We've deprecated this Diagnostics Plugin guide,
because the Diagnostics Plugin has been removed from the Atlassian Marketplace and is no longer being actively developed.But there's good news! We've released a whole better diagnostics experience for application links. You get the new application links diagnostics with the recent version of Atlassian products.
Some teasers...
The new diagnostics experience is built in to the Application Links plugin, so is available right out of the box.
You don't have to install or maintain a separate plugin.
The new diagnostics experience supports all Atlassian products that use application links, including Jira 7 and Bamboo
(neither of which are supported by the old Diagnostics Plugin).
If you're having trouble with application links, see our Application Links troubleshooting guide.
The Application Links Diagnostics Plugin helps to check known issues with Application Links and also provides documentation to help troubleshoot specific problems that you might encounter.
The latest version of the plugin supports Crucible, Confluence, FishEye, JIRA and Stash. Bamboo support is being developed. Support for non-Atlassian applications -- for example, Jenkins Plugin for JIRA -- is not currently planned.
The plugin can be installed by searching for Applinks Diagnostics using Manage Add-ons.
The AppLinks Diagnostic page lists down the application links available on the server. Click on the 'Test' link for the application link to perform the tests.
If all tests as successful, the following popup screen is displayed.
If one or more component tests fail, the pop-up displays the failed tests.
The result of all component tests, including passed tests, can be viewed by clicking on the 'Show all tests' links.
The links under the 'More Information' provide more information about the component tests and also include information to diagnose and fix problems. The 'Diagnostics' links will display detailed diagnostic information about all the tests, which could also be used for debugging.