

POST /rest/api/2/role/{id}

Update project role name and description

Updates both the name and the description of a project role.

PUT /rest/api/2/role/{id}

Get project role details

Returns all project roles and their details.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/roledetails

Project roles (version 3)



API docs link

Get project roles for project

Returns a list of project roles for the provided project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role

Get project role for project

Returns the details of a project role and a list of actors asociated with that role.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id}

Get all project roles

Returns a list of all project roles along with their details and default actors.

GET /rest/api/3/role

Create project role

Creates a project role without assigning any actors to it.

POST /rest/api/3/role

Get project role by ID

Returns the details of a project role and a list of the default actors associated with that role based on the provided role ID.

GET /rest/api/3/role/{id}

Update project role name and description

Updates both the name and the description of a project role.

PUT /rest/api/3/role/{id}

Update project role name or description

Updates either the name or the description of a project role.

POST /rest/api/3/role/{id}

Delete project role

Deletes a project role.

DELETE /rest/api/3/role/{id}

Get project role details

Returns all project roles and their details.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/roledetail

Project types (version 2)



API docs link

Get all project types

Returns all project types regardless of license status.

GET /rest/api/2/project/type

Get licensed project types

Returns all project types with a valid license.

GET /rest/api/2/project/type/accessible

Get project type by key

Returns a project type based on the provided key.

GET /rest/api/2/project/type/{projectTypeKey}

Get accessible project type by key

Returns a project type based on the provided project key, if the provided user has access to the project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/type/{projectTypeKey}/accessible

Project types (version 3)



API docs link

Get all project types

Returns all project types regardless of license status.

GET /rest/api/3/project/type

Get licensed project types

Returns all project types with a valid license.

GET /rest/api/3/project/type/accessible

Get project type by key

Returns a project type based on the provided key.

GET /rest/api/3/project/type/{projectTypeKey}

Get accessible project type by key

Returns a project type based on the provided project key, if the provided user has access to the project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/type/{projectTypeKey}/accessible

Project versions (version 2)



API docs link

Get project versions

Returns a list of all versions in a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/versions

Get project versions paginated

Returns a paginated list of all versions in a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/version

Create a new project version

Creates a new project version.

POST /rest/api/2/version

Move a project version

Moves the version's sequence within the project, which alters the display order when viewing a list of versions of the project.

POST /rest/api/2/version/{id}/move

Get related work

Returns related work items for the given version ID.

GET /rest/api/2/version/{id}/relatedwork

Create related work

Create a related work item for the given version.

POST /rest/api/2/version/{id}/relatedwork

Update related work

Updates the specified related work.

PUT /rest/api/2/version/{id}/relatedwork

Delete related work

Deletes the specified related work for the specified version.

DELETE /rest/api/2/version/{versionId}/relatedwork/{relatedWorkId}

Delete a project version


Deletes a project version.

DELETE /rest/api/2/version/{id}

Get a project version

Returns information about a specific version of a Jira project, such as the project ID, description, name, its start date and release date, the list of approvers, and whether the version has been archived.

GET /rest/api/2/version/{id}

Update a project version

Updates information about a specific version of a Jira project, such as the project description, name, and its start date and release dates.

PUT /rest/api/2/version/{id}

Merge project versions

Merges two project versions. The merge is performed by deleting the specified project versions and updating the fix version for any issues specifying the deleted version to a new fix version specified by the user.

PUT /rest/api/2/version/{id}/mergeto/{moveIssuesTo}

Delete and replace a project version

Deletes the specified project version. The user can also specify other fix version, affected version, and custom field version values that will be used to update any issues that specify this version in those fields.

POST /rest/api/2/version/{id}/removeAndSwap

Project versions (version 3)



API docs link

Get project versions

Returns a list of all versions in a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/versions

Get project versions paginated

Returns a paginated list of all versions in a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/version

Create a new project version

Creates a new project version.

POST /rest/api/3/version

Move a project version

Moves the version's sequence within the project, which alters the display order when viewing a list of versions of the project.

POST /rest/api/3/version/{id}/move

Get related work

Returns related work items for the given version ID.

GET /rest/api/3/version/{id}/relatedwork

Update related work

Updates the specified related work.

PUT /rest/api/3/version/{id}/relatedwork

Create related work

Create a related work item for the given version.

POST /rest/api/3/version/{id}/relatedwork

Delete related work

Deletes the specified related work for the specified version.

DELETE /rest/api/3/version/{versionId}/relatedwork/{relatedWorkId}

Get a project version

Returns information about a specific version of a Jira project, such as the project ID, description, name, its start date and release date, the list of approvers, and whether the version has been archived.

