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Create table script
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS some_db.datapipeline_export (
  `id` string,
  `instance_url` string,
  `key` string,
  `url` string,
  `project_key` string,
  `project_name` string,
  `project_type` string,
  `project_category` string,
  `issue_type` string,
  `summary` string,
  `description` string,
  `environment` string,
  `creator_id` string,
  `creator_name` string,
  `reporter_id` string,
  `reporter_name` string,
  `assignee_id` string,
  `assignee_name` string,
  `status` string,
  `status_category` string,
  `priority_sequence` string,
  `priority_name` string,
  `resolution` string,
  `watcher_count` string,
  `vote_count` string,
  `created_date` string,
  `resolution_date` string,
  `updated_date` string,
  `due_date` string,
  `estimate` string,
  `original_estimate` string,
  `time_spent` string,
  `parent_id` string,
  `security_level` string,
  `labels` string,
  `components` string,
  `affected_versions` string,
  `fix_versions` string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
  "escapeChar" = "\\",
  'quoteChar' = '"',
  'separatorChar' = ','
) LOCATION 's3://my-data-pipeline-bucket/test-exports/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');
Last modified on Feb 21, 2025

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