Insight 8.4 FAQs

Here are some common FAQs for Insight 8.4:

Is it only possible to upgrade from Insight 8.3.4, or is it possible to upgrade from earlier versions of Insight?

It is safe to upgrade from any earlier version of Insight more recent than Insight 5.0. The upgrade script will work sequentially and take you through the upgrade path to Insight 8.3.4.

Can I upgrade from a version of Insight using Jira 7, such as Insight 6.4.6?

Yes, if you have Jira 7, you can follow the normal upgrade path to upgrade to Insight 8.4. This includes upgrading Jira from 7 to 8 (disable Insight during this step as the version will become incompatible) , followed by executing the DB changes as described and upgrading Insight to 8.4.

What is the oldest version of Insight that I can upgrade to Insight 8.4?

Any version of Insight more recent than Insight 5.0 can be upgraded to Insight 8.4.

What is required before I can upgrade to Insight 8.4?

Before you upgrade to Insight 8.4, you must complete the database changes described in the Preparing for Insight Version 8.4 page.

Are there any expected issues with common database implementations, such as Oracle DB?

Aside from the required database changes described in the Preparing for Insight Version 8.4 page, there are no problems expected.

Are there any custom database optimizations that might cause problems?

The changes that Insight 8.4 will make to the database will include altering tables by changing datatypes.  Any customizations that prevent this will cause the process to fail.  These types of customizations might include additional indexes or constraints added to AO_8542f1 tables.  

What if I upgraded to 8.4.X without executing the Database changes by accident?

  1. Uninstall Insight (no data will be lost)
  2. Query the database: 

    ALTER TABLE AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_ATTR_VAL DROP CONSTRAINT fk_ao_8542f1_ifj_obj_attr_val_object_attribute_id;
  3. Run the following SQL (postgres syntax here): 

    UPDATE propertystring SET propertyvalue = '75' WHERE id = ( SELECT id FROM propertyentry WHERE property_key = 'com.riadalabs.jira.plugins.insight:build');
  4. Install Insight version 8.4.X

  5. After installation, query the database: 

    ALTER TABLE AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_ATTR_VAL ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ao_8542f1_ifj_obj_attr_val_object_attribute_id
  6. Then (MSSQL): 


    Note that for MySQL and H2 queries might be slightly changed, and the last Update query is not required.

Last modified on Sep 23, 2022

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