GET /rest/api/3/version/{id}

Update a project version

Updates information about a specific version of a Jira project, such as the project description, name, and its start date and release dates.

PUT /rest/api/3/version/{id}

Delete a project version


Deletes a project version.

DELETE /rest/api/3/version/{id}

Merge project versions

Merges two project versions. The merge is performed by deleting the specified project versions and updating the fix version for any issues specifying the deleted version to a new fix version specified by the user.

PUT /rest/api/3/version/{id}/mergeto/{moveIssuesTo}

Delete and replace a project version

Deletes the specified project version. The user can also specify other fix version, affected version, and custom field version values that will be used to update any issues that specify this version in those fields.

POST /rest/api/3/version/{id}/removeAndSwap

Projects (version 2)



API docs link

Archive project

Archives a project.

POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/archive

Restore deleted or archived project

Restores a project that has been archived or placed in the Jira recycle bin.

POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/restore

Get all statuses for project

Returns all valid statuses for a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/statuses

Get project issue type hierarchy


Returns the issue type hierarchy for a next-gen project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/hierarchy

Get project notification scheme

Returns the notification scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/notificationscheme

Get all projects for user


Returns all projects visible to the provided user.

GET /rest/api/2/project

Create project

Creates a project based on the provided project type template.

POST /rest/api/2/project

Get recent projects

Returns up to the 20 projects most recently viewed by the provided user.

GET /rest/api/2/project/recent

Get projects paginated

Returns a paginated list of the projects visible to the provided user.

GET /rest/api/2/project/search

Get project

Returns a project's details.

GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Update project

Updates a project's details.

PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Projects (version 3)



API docs link

Archive project

Archives a project.

POST /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/archive

Restore deleted or archived project

Restores a project that has been archived or placed in the Jira recycle bin.

POST /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/restore

Get all statuses for project

Returns all valid statuses for a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/statuses

Get project issue type hierarchy

Returns the issue type hierarchy for a next-gen project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectId}/hierarchy

Get project notification scheme

Returns the notification scheme associated with a project.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectKeyOrId}/notificationscheme

Get all projects for user

Returns all projects visible to the provided user.

GET /rest/api/3/project

Create project

Creates a project based on the provided project type template.

POST /rest/api/3/project

Get recent projects

Returns up to the 20 projects most recently viewed by the provided user.

GET /rest/api/3/project/recent

Get projects paginated

Returns a paginated list of the projects visible to the provided user.

GET /rest/api/3/project/search

Get project

Returns a project's details.

GET /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Update project

Updates a project's details.

PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}

Screen schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get screen schemes

Gets the screen schemes for a classic project. Screen schemes allow different screens to be defined depending on the user's activity: creating, editing, or viewing issue data.

GET /rest/api/2/screenscheme

Create a screen scheme

Creates a screen schema that specifies the screens used to display issue data when a user creates, edits, or views issue data.

POST /rest/api/2/screenscheme

Delete a screen scheme

Deletes a screen scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId}

Update a screen scheme

Updates a screen scheme that specifies the screens used to display issue data when a user creates, edits, or views issue data.

PUT /rest/api/2/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId}

Screen schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get screen schemes

Gets the screen schemes for a classic project. Screen schemes allow different screens to be defined depending on the user's activity: creating, editing, or viewing issue data.

GET /rest/api/3/screenscheme

Create a screen scheme

Creates a screen schema that specifies the screens used to display issue data when a user creates, edits, or views issue data.

POST /rest/api/3/screenscheme

Update a screen scheme

Updates a screen scheme that specifies the screens used to display issue data when a user creates, edits, or views issue data.

PUT /rest/api/3/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId}

Delete a screen scheme

Deletes a screen scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId}

Screen tab fields (version 2)



API docs link

Get all screen tab fields

Returns the list of all screens for a screen tab.

GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields

Add screen tab field

Adds a field to a screen tab.

POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields

Remove screen tab field

Removes a field from a scren tab.

DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id}

Move screen tab field

Moves a screen tab field to a different position on that screen tab.

POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id}/move

Screen tab fields (version 3)



API docs link

Get all screen tab fields

Returns the list of all screens for a screen tab.

GET /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields

Add screen tab field

Adds a field to a screen tab.

POST /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields

Remove screen tab field

Removes a field from a scren tab.

DELETE /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id}

Move screen tab field

Moves a screen tab field to a different position on that screen tab.

POST /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id}/move

Screen tabs (version 2)



API docs link

Get all screen tabs

Returns the list of all tabs for a screen.

GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs

Create screen tab

Creates a tab for a screen.

POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs

Delete screen tab

Deletes a screen tab.

DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}

Update screen tab name

Updates the name of a screen tab.

PUT /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}

Move a screen tab

Moves a screen tab to a different position in a list of screen tabs.

POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/move/{pos}

Screen tabs (version 3)



API docs link

Get all screen tabs

Returns the list of all tabs for a screen.

GET /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs

Create screen tab

Creates a tab for a screen.

POST /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs

Update screen tab name

Updates the name of a screen tab.

PUT /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}

Delete screen tab

Deletes a screen tab.

DELETE /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}

Move a screen tab

Moves a screen tab to a different position in a list of screen tabs.

POST /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/move/{pos}

Screens (version 2)



API docs link

Get screens for a field

Returns a list of the screens a field is used on.

GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/screens

Get screens paginated

Returns a paginated list of all screens.

GET /rest/api/2/screens

Create screen

Creates a screen with a default field tab.

POST /rest/api/2/screens

Add field to default screen

Adds a field to the default tab of the default screen.

POST /rest/api/2/screens/addToDefault/{fieldId}

Delete screen

Deletes a screen.

DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}

Update screen

Updates a screen.

PUT /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}

Get available screen fields

Returns a list of screens that can be added to a tab on the provided screen.

GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/availableFields

Screens (version 3)



API docs link

Get screens for a field

Returns a list of the screens a field is used on.

GET /rest/api/3/field/{fieldId}/screens

Get screens paginated

Returns a paginated list of all screens.

GET /rest/api/3/screens

Create screen

Creates a screen with a default field tab.

POST /rest/api/3/screens

Add field to default screen

Adds a field to the default tab of the default screen.

POST /rest/api/3/screens/addToDefault/{fieldId}

Update screen

Updates a screen.

PUT /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}

Delete screen

Deletes a screen.

DELETE /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}

Get available screen fields

Returns a list of screens that can be added to a tab on the provided screen.

GET /rest/api/3/screens/{screenId}/availableFields

Server info (version 2)



API docs link

Get Jira instance info

Returns information about the Jira instance such as the build number, version number, server date, server timezone, and health checks.

GET /rest/api/2/serverInfo

Server info (version 3)



API docs link

Get Jira instance info

Returns information about the Jira instance such as the build number, version number, server date, server timezone, and health checks.

GET /rest/api/3/serverInfo

Status (version 2)



API docs link

Delete Statuses

Deletes one or more statuses.

DELETE /rest/api/2/statuses

Get statuses

Returns the details of one or more workflow status IDs.

GET /rest/api/2/statuses

Create statuses

Create one or more statuses for a global or project scope. For each status, specifies details like the status category, description, and the issue types, projects, and workflows that can use this status.

POST /rest/api/2/statuses

Update statuses

Update the details of one or more statuses. For each status, you can change details like the workflow status category, name, and description.

PUT /rest/api/2/statuses

Search statuses paginated

Returns a list of statuses that match a status name or project provided by the user.

GET /rest/api/2/statuses/search

Status (version 3)



API docs link

Get statuses

Returns the details of one or more workflow status IDs.

GET /rest/api/3/statuses

Update statuses

Update the details of one or more statuses. For each status, you can change details like the workflow status category, name, and description.

PUT /rest/api/3/statuses

Create statuses

Create one or more statuses for a global or project scope. For each status, specifies details like the status category, description, and the issue types, projects, and workflows that can use this status.

POST /rest/api/3/statuses

Delete statuses

Deletes one or more statuses.

DELETE /rest/api/3/statuses

Search statuses paginated

Returns a list of statuses that match a status name or project provided by the user.

GET /rest/api/3/statuses/search

Tasks (version 2)



API docs link

Get a task

Returns the status of a long-running asynchronous task.

GET /rest/api/2/task/{taskId}

Cancel a task

Cancels a long-running task. Only an administrator or the task creator can cancel a task.

POST /rest/api/2/task/{taskId}/cancel

Tasks (version 3)



API docs link

Get a task

Returns the status of a long-running asynchronous task.

GET /rest/api/3/task/{taskId}

Cancel a task

Cancels a long-running task. Only an administrator or the task creator can cancel a task.

POST /rest/api/3/task/{taskId}/cancel

Time tracking (version 2)



API docs link

Get selected time tracking provider

Returns the time tracking provider selected.

GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking

Select time tracking provider

Selects a time tracking provider.

PUT /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking

Get all time tracking providers

Returns all time tracking providers.

GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/list

Get time tracking settings

Returns time tracking settings (for example, time format and default time unit).

GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/options

Set time tracking settings

Sets the time tracking settings.

PUT /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/options

Time tracking (version 3)



API docs link

Get selected time tracking provider

Returns the time tracking provider selected.

GET /rest/api/3/configuration/timetracking

Select time tracking provider

Selects a time tracking provider.

PUT /rest/api/3/configuration/timetracking

Get all time tracking providers

Returns all time tracking providers.

GET /rest/api/3/configuration/timetracking/list

Get time tracking settings

Returns time tracking settings (for example, time format and default time unit).

GET /rest/api/3/configuration/timetracking/options

Set time tracking settings

Sets the time tracking settings.

PUT /rest/api/3/configuration/timetracking/options

UI modifications (apps) (version 2)



API docs link

Get UI modifications

Returns details of UI modifications that allow the app to control how selected Jira fields behave on the following views: global issue create, issue view. For example: hide specific fields or set them as required. UI modifications are used only by Forge apps.

GET /rest/api/2/uiModifications

Create a UI modification

Create a new UI modification for a Forge app.

POST /rest/api/2/uiModifications

Delete a UI modification

Delete a UI modification and all contexts that belong to that UI modification for a Forge app.

DELETE /rest/api/2/uiModifications/{uiModificationId}

Update a UI modification

Update a UI modification for a Forge app.

PUT /rest/api/2/uiModifications/{uiModificationId}

UI modifications (apps) (version 3)



API docs link

Get UI modifications

Returns details of UI modifications that allow the app to control how selected Jira fields behave on the following views: global issue create, issue view. For example: hide specific fields or set them as required. UI modifications are used only by Forge apps.

GET /rest/api/3/uiModifications

Create a UI modification

Create a new UI modification for a Forge app.

POST /rest/api/3/uiModifications

Update a UI modification

Update a UI modification for a Forge app.

PUT /rest/api/3/uiModifications/{uiModificationId}

Delete a UI modification

Delete a UI modification and all contexts that belong to that UI modification for a Forge app.

DELETE /rest/api/3/uiModifications/{uiModificationId}

User properties (version 2)



API docs link

Get a user's property keys

Returns a list of user property keys defined by an integration or app. Only custom properties are returned. Jira user properties are not accessed.

GET /rest/api/2/user/properties

Delete a user property

Deletes a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties cannot be deleted by this function.

DELETE /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey}

Get a user property

Returns the value of a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties are not returned.

GET /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey}

Set a user property

Sets the value of a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties cannot be set by this function.

PUT /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey}

User properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get a user's property keys

Returns a list of user property keys defined by an integration or app. Only custom properties are returned. Jira user properties are not accessed.

GET /rest/api/3/user/properties

Get a user property

Returns the value of a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties are not returned.

GET /rest/api/3/user/properties/{propertyKey}

Set a user property

Sets the value of a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties cannot be set by this function.

PUT /rest/api/3/user/properties/{propertyKey}

Delete a user property

Deletes a user property defined by an integration or app. Jira user properties cannot be deleted by this function.

DELETE /rest/api/3/user/properties/{propertyKey}

User search (version 2)



API docs link

Find users assignable to projects

Returns a list of users who can be assigned issues in one or more projects.

GET /rest/api/2/user/assignable/multiProjectSearch

Find users for picker

Returns a list of users whose attributes such as email address or display name match the specified query term.

GET /rest/api/2/user/picker

Find users

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria. The list contains user details such as name, the groups the user belongs to, their avatar, and email address.

GET /rest/api/2/user/search

Find user keys by query

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria related to their Jira activity. For example, you can list users who are assignees, reporters, watchers, voters, or commenters on specific issues. The returned list contains user keys and account IDs.

GET /rest/api/2/user/search/query/key

User search (version 3)



API docs link

Find users assignable to projects

Returns a list of users who can be assigned issues in one or more projects.

GET /rest/api/3/user/assignable/multiProjectSearch

Find users for picker

Returns a list of users whose attributes such as email address or display name match the specified query term.

GET /rest/api/3/user/picker

Find users

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria. The list contains user details such as name, the groups the user belongs to, their avatar, and email address.

GET /rest/api/3/user/search

Find user keys by query

Returns a list of active users that match the specified search criteria related to their Jira activity. For example, you can list users who are assignees, reporters, watchers, voters, or commenters on specific issues. The returned list contains user keys and account IDs.

GET /rest/api/3/user/search/query/key

Users (version 2)



API docs link

Delete user

Removes a user.

DELETE /rest/api/2/user

Get a user

Returns information about a Jira user. The fields returned depend on the user's profile and visibility settings.

GET /rest/api/2/user

Create user

Creates a user.

POST /rest/api/2/user

Bulk get users

Returns a list of details for the specified users.

GET /rest/api/2/user/bulk

Get account IDs for users

Returns the account IDs for a list of one or more users.

GET /rest/api/2/user/bulk/migration

Reset user default columns

Resets the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

DELETE /rest/api/2/user/columns

Get user's default columns

Returns the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

GET /rest/api/2/user/columns

Set user default columns

Sets the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

PUT /rest/api/2/user/columns

Get user email

Returns a user email.

GET /rest/api/2/user/email

Get user emails

Returns a list of user emails.

GET /rest/api/2/user/email/bulk

Get user's groups

Returns the Jira groups to which a user belongs.

GET /rest/api/2/user/groups

Get all users (default version)

Returns a list of all users, including active users, inactive users, and previously deleted users, that have an Atlassian account.

GET /rest/api/2/users

Get all users

Returns a list of all users, including active users, inactive users, and previously deleted users, that have an Atlassian account.

GET /rest/api/2/users/search

Users (version 3)



API docs link

Get a user

Returns information about a Jira user. The fields returned depend on the user's profile and visibility settings.

GET /rest/api/3/user

Create user

Creates a user.

POST /rest/api/3/user

Delete user

Removes a user.

DELETE /rest/api/3/user

Bulk get users

Returns a list of details for the specified users.

GET /rest/api/3/user/bulk

Get account IDs for users

Returns the account IDs for a list of one or more users.

GET /rest/api/3/user/bulk/migration

Get user's default columns

Returns the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

GET /rest/api/3/user/columns

Set user default columns

Sets the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

PUT /rest/api/3/user/columns

Reset user default columns

Resets the default columns shown for the specified user when viewing a list of Jira issues in the issue navigator.

DELETE /rest/api/3/user/columns

Get user email

Returns a user email.

GET /rest/api/3/user/email

Get user emails

Returns a list of user emails.

GET /rest/api/3/user/email/bulk

Get user's groups

Returns the Jira groups to which a user belongs.

GET /rest/api/3/user/groups

Get all users (default version)

Returns a list of all users, including active users, inactive users, and previously deleted users, that have an Atlassian account.

GET /rest/api/3/users

Get all users

Returns a list of all users, including active users, inactive users, and previously deleted users, that have an Atlassian account.

GET /rest/api/3/users/search

Webhooks (version 2)



API docs link

Delete webhooks by ID

Deletes a webhook that was registered by this app.

DELETE /rest/api/2/webhook

Get dynamic webhooks for app

Returns a list of the webhooks associated with this app that allow the app to be notified when events such as the Jira issue created event occur in this Jira instance.

GET /rest/api/2/webhook

Register dynamic webhooks

Registers a webhook so that this app can be notified when events such as the Jira issue created event occur in this Jira instance.

POST /rest/api/2/webhook

Get failed webhooks

Returns webhooks that have recently failed to be delivered to the requesting app after the specified number of retries.

GET /rest/api/2/webhook/failed

Extend webhook life

Extends the life of a previously-registered webhook so that it can continue to be used. When a webhook is registered, it can be used for 30 days. To keep the webhook active, the app must call this API at least every 30 days to ensure that the webhook stays operational.

PUT /rest/api/2/webhook/refresh

Webhooks (version 3)



API docs link

Get dynamic webhooks for app

Returns a list of the webhooks associated with this app that allow the app to be notified when events such as the Jira issue created event occur in this Jira instance.

GET /rest/api/3/webhook

Register dynamic webhooks

Registers a webhook so that this app can be notified when events such as the Jira issue created event occur in this Jira instance.

POST /rest/api/3/webhook

Delete webhooks by ID

Deletes a webhook that was registered by this app.

DELETE /rest/api/3/webhook

Get failed webhooks

Returns webhooks that have recently failed to be delivered to the requesting app after the specified number of retries.

GET /rest/api/3/webhook/failed

Extend webhook life

Extends the life of a previously-registered webhook so that it can continue to be used. When a webhook is registered, it can be used for 30 days. To keep the webhook active, the app must call this API at least every 30 days to ensure that the webhook stays operational.

PUT /rest/api/3/webhook/refresh

Workflow scheme drafts (version 2)



API docs link

Create draft workflow scheme

Create a draft workflow scheme from an active workflow scheme, by copying the active workflow scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/createdraft

Delete draft workflow scheme

Deletes a draft workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Get draft workflow scheme

Returns the draft workflow scheme for the specified active workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Update draft workflow scheme

Updates the details of the draft workflow scheme for the specified active workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Delete draft default workflow

Resets the draft workflow scheme's default workflow to the Jira system workflow.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Get draft default workflow

Returns the default workflow for a draft workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Update draft default workflow

Updates the default workflow for a draft workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Delete workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Get workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Returns the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Set workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Publish draft workflow scheme

Publishes a draft workflow scheme, by ID.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/publish

Delete issue types for workflow in draft workflow scheme

Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme's draft.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Get issue types for workflows in draft workflow scheme

Returns the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme's draft.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme's draft.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Workflow scheme drafts (version 3)



API docs link

Create draft workflow scheme

Create a draft workflow scheme from an active workflow scheme, by copying the active workflow scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/createdraft

Get draft workflow scheme

Returns the draft workflow scheme for the specified active workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Update draft workflow scheme

Updates the details of the draft workflow scheme for the specified active workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Delete draft workflow scheme

Deletes a draft workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft

Get draft default workflow

Returns the default workflow for a draft workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Update draft default workflow

Updates the default workflow for a draft workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Delete draft default workflow

Resets the draft workflow scheme's default workflow to the Jira system workflow.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default

Get workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Returns the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Set workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Delete workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme

Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme's draft.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType}

Publish draft workflow scheme

Publishes a draft workflow scheme, by ID.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/publish

Get issue types for workflows in draft workflow scheme

Returns the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme's draft.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme's draft.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Delete issue types for workflow in draft workflow scheme

Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme's draft.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow

Workflow scheme project associations (version 2)



API docs link

Get workflow scheme project associations

Returns a list of the workflow schemes associated with a list of projects.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/project

Assign workflow scheme to project

Assigns a workflow scheme to a classic project that has no issues.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/project

Workflow scheme project associations (version 3)



API docs link

Get workflow scheme project associations

Returns a list of the workflow schemes associated with a list of projects.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/project

Assign workflow scheme to project

Assigns a workflow scheme to a classic project that has no issues.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/project

Workflow schemes (version 2)



API docs link

Get all workflow schemes

Returns a list of all workflow schemes, not including draft workflow schemes.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme

Create workflow scheme

Creates a workflow scheme.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme

Bulk get workflow schemes

Returns a list of workflow schemes.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/read

Update workflow scheme

Updates the configuration of company-managed and team-managed project workflow schemes, such as the mapping of issue types to workflows, and the default workflow used for issues with an issue type that does not have an associated workflow.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/update

Get required status mappings for workflow scheme update

Returns the status mappings that will be required when the specified workflow scheme is updated to assign the specified workflow to a list of issue types.

POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/update/mappings

Delete workflow scheme

Delete a workflow scheme that is not in use by any projects.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}

Get workflow scheme

Returns the details of a workflow scheme, such as a list of issue types and the workflow used for each one.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}

Classic update workflow scheme

Updates the details of a company-managed project workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}

Delete default workflow

Resets the workflow scheme's default workflow to the Jira system workflow.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Get default workflow

Returns a workflow scheme's default workflow that is used for issue types that are not associated with a workflow in that workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Update default workflow

Updates the default workflow for a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Delete workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Get workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Returns the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Set workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Delete issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Get issue types for workflows in workflow scheme

Returns the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Workflow schemes (version 3)



API docs link

Get all workflow schemes

Returns a list of all workflow schemes, not including draft workflow schemes.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme

Create workflow scheme

Creates a workflow scheme.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme

Get workflow scheme

Returns the details of a workflow scheme, such as a list of issue types and the workflow used for each one.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}

Classic update workflow scheme

Updates the details of a company-managed project workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}

Delete workflow scheme

Delete a workflow scheme that is not in use by any projects.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}

Get default workflow

Returns a workflow scheme's default workflow that is used for issue types that are not associated with a workflow in that workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Update default workflow

Updates the default workflow for a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Delete default workflow

Resets the workflow scheme's default workflow to the Jira system workflow.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/default

Get workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Returns the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Set workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Delete workflow for issue type in workflow scheme

Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType}

Get issue types for workflows in workflow scheme

Returns the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme.

GET /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Delete issue types for workflow in workflow scheme

Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow

Bulk get workflow schemes

Returns a list of workflow schemes.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/read

Update workflow scheme

Updates the configuration of company-managed and team-managed project workflow schemes, such as the mapping of issue types to workflows, and the default workflow used for issues with an issue type that does not have an associated workflow.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/update

Get required status mappings for workflow scheme update

Returns the status mappings that will be required when the specified workflow scheme is updated to assign the specified workflow to a list of issue types.

POST /rest/api/3/workflowscheme/update/mappings

Workflow status categories (version 2)



API docs link

Get all status categories

Returns a list of all workflow status categories.

GET /rest/api/2/statuscategory

Get a status category

Returns the details of a workflow status category such as its name and the color used to represent that status category.

GET /rest/api/2/statuscategory/{idOrKey}

Workflow status categories (version 3)



API docs link

Get all status categories

Returns a list of all workflow status categories.

GET /rest/api/3/statuscategory

Get a status category

Returns the details of a workflow status category such as its name and the color used to represent that status category.

GET /rest/api/3/statuscategory/{idOrKey}

Workflow statuses (version 2)



API docs link

Get all statuses

Returns a list of all statuses associated with active workflows, and information about those statuses such as their status category.

GET /rest/api/2/status

Get status

Returns the details of a status, such as its status category, that is associated with an active workflow.

GET /rest/api/2/status/{idOrName}

Workflow statuses (version 3)



API docs link

Get all statuses

Returns a list of all statuses associated with active workflows, and information about those statuses such as their status category.

GET /rest/api/3/status

Get status

Returns the details of a status, such as its status category, that is associated with an active workflow.

GET /rest/api/3/status/{idOrName}

Workflow transition properties (version 2)



API docs link

Delete workflow transition property

Deletes a workflow transition property.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Get workflow transition properties

Returns the transition properties used to customize a workflow transition's behavior. An example of when this could be used is to provide multiple translations of text related to the transition.

GET /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Create workflow transition property

Creates a transition property that can be used to customize a workflow transition's behavior. An example of when this could be used is to provide multiple translations of text related to the transition.

POST /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Update workflow transition property

Updates a workflow transition by changing a transition property value.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Workflow transition properties (version 3)



API docs link

Get workflow transition properties

Returns the transition properties used to customize a workflow transition's behavior. An example of when this could be used is to provide multiple translations of text related to the transition.

GET /rest/api/3/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Update workflow transition property

Updates a workflow transition by changing a transition property value.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Create workflow transition property

Creates a transition property that can be used to customize a workflow transition's behavior. An example of when this could be used is to provide multiple translations of text related to the transition.

POST /rest/api/3/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Delete workflow transition property

Deletes a workflow transition property.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties

Workflow transition rules (version 2)



API docs link

Get workflow transition rule configurations

Returns a list of workflows with transition rules.

GET /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config

Update workflow transition rule configurations

Updates configuration of workflow transition rules.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config

Delete workflow transition rule configurations

Removes configuration of workflow transition rules.

PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config/delete

Workflow transition rules (version 3)



API docs link

Get workflow transition rule configurations

Returns a list of workflows with transition rules.

GET /rest/api/3/workflow/rule/config

Update workflow transition rule configurations

Updates configuration of workflow transition rules.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflow/rule/config

Delete workflow transition rule configurations

Removes configuration of workflow transition rules.

PUT /rest/api/3/workflow/rule/config/delete

Validate update workflows

Validates the contents of a "bulk update workflow" request to check whether any errors will occur before the bulk update is done.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows/update/validation

Workflows (version 2)



API docs link

Get all workflows


Returns a list of all workflows, or the specified workflow, in this Jira instance. (Deprecated)

GET /rest/api/2/workflow

Create workflow


Creates a workflow.

POST /rest/api/2/workflow

Get workflows paginated

Returns a list of all published classic workflows, or a specific public classic workflow.

GET /rest/api/2/workflow/search

Delete inactive workflow

Deletes an inactive workflow. A workflow cannot be deleted if it is a system workflow, or associated with any workflow scheme or draft workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/2/workflow/{entityId}

Bulk get workflows

Returns a list of workflows and related statuses.

POST /rest/api/2/workflows

Get available workflow capabilities

Returns a list of workflow capabilities, including the workflow rules and other information about the workflow.

GET /rest/api/2/workflows/capabilities

Bulk create workflows

Create workflows and related statuses

POST /rest/api/2/workflows/create

Validate create workflows

Validates the contents of a "bulk create workflow" request to check whether any errors will occur before the bulk create is done.

POST /rest/api/2/workflows/create/validation

Bulk update workflows

Updates one or more workflows with the specified list of statuses.

POST /rest/api/2/workflows/update

Validate update workflows

Validates the contents of a "bulk update workflow" request to check whether any errors will occur before the bulk update is done.

POST /rest/api/2/workflows/update/validation

Workflows (version 3)



API docs link

Get all workflows

Returns a list of all workflows, or the specified workflow, in this Jira instance.

GET /rest/api/3/workflow

Create workflow


Creates a workflow.

POST /rest/api/3/workflow

Get workflows paginated

Returns a list of all published classic workflows, or a specific public classic workflow.

GET /rest/api/3/workflow/search

Delete inactive workflow

Deletes an inactive workflow. A workflow cannot be deleted if it is a system workflow, or associated with any workflow scheme or draft workflow scheme.

DELETE /rest/api/3/workflow/{entityId}

Bulk get workflows

Returns a list of workflows and related statuses.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows

Get available workflow capabilities

Returns a list of workflow capabilities, including the workflow rules and other information about the workflow.

GET /rest/api/3/workflows/capabilities

Bulk create workflows

Create workflows and related statuses.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows/create

Validate create workflows

Validates the contents of a "bulk create workflow" request to check whether any errors will occur before the bulk create is done.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows/create/validation

Bulk update workflows

Updates one or more workflows with the specified list of statuses.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows/update

Validate update workflows

Validates the contents of a "bulk update workflow" request to check whether any errors will occur before the bulk update is done.

POST /rest/api/3/workflows/update/validation

Jira Software

These APIs are only used by software projects.




API docs link

Get board by filter id

Returns boards based on a filter.

GET /rest/agile/1.0/board/filter/{filterId}




API docs link

Update a sprint

Updates the sprint exactly as sent.

PUT /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}

Partially update a sprint

Updates the sprint, updating only the field that are sent.

POST /rest/agile/1.0/sprint/{sprintId}

Jira Service Management

These APIs are only used by service management projects.




API docs link

Get an asset's workspaces

Returns a list of assets workspace ids.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/assets/workspace

Get insight workspace

Returns a list of an insight’s spaces.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/insight/workspace




API docs link

Create a customer

Adds a customer to

Jira Service Management.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/customer




API docs link

Get info about Jira Service Management

Returns details such as software version, builds and related links for a Jira Service Management instance.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/info

Knowledge base



API docs link

Get articles matching a query string

Returns articles which match the given query string across all service desks.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/knowledgebase/article




API docs link

Get organizations within Jira Service Management

Returns a list of organizations in the Jira Service Management instance.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/organization

Create an organization

Creates a new organization by name.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/organization

Get organization details

Returns details of an organization.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}

Delete an organization

Delete an organization.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}

Get keys of properties

Returns the keys of all properties for an organization.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/property

Get property's value

Returns the value of a property from an organization. Examples include organization's attributes, such as phone or email.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/property/{propertyKey}

Sets a property's value

Stores a new value against an organization.

PUT /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/property/{propertyKey}

Delete an organization's property

Removes a property from an organization.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/property/{propertyKey}

Get users in an organization.

Returns details for all the users associated with an organization.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/user

Add user to an organization

Adds one or multiple existing users to an organization.

POST /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/user

Remove user from an organization

Removes one or multiple users from an organization

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/organization/{organizationId}/user

Service desk



API docs link

Get service desks

Returns the details of all the service desks the user has permission to access.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk

Search for articles in service desk's knowledge base

Returns articles which match the given query and belong to the knowledge base linked to the service desk.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/knowledgebase/article

Get property value

Returns the value of a property from a request type.

GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/property/{propertyKey}

Set a request type's property

Sets the value of property of a request type.

PUT /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/property/{propertyKey}

Delete the property of a request type

Removes a property from a request type.

DELETE /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/property/{propertyKey}


These APIs are used by Jira Forms.

Forms on Portal

NameDescriptionAPI docs link
Get form template on a request typeRetrieves the form template for a specified request type and service desk ID.GET /servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/form
Get external form data on a request typeGets external data used in the questions and default answers for a form for a request type . External data can include the values of Jira fields or information retrieved from external data connections.GET /servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/requesttype/{requestTypeId}/form/externaldata

Forms on Project

NameDescriptionAPI docs link
Get form templateGets a form template, including questions, layout, and form settings, on a project.GET /project/{projectIdOrKey}/form/{formId}
Save form templateSaves a form template, including questions, layout, and form settings, on a project.PUT /project/{projectIdOrKey}/form/{formId}
Delete form templateDeletes the specified form template from this project. This does not delete any forms associated with issues or requests, or copies of the form in other projects.DEL 


Get project form listGets a list of form templates for a project.GET /project/{projectIdOrKey}/form
Create form templateCreates a form template on a project.POST /project/{projectIdOrKey}/form
Last modified on Apr 17, 2024

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